Black wood panoramic picture frame includes clear plexiglass that protects the photo
Has 2 hooks on the back of the frame to hang on a wall vertically or horizontally
More details on Amazon
FYI –>
twitter .com/whalishdolphin/status/1416720376671793155 (‘ `鯨 : I’m not sure if there are any foreign followers here. Could you please help Thai in spreading this news Because we’re dealing with a very serious and frightening situation from the so-called “government.” WE DON’T EVEN HAVE ACCESS TO FREE VACCINES. ‘)
twitter .com/whalishdolphin/status/1416720376671793155 (‘ “เพนกวิน – Parit Chiwarak : ไม่เข้าใจว่าตำรวจจะปราบคนมาทวงวัคซีนทำไม หรือพวกตำรวจที่มาปราบเขาไม่อยากได้วัคซีนดี ๆ กัน #ม็อบ16กรกฎา “. I don’t understand why the police are trying to subdue people for vaccination. Or the cops who defeat him don’t want a good vaccine #mob July 16 ‘)
reuters .com/world/asia-pacific/hundreds-thai-medical-workers-infected-despite-sinovac-vaccinations-2021-07-11 (‘ Of the 677,348 medical personnel who received two doses of Sinovac, 618 became infected… A nurse has died and another medical worker is in critical condition. An expert panel has recommended a third dose, either viral vector AstraZeneca or an mRNA vaccine via @TostevinM ‘)
twitter .com/joshuawongcf/status/1315494781728899074 (‘ 11-10-2020, Message from Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 : Please listen to our urgent cry from HK which related to the conspiracy of authorities to kidnap 12 HK activists to China for secret trial & detention. We invite you to join petition …save12youthspetitions & upload photo with #Save12 to urge the immediate return of the 12 HK detainees from China. I wish more people can pass our devotion on and do as much as you can to stand with people of Hong Kong. THANK YOU ‘) (‘ 8-10-2020, …#12YOUTHS TO CHINA : HKGov is involved in the conspiracy to abduct activists to #China…’)
twitter .com/joshuawongcf/status/1311745666662760449 (‘ 1-10-2020, SOS, PLEASE, Depressed parents of #12hkyouths now seeks help : As #Chinese cops refused to provide radar data to determine if #12HKers were captured in #China’s waters, parents now look for a Greek vessel Angelic Glory which shd hv witnessed the arrest on 23/8, per marine traffic website, THANK YOU ‘)
theguardian .com/world/2020/sep/30/we-want-our-son-back-families-of-detained-hong-kong-activists-left-in-the-dark (‘ Hong Kong democracy activist Andy Li is being held by Guangdong police for attempting to flee to Taiwan; Mainland lawyers, including several who specialise in human rights cases, have accused the authorities of pressuring them to stop representing their clients, Liang Xiaojun ‘)
twitter .com/joshuawongcf/status/1310127171503972352 (‘ 27-09-2020, Verdensomspennende begjæring ocrettigheter, og umiddelbart sørge for trygg retur av de arresterte til Hongkong , Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 ‘)
cnn .com/2020/09/05/asia/china-inner-mongolia-intl-hnk-dst/index.html (‘ a rare and highly visible protest against the ruling Communist Party’s intensified push for ethnic assimilation. ‘)
twitter .com/mushroomylo/status/1299641502109372416 (‘ 12 jeunes de Hong Kong qui ont fui vers #Taiwan pour l’asile politique ont été arrêtés par les garde-côtes. Tous sont maintenant détenus en #Chine. L’un d’eux est Andy Li, membre de “Hong Kong Stories”, arrêté le 10 août en vertu de la loi sur la sécurité de Hong Kong. Mais depuis 10 jours les hongkongais n’ont pas de nouvelles d’eux. Veuillez diffuser #save12hkyouth dans le monde entier pour les garder sous les projecteurs pour qu’ils ne disparaissent pas dans les geoles de la Chine. MERCI , Yvonne Lo ‘)
twitter .com/hashtag/save12hkyouth?src=hash (‘ 12 young people from Hong Kong who fled to #Taiwan for political asylum were arrested by the coast guard. All are now detained in #China. One of them is Andy Li, member of “Hong Kong Stories”, was arrested on August 10 under the Hong Kong security law. For 10 days now Hongkongers have no news from them. Please post #save12hkyouth in the whole world to keep them in the spotlight so they don’t disappear in chinese goulag. THANKS ‘) (‘ 12-09-2020, SOS, please, Make noise, lobby, boycott Chinese products to help 12 young people from Hong Kong, because fleeing the country to Taiwan to seek political asylum is not a crime… #save12hkyouths #SaveTheChildren, #China’s prison, #12hkyouths, THANK YOU ‘) .com/families-fear-hong-kong-fugitives-044345466.html (‘ 23-09-2020, Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 ‘)
twitter .com/joshuawongcf/status/1316277539770310659 (‘ 14-10-2020, Instead of having #iPhone12, I wish to #SAVE12. @save12hkyouths #save12hkyouths ‘) (‘ 14-10-2020, Il tenore italiano Stefano Lodola e Patrizia De Grazia, attivista e dirigente di RadicaliItaliani, annunciano 12 giorni di attività manifestazioni in giro per l’Italia in sostegno dei 12 ragazzi di #HK arrestati e detenuti in Cina da quasi due mesi. The Italian tenor Stefano Lodola and Patrizia De Grazia, activist and manager of RadicaliItaliani, announce 12 days of demonstrations around Italy in support of the 12 #HK boys arrested and detained in China for almost two months. ‘) (‘ 15-10-2020, Support Thailand : At least 27 activists have been arrested for demanding reforms to Thailand’s powerful monarchy from a king, Maha Vajiralongkorn who spends most of his time in Germany. International media like @BBCWorld and @CNN covering # ม็อบ 14 ตุลา in Thailand have been blocked. Hey, that’s enough! Friends in Germany, Boycott Thai products and demonstrate against the Thai king in Germany! #ปล่อยเพื่อนเรา #หยุดคุกคามประชาชน, #Release us friends # Stop harassing people; Panusaya S. @PanusayaS, เพนกวิน – Parit Chiwarak, @paritchi, Anon Nampa, Prasit Karutarote & Nutchanon Pairoj, etc… ‘)
twitter .com/GretaThunberg/status/1317361869179551749 (‘ Greta Thunberg : I’ve been nominated by @joshuawongcf to join this campaign. Post a picture of #SAVE12 & #SAVE12HKYOUTHS and tag 3 friends to spread the word.I nominate @Luisamneubauer , @NakabuyeHildaF , and @Jamie_Margolin to join. @save12hkyouths , THANK YOU ‘)
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