The perfect scene for your next Pathfinder adventure!
Ages 14+; Material: Plastic
Number of Players: 1
FYI –>
twitter .com/Cleavon_MD/status/1342700348759130112 (‘ 26-12-2020, Vania Underwood was an RN at the COVID unit at St. Vincent Medical Center in Toledo Ohio. She had just turned 36 when she died following a brief battle with COVID-19. These families should get $500,000 line-of-duty death benefits! Enough is Enough! ‘)
twitter .com/DrEricDing/status/1335018202124972033 (‘ BILL NYE is still the science show king. And he’s got a mask lesson for you. #MaskUp #COVID19 via Eric Feigl-Ding ‘)
twitter .com/Aaron_Derfel/status/1334688067723071491 (‘ 3-12-2020, The #coronavirus is not only everywhere, it can move swiftly from one neighborhood to the next… ‘)
twitter .com/CovidEcoles/status/1334104942332743680 (‘ 2-12-2020, @Marie_Montpetit une intervention de la santé publique qui bloque l’achat de purificateurs d’air… il est temps qu’ils s’expliquent publiquement sur les raisons qui expliquent leur incompétence , covidecolesquebec .org, Mr. @olivierdrouin ‘)
montrealgazette .com/news/local-news/covid-19-montreal-hospitals-under-intense-pressure-again (‘ 2-12-2020, Aaron Derfel @Aaron_Derfel, Mhua : Québécois, si vous voulez sortir de cette merde, faites pression pourque de vrais scientifiques viennent vous aider. Enfin, pour votre sécurité, suivrez le conseil des Dr. Cleavon Gilman, car même si vous n’avez pas le même ADN que les autres, vous êtes des êtres humains avant tout. ‘)
twitter .com/Craig_A_Spencer/status/1333138422702202887 (‘ 29-11-2020, As COVID19 surges across the US, it’s hard to describe the situation inside hospitals for healthcare providers & patients. We made this video depicting 1 day in the ER to show the painful reality & to remind us why we must remain vigilant. Please watch. via Dr. Cleavon Gilman ; Woa TKS , version in anglish : …Craig_A_Spencer/status/1333107226517630979; version with Spanish subtitles : …Craig_A_Spencer/status/1333138424065368064 ‘)
twitter .com/DrEricDing/status/1332859418527100929 (‘ video ,Epidemiologist Eric Feigl-Ding : Each marble = 1 death. PushpinEach second of the video = 6 days. Let this video sink in. #COVID19 is real. And it’s about to get even worse in December. An even bigger mortality tsunami is comin ‘)
montrealgazette .com/news/quebec/quebec-health-minister-dodges-question-about-do-not-resuscitate-order-to-paramedics (‘ 24-11-2020, La ministre de la Santé du Québec évite la question sur l’ordre de ne pas réanimer aux ambulanciers paramédicaux : Entre avril et septembre, les techniciens ambulanciers ont reçu l’ordre de ne pas réanimer certains patients pour éviter le surpeuplement des unités de soins intensifs. Christian Dubé. Paul Cherry ‘)
ledevoir .com/societe/sante/590257/urgences-sante-patients-non-reanimes-pour-cause-de-covid (‘ 23-11-2020, Pendant cinq mois, certaines personnes en arrêt cardiorespiratoire n’ont pu être réanimées par les ambulanciers en raison d’une directive instaurée à Montréal et à Laval pour éviter une surcharge des unités de soins intensifs. Or, la directive a été maintenue jusqu’au 21 septembre, malgré un retour à la normale dans les hôpitaux cet été. ‘)
montrealgazette .com/news/local-news/latest-maimonides-outbreak-arose-from-visiting-caregiver-official-suggests (‘ On Thursday, 26-11-2020 : the committee plans to hold a demonstration outside Maimonides to draw attention to its concerns; The Family Advocacy Committee of Maimonides has sent a letter to Health Minister Christian Dubé urging the government to provide more assistance to the CHSLD to curb the outbreak, which it argues has been spiralling out of control…, Dr. Lawrence Rosenberg, executive director of the centre-west health authority that oversees Maimonides, Aaron Derfel @Aaron_Derfel ‘)
twitter .com/Cleavon_MD/status/1331172776883884032 (‘ Kenneth E. Remy, MD, MHSc, FCCM : Healthcare workers are tired of seeing patients needlessly die from this virus. We are tired of calling families to tell them their loved one is dying. THIS will be the last thing you see before being intubated for COVID19. Wear a mask! Clean your hande, Keep a safe distance @DrKenRemy1, Dr. Cleavon Gilman ‘)
twitter .com/Cleavon_MD/status/1328537333331681280 (‘ Kids are not immune from COVID. Madilyn, 12, from southwest Wyoming woke up not being able to move her head & nearly died from COVID at Primary C hildren’s in Salt Lake City, Utah. Zoom lecture on MISC in the link below. cleavonmd .com/coviddeaths, Dr. Cleavon Gilman ‘)
twitter .com/Cleavon_MD/status/1331195967488417792 (‘ Dr. Cleavon Gilman : Over the past months, I’ve seen several debilitating after-effects plaguing COVID-19 “long-haulers” including brain fog, coughing, body aches, shortness of breath, PTSD, difficulty sleeping and headaches. Film projector:@60Minutes ‘)
twitter .com/DrEricDing/status/1331155679697133571 (‘ KIDS ARE NOT “VIRTUALLY IMMUNE”—Among the 5374 children with positive #COVID19, 7% were hospitalized.Of these, 28% required ICU, 9% required mechanical ventilation. Case fatality rate in kids was 0.2% (8 of 5374). Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding ‘) (‘ Eric Feigl-Ding, SINK IN: All these healthcare workers can’t celebrate holidays this year—thousands of doctors & nurses have died from #COVID19 on the front lines. Maybe think of them and their families before you celebrate your Thanksgiving. in a dangerous manner. ‘) (‘ Dr. Cleavon Gilman : The tragic thing about this pandemic is that we know in-person schools, dining, gyms and bars are not safe, but these will remain open until hospitals are overwhelmed. It’s one deadly game with our lives. Few are looking out for us. So imagine, Loved ones cry at the bedside of family members who have difficulty breathing despite maximum oxygen. The look in their eyes when the sleeper tells them, there is a high probability that their loved one will die while on a ventilator. ‘)
twitter .com/QuebecSolidaire/status/1331030862922719236 (‘ Quebec, 25-11-2020, Le Québec a un déficit de près de 15 milliards de dollars à cause de la pandémie. C’est au tour de Walmart, Amazon, Metro et de toutes les autres grandes entreprises qui ont profité de la crise de payer leur part de la facture. Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois @GNadeauDubois Québec solidaire @QuebecSolidaire ‘)
twitter .com/Cleavon_MD/status/1332234686777626624 (‘ Professor, Australian National University, Michael Smithson, theconversation .com : If there is anything to be learned regarding how to deal with future pandemics, it is that rapidly containing the pandemic may well lessen its economic impact. via Dr. Cleavon Gilman ‘)
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