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twitter .com/Aaron_Derfel/status/1355393084318765057 (‘ 29-01-2021, …the #pandemic is trending down in nearly every category except two: daycares and schools. In this thread, I will assess whether the current measures are protecting them enough. ‘)
weareteachers .com/teacher-needs-return-to-school (‘ A Chicago Teacher Is Holding Class Outside To Protest School Reopening Plan. He wants his students to see that it’s important to stand up for what you believe. Dwayne Reed , example to follow ‘)
twitter .com/CovidEcoles/status/1354115691977256964 (‘ 26-01-2021, @olivierdrouin, L’Alliance des professeurs de Montréal demande la démission du ministre Roberge. Il répond que cette opinion ne représente pas l’opinion d’une majorité d’enseignants. Enseignants, le ministre Roberge devrait-il démissionner? Pourquoi? Commentaire. covidecolesquebec .org ‘)
twitter .com/Aaron_Derfel/status/1353958334160916481 (‘ 26-01-2021, Qc, Aaron Derfel : Since Jan. 1, 406 people in the city have died, compared with 241 in December. End of thread. Please everyone, stay safe. Please everyone, stay safe. ‘)
twitter .com/Aaron_Derfel/status/1353958334160916481 (‘ 25-01-2021, However, the reason that the government’s latest #pandemic restrictions can’t be deemed an unqualified success is that #COVID19 outbreaks are continuing to rise in daycares and schools, and are still a problem in the workplace. THANK YOU Aaron Derfel –> 2h, 26-01-2021 ‘)
facebook .com/Action-judiciaire-Legal-Challenge-to-Quebecs-Back-to-School-Plan-112371040582613 (‘ 25-01-2021, Sarah Gibson : Recap of Day 5 in Court –Monday, January 25, 2021…; Récapitulation du jour 5 au tribunal… ‘)
facebook .com/546137343/posts/10157771727327344 (‘ 23-01-2021, Sarah Gibson’s post is smack on target! Le message de Sarah est parfaitement ciblé! via @PDL1321, @CovidEcoles, @olivierdrouin, @coachRankine , @fauchonmathieu ‘)
coursuperieureduquebec .ca/roles-de-la-cour/audiences-virtuelles (‘ Montreal – room 14.07 via @olivierdrouin, @CovidEcoles ; @CherylCooperman, @lisa_iannattone, Sarah Gibson ‘)
twitter .com/CovidEcoles/status/1353882220927311872 (‘ 25-01-2021, @olivierdrouin : Recap of case court today in case you missed it – yes the government witness again said that parents cannot decide for their children between on site versus remote learning…only the government should ‘)
twitter .com/CovidEcoles/status/1353386726883020804 (‘ @olivierdrouin : Pour soutenir les parents qui se battent pour le droit d’avoir l’école à distance optionnelle au Québec ; Sarah Gibson ‘)
twitter .com/Aaron_Derfel/status/1353544974630055940 (‘ 24-01-2021, Aaron Derfel : At the current pace, Quebec will likely cross the 10,000-death threshold in the #pandemic in about two weeks. On Sunday, Montreal added 11 #COVID19 fatalities to a death toll of 4,231. End of thread. Please everyone, limit your social contacts and wear a mask in public. montrealgazette .com : South Africa’s leading vaccine expert, Barry Schoub, has criticized England for being the first country to delay the second dose, warning this could put people at greater risk because of the emergence of the more transmissible variants. Quebec took “a political decision” — and not a scientific one — in delaying the second shot of the COVID-19 vaccine by 90 days ‘)
twitter .com/Cleavon_MD/status/1331508771462385664 (‘ Dr. Cleavon Gilman : We must continue to apply pressure on elected officials to HELP end this pandemic because… Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. You’re either at the table or on the menu! ‘)
twitter .com/mercelinda_p/status/1353569680666075138 (‘ 25-01-2021, Mercelinda Panopio : As long as there is sustained community infection, there’s always a risk of new home-grown variant. If there are many hosts available, it prolongs the longevity of the virus, many chances for mutation. We might have our own Quebec variant. via @Aaron_Derfel ‘) (‘ My friends from Hong Kong, pro-democracy are arrested by the encroachment of beijing in hong kong on 23-11-2020, they are in prison, So I share their story to help them, Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 , Agnes Chow 周庭,, Ivan Lam, @hongkongersin, @benedictrogers, @lukedepulfor, @MahmutRahima, @hk_watch, @DavidAltonHL, @HillelNeuer, #save12hkyouths, THANK YOU ‘)
twitter .com/benedictrogers/status/1353618767700516864 (‘ 羅傑斯 : The free world must make it abundantly clear, beyond doubt, that we stand with #Taiwan ; bbc .com : Taiwan reports large incursion by Chinese warplanes for second day.Mhua : Les États-Unis et ses alliés occidentaux doivent plus vigoureusement Taiwan face à la Chine vorace. Pour ce faire la population de ces pays doivent mettre la pression sur leurs politiciens pour aider la population de Taiwan. Alors appelez vos députés et représentants pour faire pression sur les gouvernement en vue d’aider Taiwan. Faites-le aujourd’hui. ‘)
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