twitter .com/KashPrime/status/1514369275447939078 (‘ Dr. Kashif Pirzada : Yesterday on my ER shift, I saw almost as many patients with Long Covid symptoms as those with acute Covid. The public has no idea what’s waiting for them. @SammyG_MD via @Docteure19 ‘)
twitter .com/Docteure19/status/1512859016908754953 (‘ Dre. Marie-Michelle Bellon : Petition: recognition of long COVID as a disease that can lead to disability. Please sign and share, on behalf of an MD who is no longer able to work. ; “Pétition: reconnaissance de la COVID longue comme maladie pouvant mener à l’invalidité. Merci de signer et de partager, au nom d’une MD qui n’est plus en mesure de travailler. ” ,@Tortillou, @Carrie_McGinn, @ADanGrenier, @RougeMatisse,, @vhivon : Oui, une importante pétition que je marraine. Svp signez et partagez! #assnat#polqc‘)
assnat.qc .ca/fr/exprimez-votre-opinion/petition/Petition-9511/index.html (‘ Pétition : Reconnaissance de la COVID longue comme maladie pouvant mener à l’invalidité, Date limite pour signer : 15 mai 2022 ‘)
twitter .com/Andy_Ekins/status/1512887468504276996 (‘ QC, Canada, Dr. Andy Ekins : When you pay your taxes to Quebec this year, remember that they have a legal obligation to provide you with a physician – you pay for it. They took the time to write a law that says, “but not really, you can’t seek a remedy in court”. So non-representative taxation ‘)
twitter .com/Andy_Ekins/status/1512535440678690817 (‘ QC, Canada, Dr. Andy Ekins : With a Quebec election coming up in the fall, I would be hammering on improving school filtration and ventilation over the summer if I was in the opposition. In other words, act like an opposition party. 8-04-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/Andy_Ekins/status/1512539427750490112 (‘ QC, Canada, Dr. Andy Ekins : It would be an excellent way to expose the CAQ’s incompetence and also drive home the point that they got federal money that was meant to help.8-04-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/Andy_Ekins/status/1511874239044988936 (‘ Dr. Andy Ekins : I’m trying to mentally accept paying taxes to Quebec for health care, while privately paying for preventative health care, because Quebec can’t provide it. I’m extremely fortunate to have this option, but does everyone? Probably not. ‘)
twitter .com/Andy_Ekins/status/1511876605295181833 (‘ Dr. Andy Ekins : To be clear, I have nothing but respect for the HCWs in the public system, but management (the Government) needs a complete overhaul. ‘)
twitter .com/Andy_Ekins/status/1511878364809809920 (‘ Dr. Andy Ekins : There is ZERO lack of money for things to be made right. Quebec is handing out $3.2 billion as an election bribe. Quebec didn’t spend the $342 million for school safety from Ottawa. Why isn’t money spent appropriately? ‘)
twitter .com/lisa_iannattone (‘ Manage your own risk” with no data, no resources and no safe spaces. That isn’t managing your own risk. That’s having the government’s preferred level of risk forced onto everyone, including the vulnerable. ‘)
twitter .com/EnricoCiccone/status/1512143788327776271 (‘ …le 29 mars 2020 , #Herron ‘)
twitter .com/BigMedicine/status/1512466152387235842 (‘ Hal Newman : I had a tough time writing this story. Pediatric calls are always a whole other level of stressful when you’re a paramedic. There’s always a chance things aren’t going to work out well — and when there’s a two-hour response delay, ouff… #Manawan, #Atikamekw, ‘)
twitter .com/luckytran/status/1512596557081763848 (‘ Dr. Lucky Tran : Telling people “you’re going to get infected, better get used to it” is not a public health message. It’s a message of complete government abandonment. ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ Aujourd’hui, les Québécois souffrent, ils se plaignent de garder le mandat du masque, mais la bande de voyous de Legault qui A PROLONGÉ LE « MANDAT DU MASQUE ” récemant N’INCLUT PAS LES ÉCOLES NI LES MILIEUX DE TRAVAIL. Alors dites-moi, est-ce qu’ils se soucient de vous??? Enfin, J’espère que vous vous protégez et aidez aussi vos voisins… via @nilikm, @lisa_iannattone, @driusan, #6ThWave, #MaskUp 6-04-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/jvipondmd/status/1512457786080124932 (‘ Dr. 𝙹𝚘𝚎 𝚅𝚒𝚙𝚘𝚗𝚍 : The purest act of rebellion to a government that is okay with infecting everyone is to try like hell not to get infected. #dontlookupwave, via @lisa_iannattone ‘)
twitter .com/nilikm/status/1512882334260994058 (‘ ON🇨🇦 Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth : Kudos to this Trustee. @OCDSB this is your chance to lead. @VeraEtches you could also lead with @OttawaHealth. All it takes is one health unit or Board of Ed to do the right thing. Masks should be required for ALL children at school, ALL educators/staff. STAT. @SueGard94 #onted , @MarkPFIsher ‘)
twitter .com/BigMedicine/status/1512797880469397513 (‘ Hal Newman : We are only 84 followers away from breaking the 3,000 mark. If you’ve been invited to follow The Last Ambulance, please accept the invitation. Invite your family & friends to follow this page…,, #TheLastAmbulance , 9-04-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/danaparish/status/1513189593964638210 (‘ Dana Parish : DO NOT LISTEN to gov-sponsored sociopaths normalizing mass-infection. Vax doesn’t provide mucosal immunity (in your nose) so virus can still go right to 🧠. This message is being quashed to get you to back to work & kids to school w no mask. Wear an N95 & protect your 🧠. via @MeetJess ‘)
twitter .com/danaparish/status/1513199025448644609 (‘ Latency latency latency. Thoughts & prayers to Hilary, Obama, Psaki, Schiff, Pelosi, Emhoff. Odds are not all will escape #LongCovid brain & other organ/ vascular damage. @Survivor_Corps, #Lyme. ‘)
twitter .com/danaparish/status/1513540014969286657 ( ‘ Dana Parish, FYI: New “Covid czar” thinks protocols for protecting @POTUS are “really good” in spite of Gridiron dinner outbreak. Refuses to say it was handled poorly. Refuses to say mask on planes should stay in spite of clear evidence that they should. Claims we “follow science.” , 11-4-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/meganranney/status/1513181941134151681 (‘ “...until everyone is authorized for vaccination (children 6 months-4 ys cannot yet be vaccinated), and until we have better access to prophylactic medications and therapeutics …I favor continued testing & maskingfor large gatherings …”👏@jeremyfaust , ‘)
twitter .com/BigMedicine/status/1513345912885723137 (‘ Si votre communauté n’est pas encore sur cette liste… ce n’est qu’une question de temps. Suivez La Dernière Ambulance. / If your community isn’t on this list yet.. it’s only a matter of time. Follow The Last Ambulance. ‘)
twitter .com/Monique_Sauve/status/1516031291539566595 (‘ video, Monique Sauvé : Il y a 2 ans aujourd’hui, mon collègue @monsefderraji faisait son entrée au #CHSLD Herron pour prêter main-forte au personnel sur place. Une expérience qui le marquera à jamais! Une #enquetepublique est nécessaire pour expliquer aux familles ce qui est arrivé. #polqc, #assnat ‘)
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