[NICE FINGER TOUCH] We use 1.8mm tempered glasses, instead of other fragile glass or cheap plastic materials…
[DIFFERENT SIZES] 4 pieces of 4×6 inches Picture frames, 4 pieces of 5×7 inches pic frames, 2 pieces of 8×10 inches photo frames.
[WALL AND DESK] All of 10 foto frames can be hanging as wall collage, with 2 silver-color metal triangle hanging rings on the different side of backboard of every picture frame, and 10+2 non-trace nails for wall hanging are attached…, 42.99$
More details on Amazon
FYI –>
twitter .com/TheDragonFeeder/status/1589984782049738752 (‘ Time to BAN T i k T o k ! ‘)
marchehua .com/product/cube-base-memo-photo (‘ FYI : Caroline : Here we go. Have a read, and consider Mr Penalosa’s candidacy for #topoli mayor. Surely Toronto can do better than Tory. Jul 14, 2022, Cindy Beernink : Voted for him last time, would vote for him again! We DESPERATELY need better leadership for our city. I hope we can coalesce around a progressive leader this time. Gil Penalosa, Toronto for Everyone with Gil Penalosa, #TO4Everyone, Feb 12, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/TheDragonFeeder/status/1591060167172718592 (‘ Chris Fenton : Please keep fighting this fight, @BrendanCarrFCC @marcorubio @RepGallagher… India has been right all along! Ban #TikTok!! #nationalsecurity , Opinion | Marco Rubio, Mike Gallagher: Ban TikTok in America – The Washington Post https://t.co/vSoBu5exWO ‘)
twitter .com/nilikm/status/1585773987493445632 (‘ Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth : Hands up if you are still wearing a 😷mask when you are indoors at work, school or play. This will be fun. 🙋🏽♀️ I’m a doctor. I still wear a mask, and everyone in my clinic does, also. ‘)
twitter .com/nilikm/status/1585706686219661313 (‘ Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth : 1) Masks are effective in reducing spread of #COVID19 and other airborne illness. 2) Hospitals, clinics are overflowing and staff are away sick because you won’t mask. 3) We address endemic diseases all the time (lice in schools). 4) #LongCovid risk increases with reinfection. ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1584910179098927109 (‘ Thanks! I am very grateful to everyone who voted for me, who believed that we need a Toronto for Everyone. 100 days ago I registered to run & probably had 100 votes, now, 100,000! It was with no political party, structure, money… just ideas, passion, and much love for Toronto. ‘)
twitter .com/nilikm/status/1584996242345512960 (‘ PSA: All 5y to adult influenza vaccines may be given at the same time with other vaccines, or at any time before or after, other vaccines, including #COVID19 vaccine. For 6 months to < 5 y, Canada suggests 14 days between #FluShot and #COVID19 vaccine. Wise to get both soon! ‘)
twitter .com/Billius27/status/1585003558256406528 (‘ Bill Comeau : Please retweet for free distributed N95’s for 🇨🇦. Also, I’ll be sending out an email request soon via Leadnow to have signees join the parliamentary (bilingual) version when it’s ready from @BattlingBeaver and group. #covid19 #masks #cdnpoli #onhealth, https://t.co/Qg2V7si4tj ‘)
twitter .com/nilikm/status/1584894588669808643 (‘ Next phase begins! I wanted to point out, since media doesn’t pay attention to trustees, that 21,566 people in our #Ottawa school board zone voted for trustee, an incredible turnout in . Bravo to my opponents, as well. We reached spurred the community. That’s civic engagement. ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1584900641213890560 (‘ My political future? I will not be running again, at any level, it was a magnificent once in a lifetime participation. But I will not disappear. 👍I will dedicate much of my time and energy to work on a Toronto for Everyone. A combination of educating on cities, activism, actions. twitter.com/Penalosa_G/sta… ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1584900641213890560 (‘ Finally, I congratulate mayor @ J o h n T o r y. His success will be Toronto’s gain. 4 of 10 voters chose someone else; I ask him to listen to them. My ideas are everyone’s, in Toronto or anywhere; please use them. I wish John Tory the very best. ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1584899285363167235 (‘ I want to thank 3 amazing elected officials who supported me. My long time friend and mentor on many ways, MPP @KristynWongTam. Also superb MPP @JessicaBellTO, and the great MPP on my riding, @BhutilaKarpoche. I admire leaders who truly care about our city, and supported someone. ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1584891875592282112 (‘ There will be time to review and focus. We’ll have to work hard on improving democracy; urgency to have term limits and ranked ballots. All incumbents to Toronto Council were re-elected, except one, all in Ottawa… not because they are good; it’s name recognition. ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1584889033947500544 (‘ Immensely grateful to all who did signs, helping me communicate on our grassroots campaign. Thankful to the volunteers, ward captains, staff. It made an impact, got people excited on the possibilities…. ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1584888289412386816 (‘ I walked every ward, many times. I also ran over 262 kilometers, same as from Steeles at North border to Lake Ontario 13 times, looking at sidewalks, trees, parks, community centers, libraries… AND talking with people, all ages and backgrounds. Learning. Sharing. ‘)
twitter .com/BrentToderian/status/1584747402439036929 (‘ Brent Toderian : Just because the Election is now over, doesn’t mean more & more of you shouldn’t keep following Gil Penalosa here on Twitter. Keep being inspired by his ideas for Toronto, & every other city. The good news is that 👍Gil Penalosa can now continue his work helping cities all around the world. Exemple à suivre; Example to follow : 🇬🇧Peter Stefanovic ‘)
twitter .com/BrentToderian/status/1581461824108892160 (‘ Who we vote for as mayor and city council have a HUGE effect on our daily lives, in many cases more than other levels of government. We’ve seen TRANSFORMATIVE positive change when smart, creative leaders are elected. But the turnout in local municipal elections is too often low.‘)
marchehua .com (‘ Hey, Ontario, 2-0, you have to grow up, it’s you who suffer… ;”Hé, Ontario, 2-0, il faut grandir, c’est vous qui souffrez…“, 🏥, 24-10-2022 ”)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1583182931711127552 (‘ Dr. David Fisman : Headed off to induction ceremony for Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. Very proud, and grateful to all the students and collaborators who allowed me to be a successful researcher. ‘)
twitter .com/DrKateTO/status/1583423706235183104 (‘ Dr. Kate Dupuis : Stephen Lecce has almost HALF A BILLION dollars at his disposal and yet he refuses to use these funds to support the collective good of public education. #FoneFordFriday and urge our Premier (416-325-1941) to invest in our kids and education workers. #onted #39kIsNotEnough 💜💜 ‘)
twitter .com/JennieWordenTO/status/1584607279868825600 (‘ Jennie Worden : So here’s the truth: tomorrow, I’m sleeping in. The work begins on Wednesday. 🌻 ‘)
twitter .com/choosechemi/status/1580391415770927113 (‘ choose chemi for Parkdale – High ParkCannot share enough gratitude to the artists behind this. Three different artists came together from different walks of life that made this magic happen. #choosechemi, Oct 12 ‘)
twitter .com/nilikm/status/1584664113866629120 (‘ Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth : Whatever is next, it is beautiful in #Ottawa today. Wishing all the candidates a happy evening and the best of luck as the election draws to a close tonight. ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1584687904135450624 (‘ Gil Penalosa for Mayor : Complete!!! #RunningTheWards, 262 kilometres of time ‘me-with-me’. Enjoyed the people, watching housing opp. to renovate neighborhoods or to densify transit corridors, streets, trees, parks, sidewalks, public transit shelters, libraries… fantastic complement to walk & bike. ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ Mhua : Message à l’Ontario… Ford et Legault n’ont rien à vous offrir, ils ont gagné parce que la population partage les votes et refuse de voter. ‘Message to Ontarien… Ford and Legault have nothing to offer you, they won because the population shares the votes and refuses to vote. 1-💸☹️, 2-📘⚰️🦠 ‘)
twitter .com/NarroVictor/status/1583680586291417090 (‘ 🇺🇸-LA- Just For Laughs -🇨🇦😂🇨🇦-El Mago del Pueblo (📘Victor Narro) shows us why we must all support and vote for …for #LACityController!! 🎩🪄🐇✨💖 ‘)
twitter .com/NarroVictor/status/1583680586291417090 (‘ 🇺🇸-LA- Just For Laughs -🇨🇦😂🇨🇦- 👉El Mago del Pueblo Victor Narro says with a little magic: “Let’s work together to make 41.18 disappear!”, #Repeal4118 . But in reality, it’s true, we must work together to save Democracy, equality… ‘)
whc .ca/en (‘ Web Hosting Canada , Security& SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools. ‘)
twitter .com/DrKateTO/status/1584711818484027393 (‘ Dr. Kate Dupuis : So impressed with #BeachesEastYork councillor candidate @JennieWordenTO who stepped up this summer and ran an incredible race. Thank you for giving #BEY a compassionate and progressive option on our ballot 💕🗳 #Ward19 #topoli #CityWeWant ‘)
twitter .com/JennieWordenTO/status/1584704574732259328 (‘ Congrats to @normsworld! So pleased for you!; @bravo_alej !, @Jamaal4ScarbTO,@morleyforward3, @ArielTroster, @ShawnMenard1, @LyraEvansOtt ,@justinegbell , @Alysha4Zone2 , @jillpromoli ‘)
twitter .com/nilikm/status/1584724150656331776 (‘ I think we did it! I will be a Trustee for the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board. Thanks for your support. It will be an honour to work with amazing colleagues, children, youth, families, educators. I’m ready for this journey with #Ottawa. There’s a lot to be done. Let’s go! 🙏THANK YOU🙏 ‘)
twitter .com/lisa_iannattone/status/1584731951302574081 (‘ Dr. Lisa Iannattone : Congrats!!! ; @DrKateTO : @nilikm : Go Nili!!!! ❤️❤️ Oct 24, 2022 ‘)
twitter .com/jillpromoli/status/1584714198105223169 (‘ We get to do the work. ☺️; Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth : Congrats, Jill! ‘)
twitter .com/claudiacm1146/status/1585663153328758787 (‘ 🇨🇦MONTREAL, Claudia Maheux : Nino’s 🍕🫒Pizzeria on Monk blvd in Ville Emard – opened by the Lipari family in 1956 & still there! The pizza is awesome! miam miam!Selena🧑🏻🎤🥰 loved pizza, Canadian Friends, Democracy is in decline, if you could, help one or more US candidates by retwitting their election on 8-11-2022… small gesture can help them and helps us as well…, THANK YOU SO MUCH, stay safe 1-💉 2-😷 3-🏠🤒! ‘)
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