Yellow Happy Smiley Face Stickers and Unhappy Red Sad Labels
1.5″ (38.1mm) Diameter Yellow Smile Face Happy Stickers, Unhappy Red Sad Frowny Face Circle Round Labels Self Adhesive Stickers – 12PCS/sheets, 42 sheets smile/sad stickers
Happy sad face stickers, Round Semi Gloss Material Total 504 Smiling Face Dot Stickers…
More details on Amazon
FYI –>
twitter .com/jenniferzeng97/status/1598037426110619649 (‘ 1/2 #Mask off! Guangzhou lifted #Covid #lockdown today, after widespread #ChinaProtests #ChinaUprising #ChinaProtests2022. Leaders took off their masks at today’s press conference. 2 possibilities: 1) by sorfening the #ZeroCovidPolicy a little, the #CCP hopes the #A4Revolution.. 2/2 …can “die out” after the public’s enthusiasm is exhausted. 2) #Lockdown will resume after several days. The #CCP will say the #COVID has gone out of control after lifting the lockdown. To protect people’s valuable lives, we need to lock everyone up again. #ChinaRevolution. @bolerobastos : They push until you get angry, then they stop and wait. Then they push further until you get angry, then they wait. ‘)
twitter .com/jenniferzeng97/status/1597424392962613248 (‘ 各位华人朋友:有人知道这是徐州具体什么地方吗?有西方媒体记者在问我,我答不上来。谢谢!#CCP military vehicles entering #Xuzhou city, #Jiangsu province, #CCPChina. Not sure whether this has anything to do with #ChinaProtest #ChinaUprising #BlankPapersRevolution #A4Revolution in #China. Xu zhou is about 323 miles away from #Shanghai, where protests happened. 🙏Be Careful🙏 ‘)
twitter .com/VAGalau/status/1597881071332622337 (` “People need to understand how fast a free society can be eroded with an unchecked power,” explains PWH Visiting Fellow @nathanlawkc in this @Penn_Today piece about his recent visit to Penn’s campus. Click here to read: . via @DFisman, @DrewPavlou, @gator_gum `)
twitter .com/VAGalau/status/1597881071332622337 (‘ History in the making. We have no idea whether we are in the beginning, middle, or end of it. But we are sure that history will mark what you have done as something magnificent. History will treat you well. No matter what happen, your effort is not going in vain. #白紙革命 ‘)
twitter .com/VAGalau/status/1597881071332622337 (‘ “Don’t ask what you can do for our country; ask what our country can do for us? Have you given us freedom of speech? Have you given us freedom of assembly? Have you given us the rule of law? “ ‘)
twitter .com/VAGalau/status/1597837954377912321 (‘ Ann Lau : Tonight, University of Southern California candlelight vigil for China’s CovidZero victims ‘)
faluninfo .net/falun-gong-story-terror-unleashed (‘ C N👲🏽, 1989, Falun Gong , Jiang Zemin : `Defame their reputations. Bankrupt them financially. And destroy them physically!” via Jennifer Zeng 曾錚 ‘)
twitter .com/FalunInfoCtr/status/1596121020645380096 (‘ San Francisco resident Zhitong went to the Chinese Consulate to call for the release of her mother. Ms. Kong Qingping was arrested for practicing Falun Gong on October 22, 2022 and detained at the Yaojia Detention Center. Family visits have been denied. , via 曾錚 ‘)
twitter .com/jenniferzeng97/status/1597366438695763970 (‘ 曾錚 : 🕯️🕯️🕯️ watch?v=2qb2Fup3tMg, faluninfo .net, f o r c e d – o r g a n , Falun Gong ‘)
twitter .com/DavidAltonHL/status/1597935674145263617 (` Former CCP leader,Jiang Zemin,who gave the orders to “eradicate”Falun Gong “using any means necessary” & set up 6-10 office,a Police department specifically for that purpose, has died. @LordPhilofBrum will today move amendment on forced organ harvesting, `)
twitter .com/colbertlateshow/status/1597825250028306433 (‘ The Late Show : Nobel Peace Prize winner 📙@mariaressa says social media has “come in and used free speech to stifle free speech.” #Colbert, via @DFisman ‘)
twitter .com/colbertlateshow/status/1597825250028306433 (‘ 📘Bill Browder : Wonderful to see my friend @mariaressa the 2019 Magnitsky Prize winner and the 2021 Nobel prize winner for her courageous stance exposing corruption and speaking truth to power in the Philippines. I’m always inspired in her presence. via @mariaressa `)
marchehua .com/product/ruby-yorkshire-terrier-puppy-dog-ceramic-teapot-8-5-l (‘ …élevez la voix, ensemble, luttons pour sauver la démocratie. juste regardez comment le PCC de la chine a abusé du pouvoir pour enfermer leurs citoyens. un incendie s’est déclaré à #Urumqi, er. Le dernier chiffre indique que 44 personneles portes des gens ont été verrouillées de l’extérieur. Le camion de pompiers n’a pas pu s’approchs ont été brûlées vives, dont un enfant de 3 ans. ‘)
whc .ca/en (‘ Web Hosting Canada , Security& SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools. ‘)
twitter .com/chowsiulung/status/1598013109850947584 (‘ 周小龍 Herbert Chow : The shop is closed, but the spirit will never be forgotten. Glory to Hong Kong. 🕵️@WyfKevin🕵️ via @nathanlawkc ‘)
twitter .com/nathanlawkc/status/1595730977757827078 (‘ It’s been two years since @joshuawongcf was jailed. We have no idea when he can leave — no verdict yet, and govt just put an extra charge on him. We must continue to voice for them and request an immediate release of all political prisoners in HK. #StandwithHongKong ‘)
twitter .com/nathanlawkc/status/1597925609099124736 (‘ Friends have told me that when my thread on the #Chinaprotest was forwarded to Weibo, their accounts were banned.The PRC government is so afraid of kind words to people. They are scared of the inner pursuit of freedom of humankind. Let’s continue to spread the words.’)
twitter .com/tyangzom_/status/1597730469512372224 (‘ BOSTON: Stand in solidarity with Uyghur victims of the Urumchi fire, Chinese protestors, Hongkongers, Taiwanese & Tibetans. 🙏🏽 ‘)
twitter .com/SFTHQ/status/1597780992323997696 (‘ Students for a Free Tibet : SOLIDARITY IS THE ONLY WAY FORWARD. Anddo you favor western products to indirectly help the Chinese ‘)
twitter .com/nathanlawkc/status/1597925609099124736(‘ 当年香港的抗争已达到抗议运动的极致,惜乎香港太小,未获中国大陆人民支持,大部分人甚至还站在独裁者一边跟着喊打喊杀,终于失败,香港于是变臭港。中国大陆人民是对不起香港人民的。今天抗议的中国年轻人,想必相当多当年也表示过“我支持香港警察”,不被铁拳打到不会醒。”The protests in Hong Kong had reached the apex of the protest movement back then. Unfortunately, Hong Kong was too small and did not receive the support of the people in mainland China. Most people even stood on the side of the dictator and yelled to fight and kill. In the end, they failed, and Hong Kong became a stinky Hong Kong. The people of mainland China are sorry for the people of Hong Kong. Many of the Chinese young people protesting today must have said “I support the Hong Kong police” back then, and they would not wake up until they were beaten with an iron fist.” ‘)
twitter .com/DrewPavlou/status/1598217226217455616 (‘ … I humbly ask everyone to please only post black and white images of the Tiananmen Massacre during the mourning period. He would have wanted it this way’)
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