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More details on Amazon
FYI –>
marchehua .com (‘ 🚨💣Note: I edited my post out of caution, so I withdraw my recommendation to my inside friends to use to read articles in Chinese… “Note : j’ai modifié mon message par prudence, donc je retire ma recommandation à mes amis internes d’utiliser pour lire les articles en chinois…, 23-12-2022 “‘)
twitter .com/badiucao/status/1603720062677893120 (‘ 巴丢草 Bad ї ucao : New works updated from my art print shop Great gift for a revolutionary holidays & appreciate your support to my fight. SHOP LINK, If you are interested in original works or limited edition,please DM me. #FreedomBeer ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1600552244818350081 (‘ Dr. David Fisman : If you are in the hospitality sector and want people to be confident that they can eat, drink and socialize unmasked in your space, please check out new guidance from @O_S_P_E, and follow @ApricotTreeCaf1. too, for great ideas. ‘)
twitter .com/joeyfox85/status/1598355800170405896 (‘ Joey Fox : Indoor Air Quality Advisory Group has published 3 documents: – 6 Core Recommendations for Safer Indoor Air – Face Coverings Guidance – How COVID-19 Spreads. These documents can be found here👇 ‘)
ospe (‘ CORE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SAFER INDOOR AIR Mitigation of Airborne Disease Transmission: Target a minimum of six air changes per hour in occupied indoor spaces using any combination of ventilation, filtration, and ultraviolet germicidal irradiation systems… ‘)
twitter .com/SunitaReed/status/1593804543472672769 (‘ Sunita Reed, 1/2 UPDATED: An elephant does a PSA about #airborne vs droplet transmission of #COVID19 and which types of masks are effective. 🎶Thank you, Dr. Kimberly Prather @kprather88 @PeteUK7 @Amal4Solutions @amandalhu for your input. @CleanAirStars @CleanAirCrewOrg #CovidIsAirborne. via @DFisman ‘)
twitter .com/DavidElfstrom/status/1380896468131848196 (‘ David Elfstrom : LISTEN as highly influential …. John Conly👎 (upper left) of UCalgary, AHS CV19 sci advisory grp, Public Health Agency Canada, Chair WHO Infection Prevention & Control R&D Expert Grp. opposes N95 wearing citing acne harm vs @DFisman & @kprather88 precautionary principle. /1 ‘)
twitter .com/NaheedD/status/1516394099376545798 (` Dr. Naheed Dosani : I can’t stop thinking about the tragic story of the Ontario woman who chose MAiD because she couldn’t afford housing & I just want to say that when people are choosing death because they can’t afford housing, it means we are really failing our most vulnerable. We must do better. Apr 19, 2022 `)
twitter .com/DavidAltonHL/status/1601964349895090178 (‘ Lord -David- Alton : The Spectator: Canada “is euthanising the poor, the mentally ill, the elderly, & those who are costly to treat, while Britain remains stubbornly wedded to the principle that poverty should not be a death sentence.” A timely warning to the U.K. 👇 ‘)
dailymail (‘ … ‘I don’t want to die, but I don’t want to be homeless’: Canadian man, 65, has a doctor’s approval for euthanasia despite admitting becoming POOR is a main reason he’s applying to die… by Lewis Pennock , December 2022, FYI : Naheed Dosani ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ Passez une bonne fête et réduisez votre risque de tomber malade en suivant le guide pour atténuer la propagation des maladies aéroportées. Alors, il est temps de prendre l’initiative de nous protéger et de protéger vos proches, les leaders pour le peuple sont de race… En 1936, le roi George V gisait sur son lit de mort. Alors que ses dernières heures approchaient, le médecin royal administra deux injections de morphine et de cocaïne pour accélérer son décès, s’assurant que sa mort serait annoncée dans les journaux du matin, et non dans les “journaux du soir moins appropriés”. et maintenant, Le Canada “euthanasie” les pauvres, les malades mentaux, les personnes âgées et ceux dont le traitement est coûteux, au lieu de se battre… ‘)
twitter .com/PPEtoheros/status/1605319224183988225 (‘ Nicolas Smit : .@DFisman @FourWinns298 @nilikm the NDP have officially asked the CMOH to explain how the widespread negligence around elastomeric respirators occurred. I need your help to share this letter & get great journalists like @avery_haines to cover this story., @KateDeClerq it’s get even worse. After an internal investigation by Ford’s office in June 2020, the province bought years worth of reusable respirators from 3M with better protection than N95s that have stayed locked up & never mentioned by @OntarioAuditor. @DFisman @DGBassani. Katherine DeClerq✉️ Dec 20, 2022 ‘)
twitter .com/PPEtoheros/status/1605344851985281024 (` Unless the unions leaders, like those that confirmed that the locked up HCW PPE stockpile was large enough to eliminate HCW infections, also come forward & attempt to use public pressure, we can expect a long delay before we get answers. So far unions have been eerily quiet on it . Dec 20, 2022 `)
twitter .com/PPEtoheros/status/1605340327296045057 (` .@HurleyOCHUCUPE @DorisGrinspun @CFNUPresident @ontarionurses the @OntarioNDP are trying to get answers from the Ford gov into the elastomeric respirator negligence including why they locked up 100,000. Can you please help by speaking up about this? `)
twitter .com/HurleyOCHUCUPE/status/1409994240785096706 (` MichaelHurleyCUPE : The Cambridge study, tweeted yesterday by Dr. Fisman, is conclusive evidence of the efficacy of the elastomeric respirators. If our goal is 0% Covid workplace infections and deaths for hcw, there is no excuse for keeping 100,000 respirators locked in a provincial warehouse. Jun 29, 2021 `)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1602649638464626692 (‘ Ontario needs a health data transparency act. Citizens fund the health system, and they value it. They should be able to monitor its performance without having to resort to FOI. ‘)
twitter .com/a_longhurst/status/1604532044440436736 (‘ “ Andrew Longhurst : When CBC tried to establish how many children had died from flu in Ontario, three different provincial agencies refused to provide figures.” And let the record show why the feds are right to demand a national health data framework with accountability. Dec 18, 2022 via @lisa_iannattone ‘)
twitter .com/MrIanMacIntyre/status/1602323510638043140 (‘ Ian MacIntyre : 1- I wrote this because I dislike when money for healthcare is spent on “not healthcare” , 2- From a completely cynical POV, it’s a great plan. Starve provincial healthcare in order to pave the way for privatization. Claim failing healthcare is entirely the fault of federal underfunding, which distracts from your starving it AND hurts Trudeau. Rinse, repeat. via Dr. David Fisman ‘)
twitter .com/TheBeaverton/status/1602320363135897601 (‘ The Beaverton : Premiers demand more healthcare funding to spend on fuck you, that’s what , : “Look,” Premier Doug Ford added, “just because Ontario spends less per capita on healthcare than any other province, and just because I personally withheld $900 million in federal healthcare funds at a time when emergency rooms are turning away patients, and just because I personally promised my wealthy donors that I would bankrupt Ontario’s provincial healthcare system so they could privatize it, doesn’t mean Trudeau should get any say in how this new money is administered…” ‘)
twitter .com/vickyrobinbaum/status/1602590902744223747 (‘ Ian MacIntyre : Premiers should not get a cent without strings. And there needs to accountability measures for previous “health care” funds. It’s not for their agenda or their personal bank accounts. Lots is unaccountable in Ontario as per the AG report… ‘)
twitter .com/mynamesnotgordy/status/1602388379370389505 (‘ Hospital foundation: Okay, so we have to raise the $5Mto buy the new MRI machine and build the lab and you make the announcement about how you’re investing in hospitals? Sylvia and Doug: Yes. That’s correct. via @DFisman ‘)
twitter .com/nilikm/status/1602272389282283522 (‘ This beautiful artwork from Vietnam, given to our office, now adorns our waiting room wall. Yes, it is just above a carbon dioxide detector. In a room with a HEPA filter. In a space that requires masks. Patients appreciate that we commit to taking care of them. #WeNotMe . Message to Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth : your beautiful work of art from Vietnam in your clinic, I don’t know if you are told that it must be kept at a given temperature, because if your clinic is hot, the plate will eventually deform, or damage it… “Message au Dr Nili Kaplan-Myrth : votre belle oeuvre d’art du Vietnam dans votre clinique, je ne sais pas si on vous dit qu’il faut la conserver à une certaine température, car si votre clinique est chaude, la plaque finira par le déformer ou l’abîmer…” ‘)
twitter .com/greg_travis/status/1602337780125908995 (‘ Gregory Travis : 25-54 year old males are experiencing a nearly forty percent increase in monthly deaths⚰️⚱️ from cardiovascular & respiratory diseases since the start of the pandemic. Retweet of you would like public health professionals, including the CDC, to please explain why that is happening via @DFisman ‘)
twitter .com/enantiomorph/status/1602262848897531904 (‘ This is on you, @ f o r d n a t i o n @ S y l v i a J o n e s M P P You people should be locked up for all the death & #LongCovid disability you’ve caused.Inside an Ontario hospital bracing for a surge in adult patients — while overflowing with sick kids, by Lauren Pelley, Dec 12, 2022 ‘)
twitter .com/badiucao/status/1599322669870354433 (‘ 巴丢草 Bad ї ucao ‘)
twitter .com/Rothna_Begum/status/1602289107052498944 (‘ Rothna Begum : “FIFA continues to cash in on billions of dollars in revenue but refuses to offer a single cent for the families of migrant workers who died⚰️⚱️ or those workers who were cheated out of their wages.” Read @hrw … statement ‘)
twitter .com/astroehlein/status/1600829514648633345 (‘ Andrew Stroehlein : There is clear evidence of thousands of migrant worker deaths in the lead-up to the #WorldCup. Authorities failed to conduct meaningful investigations into a large percentage of them, classifying many as unexplained or due to “natural causes.” , FYI : 🦠⚰️⚱️Qc, Ontario au 🇨🇦,📕McKinsey👎 ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ Aujourd’hui, les vrais scientafiques de la santé veulent sauver des vies alors que la plupart des politiciens veulent indirectement arnaquer des innocents pour faire fonctionner leur économie. les gens n’ont pas d’informations adéquates concerant le danger du virus Wuhan de Chine, alors si vous avez découvert que derrière la Coupe du monde FIFA des travailleurs essentiels sont morts de ce virus que pensez-vous? Pire, nous avons des outils pour aider à contenir ce virus. Alors, si vous le pouvez, aidons-nous à informer vos proches via la voie conventionelle et les réseaux afin qu’ils fassent le nécessaire pour contenir ce virus. ‘)
twitter .com/celinegounder/status/1602244284513673218 (‘ Céline Gounder : 1- Remembering Grant Wahl: A loss for journalism, and for all of soccer – Sports Illustrated, 2- Soccer writer 🕯️Grant Wahl🕯️’s death in Qatar leads to outpouring of love,,,, Dec 12 ‘)
twitter .com/jeffgilchrist/status/1601592252039843842 (‘ Dr. Jeff Gilchrist : Toilets, wastewater COVID-19, RSV, and Influenza all increasing. This thread will be wastewater related, looking at new variants, levels, and what happens in the air after you flush that wastewater down the toilet with some cool video/graphics. 🧵1/ via @DFisman ‘)
whc .ca/en (‘ Web Hosting Canada , Security& SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools. ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1601671001355726856 (‘ Dr. David Fisman : I just put this up at Post. I’ll try to increasingly use that as my go-to, as I think twitter is increasingly a giant pile of hot garbage ‘)
twitter .com/RougeMatisse/status/1602376959945752576 (‘ 1. This is Québec legislature Bill 192, “An Act to ensure student health and safety in the classroom by regulating ambient air quality in schools” which was submitted on December 7th. @vic_than
, @marwahrizqy, @TwitteeBoy, and I have worked on it. , 2. Please write to your MP, the Minister of Education @ B D r a i n v i l le Q c, and the spokespersons of opposition parties to say that you support it. Let your voice be heard. #SafeEducation @CovidEcoles @CEcoles’)
assnat (‘ Projet de loi n° 192, Loi visant à assurer la santé et la sécurité des élèves en classe en encadrant la qualité de l’air ambiant dans les écoles ‘)
twitter .com/DrEricDing/status/1603857920894140417 (‘ Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding : ⚽️ What a headline—“The Qatar FIFA World Cup 2022 and camel pageant championships increase risk of MERS-CoV transmission and global spread.” #QatarWorldCup2022 #FIFAWorldCupQatar2022 #WorldCup2022👇 ‘)
twitter .com/DrEricDing/status/1603857920894140417 (‘ WTF?! Three French football players in the World Cup in Qatar contracted MERS-CoV, yet nobody is making a big deal about it. By calling it Camel Flu it may be hard to decipher which virus they contracted but the media is reporting it is MERS-CoV indeed… via @SourceControl21 ‘)
https://mastodon .world/@saint_rebel_ukraine_/109522462522168747 (‘ Rita Armstrong : Dear fellow Mastodon users, in the light of recent bans of Ukrainian accounts on #Twitter, I’ve joined this platform to continue spreading breaking news about #Ukraine. 🚨Follow for updates on the Russian war on Ukraine. #journalism via ‘)
mastodon .world/@saint_rebel_ukraine_/109534726438586505 (‘ #FIFA refused to show Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s address before the #WorldCup final on December 18 President’s Office notes that the video was intended to “call for peace”. Qatar, where the championship took place, supported the president’s initiative, but the Federation of National Football Associations did not allow the Zelenskyys address to be shown before the final game. #Ukraine #UkraineWar ‘)
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