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twitter .com/KCStar/status/1638073103304589313 (‘ The man and his wife splashed water at the animal to scare it off, wildlife officials said. Mountain lion claws man’s head while he relaxes in hot tub, Colorado officials say By Helena Wegner, March 21 ‘)
twitter .com/KCStar/status/1637967457020260353 (‘ Scientists began to take the creature seriously after one was accidentally captured., Mar 20, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/KCStar/status/1624438338210988034 (‘ The Kansas City Star : The city of Mission Hills has been placing coyote traps in a public park. After two dogs were injured, the mayor and city council will discuss next steps. The town of Mission Hills, the coyotes are in town, my friends, 🦺be careful🦺, especially with your children, your dogs…”La ville de Mission Hills, les coyotes sont en ville, mes amis, soyez prudents, surtout avec vos enfants, vos chiens…” ‘)
kansascity .com/news/coronavirus/article272269788.html (‘ “Undoubtedly there’s more than one person in that room with COVID,” one medical analyst tweeted. The Kansas City Star ‘)
twitter .com/HughThunkIt/status/1617229622000898048 (‘ The architect of Biden’s mass death and gaslighting about Covid policy will now be Biden’s chief of staff. Jeffrey Zients was the head of the White House Covid Response Team when the decision was made to let it rip and kill 200K+ per year, every year. via @wsbgnl, Jan 22, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/joeolivermd/status/1623084214227808263 (‘ Dr. Joe Oliver : A 40 year old just died from Covid in Hamilton. But remember: When someone your age dies of Covid, the most important thing to do is find a way in which they were different from you. That way you can keep on living as if the pandemic doesn’t exist. Feb 7, 2023, via @DFisman ‘)
twitter .com/JReinerMD/status/1623153221769302016 (‘ Let’s finish the job and cut the number of people dying from COVID. POTUS didn’t say that but he should. Feb 7, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/JReinerMD/status/1623148254048182272 (‘ “We pay more for prescription drugs than any nation on earth.”Reducing the cost of drugs should be a bipartisan issue. ‘)
twitter .com/JReinerMD/status/1623143236289060864 (‘ “Today COVID no longer controls our lives. ”That may be true, but it’s still killing 3500 Americans every week. ‘)
twitter .com/JReinerMD/status/1622246166577430528 (‘ Dr. 📙Jonathan Reiner : “Any illusion that medicine and politics are, or should be, separate spheres has been crushed under the weight of over 1.1 million Americans killed by a pandemic that was in many ways a preventable disaster.”… , Feb 5, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/JReinerMD/status/1622721202694287360 (‘ Dr. Jonathan Reiner : As a healthcare worker who took the vaccine to protect myself, my family, my patients, and my colleagues, I’m offended by this member’s ungrateful dismissal of our collective sacrifices, and the death of 1.1 million Americans, as “hysteria”. … L💩 a💩 u💩 r💩 e💩 n💩 B💩 o💩 e💩 b e💩 r💩 t👎. Feb 6, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/JReinerMD/status/1622387227333378050 (‘ Yet more than 90% of children under 5 are completely unvaccinated. Prof. Gregg Gonsalves : Covid-19 is a leading cause of death for children in the US, despite relatively low mortality rate… ‘)
twitter .com/JReinerMD/status/1622367909962997761 (‘ Dr. Jonathan Reiner : The average NFL player only lasts about 3 years in the league. The combination of large individuals colliding at great speeds results in impacts involving a lot of kinetic energy. Football can be made safer, but never really “safe”. ‘)
post .news/article/2J2PBBafr90VRbs5QtgnRIY24br (‘ Walker Bragman : …Biden has done more to acclimate us to mass infection, disability, and death than it has to prevent those things in the first place. the priority has, quite simply, been economic normalcy and political expediency. Frankly, Americans deserve better. We deserve safe workplaces. The vulnerable, including the immunocompromised, deserve the ability to participate in society. The struggling and the disabled deserve dignity in the form of expanded governmental assistance. 17 December, 2022 ‘)
twitter .com/wsbgnl/status/1622000028809318401 (‘ COVID is an issue of workplace safety. COVID is an issue of economic justice. COVID is an issue of racial justice. COVID is an issue of disability justice. COVID is an issue of health equity. @JuliaRaifman, Hannes Schwandt, Janet Currie, @TillvonWachter, Jonathan Kowarski, Derek Chapman, @shwoolf ‘)
twitter .com/WalkerBragman/status/1560432541382877184 (‘ Let’s be clear: There is a concerted effort by the Biden administration to normalize mass infection, debilitation, and death. Why? There is no political will in corporate captured, neoliberal Washington to do what is necessary to stop this virus. ‘)
twitter .com/wsbgnl/status/1622000028809318401 (‘ I think most people fail to appreciate the extent to which the core goal of the Biden pandemic response was not so much to minimize human suffering and loss for its own sake, but to render the pandemic economically and socially ignorable to the politically relevant public. Feb 4, 2023 ‘)
journa .host/@walkerbragman/109798901365245713 (‘ The planet is warming thanks to human activity. Sea levels are rising. Ecosystems are collapsing. Diseases are migrating. Storms are becoming more extreme. And a pandemic is still killing thousands every week. And a *priority* for this new GOP Congress is…*checks notes*…condemning socialism. ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ The bad guys are everywhere, they are fighting hard to make us sick, I hope real medicine, and normal human beings are working harder to educate your people well, don’t let them rip you off… the pandemic is not finished, we need masks, vacines, #COVIDIsAirborne ✅ ventilation ✅ CO2 monitoring ✅ air purifiers ✅ UVC & FarUV ✅ 😷 respirators… So fight to protect yourself. via Dr. David Fisman THANK YOU, Stay Safe! ‘)
kansascity .com/news/nation-world/national/article271849012.html (‘ @KCStar (208) 769-1414, the Sandpoint area. ‘)
amazon .com/stores/Benjamin-B.-Ferencz/author/B001H6NKL2 (‘ 📚Benjamin B. Ferencz, :“ 👨🏻🏫The world remains a very dangerous place. New weapons of devastating power threaten human survival directly, and, through their destabilizing effects on societies, indirectly. Many young people in many lands are ready to kill and be killed for the particular cause of their ideology or nation. Despite such obstacles, the spirit of Nuremberg lives on. It is increasingly recognized that international disputes can and must be settled without the use of armed might.” —Benjamin B. Ferencz, 2010 ‘)
whc .ca/en (‘ Web Hosting Canada , Security& SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools. ‘)
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