twitter .com/RachelNotley/status/1639979305231872001 (‘ Rachel Notley : The Legislative session has officially ended. Being the Leader of the Official Opposition for four years has been an honor. Now, I’ve got eyes on a different job. I want to earn your confidence and your vote. I want to build a better future for you and your family. ‘)
twitter .com/EmmMacfarlane (‘ Emmett Macfarlane : Professor of Political Science. Canadian politics & constitutional law. Author: Governing from the Bench; Constitutional Pariah; Legislating under the Charter ‘)
twitter .com/charlesadler/status/1641133977825312769 (‘ Charles Adler : For @RachelNotley Job 1 between now & May 29th, is to not change her official name to Danielle Smith. ‘)
twitter .com/RachelNotley/status/1641137963898904576 (‘ Rachel Notley : As a former Premier, I am shocked at the lack of judgment demonstrated by Danielle Smith in engaging directly with a criminal case before the courts. The video shown today is clear evidence of a Premier inappropriately interfering with the system of justice. 🧵 ‘)
elections (‘ The next Provincial General Election is scheduled to be held on May 29, 2023. Amendments to the Election Act and Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure Act came into force on March 31, 2022 that will impact how the next election is conducted… ‘)
twitter .com/YouAreLobbyLud/status/1640680347682652160 (‘ Dr David Berger : Everyone, you know they have lied to you that it’s “seasonal” and “just a cold” to get you back into the cafés consuming and into the downtown offices to prop up commercial rents? You know that, right? via @EmmMacfarlane, Mar 28 ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1639940278562828291 (‘ Dr. David Fisman : Swedish pandemic revisionism is a thing, via @EmmMacfarlane ‘)
twitter .com/RachelNotley/status/1641063458107019266 (‘ Le gouvernement que je dirige vous fournira de meilleurs soins de santé. Nous avons un vrai plan… et il N’INCLUT PAS de vous faire payer pour voir un médecin de famille. Lisez-le ici : ‘)
twitter .com/RachelNotley/status/1640941663819563009 (‘ Rachel Notley : Alberta’s NDP is listening. I’m listening. Door by door and day by day, let’s talk about how we can build a better future together. ❤️ ‘)
twitter .com/RachelNotley/status/1640941663819563009 (‘ Rachel Notley : I want to thank Alberta NDP Justice Critic @MLAIrfanSabir for his steadfast commitment to the rule of law, the public good and building a better future for his constituents and all Albertans. It is a pleasure to work with you every single day. ‘)
albertandp .ca (‘ Volunteer today to support for Rachel Notley and Alberta’s NDP. Make ☎️phone calls
, Host an event, Knock on 🚪doors, Volunteer at an event, Data entry, … ‘)
amazon .com/s?k=Alberta+decors (‘ Product : Alberta Wild rose country, Print Art, Frame-Style; Alberta Photography Meditation Coffee Table, Books; Shower Curtain, Maligne Lake in Jasper Natioanal Park Alberta; Canvas Kayaks, Lake Louise Banff National Park Alberta Posters, Moraine Lake Wall Art Banff National Park, 3pcs; etc… ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ Aujourd’hui, c’est clair, ce qui est le plus important pour nous, c’est la santé, la sécurité. Mais les imbéciles au pouvoir ne veulent rien faire d’autre que de copier les bêtises de l’Asie et des méchants. nous n’avons pas de temps à perdre, les variants du #COVID19 sont vraiment mauvais et échappent à l’immunité, aux médicaments et aux vaccins. Ils continuent de tuer des gens alors qu’on a des outils pour les combattre. Mes amis, battons-nous plus fort📣🗣️🔊☎️📺📞📠📱🚪📮📧 sur notre terrain, pour élire ce 29 mai, un chef qui nous aide. ignorons les sondages, aidons nos proches nos voisins à s’informer, et à aller voter… FYI : #CorsiRosenthalBox ‘)
whc .ca/en (‘ Web Hosting Canada , Security& SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools. ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ What villains, with a declared pandemic, members of the IDU👎 successfully coordinated an international gaslighting effort to undermine public health measures, thus to end public education. privileged public health, then, their main objective is to exploit us, to send our children to manufacturing factories… Friends, GO VOTE! vote to save public schools, vote to save health care; vote to save democracy, END OF CHAOS, 🙏🗳️your vote counts🙏, to protect ourselves, let’s mobilize to encourage our loved ones to wear the mask, to respect sanitary measures – let’s stay at home when we’re sick. 🏠👉🤒- don’t forget Even a mild case of COVID can result in loss of brain matter equivalent to a decade of aging… leading to “greater cognitive decline” than in people who have never had COVID .” [pre-publication], read more at @RougeMatisse, @DFisman, JordanMRoberts, etc… ‘)
twitter .com/RitikaGoelTO/status/1641774613649580041 (‘ Ritika Goel : Health care workers are currently blocking an intersection outside the Ministry of Health. We call on Doug Ford and Sylvia Jones to reverse their cuts to healthcare for uninsured people. #healthcare4all #onpoli ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ What is the preferred public health impact? It’s simple, no one will be safe. Be aware that if private doctors are in place, there will be many people who will not be able to access care in time. Indirectly we will allow time for viruses, contagious diseases to spread as the mismanagement of China’s Wuhan virus did by the fools in power today…; “Quel est l’impact privilégié de santé publique? C’est simple, personne sera à l’abri. Sachez que si des médecins privés seront en place, il y aura beaucoup de personnes qui ne pourront pas accéder à temps aux soins. Indirectement on laissera le temps aux virus, aux maladies contagieuses de se propager comme l’a fait la mauvaise gestion du virus de Wuhan de la chine par les imbéciles en pouvoir aujourd’hui…” ‘)
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