Calgary Magnet Fridge Magnet Wooden 3D
- MATERIAL:Made of three layers of environmentally friendly wood and strong magnet behind
- SIZE:About 2.5*1.5 inches. For details, Please refer to the size drawing of the product
- STYLE:Wooden refrigerator magnet travel souvenirs designed for Calgary Canada
- More details on Amazon
- FYI –>
- youtube .com/watch?v=niHrKaW3BOY (‘ !–Albertans are endorsing Naheed Nenshi for Alberta NDP Leader – 6,000+ endorsements and growing, Mar 25, 2024 ‘)
- twitter .com/Rajesh4YYCNorth/status/1662851545551994885 (‘ Rajesh Angral : Humbled to receive this endorsement from @nenshi for my Community Leadership. The @albertaNDP will do more than build up our communities support the activities of our kids in #yycNorth with the #KidsActivityTaxCredit, May 28, 2023 ‘)
- twitter .com/KennyVLimaC/status/1662986880479281152 (‘ Ken Lima-Coelho : If you’re a leader please remember to encourage your staff to vote tomorrow. You’re obliged to give an employee 3 consecutive hours off to cast their ballot at times when polls are open. If you’re curious about employee rights, here’s a good resource: Alberta Provincial Election 2023: Employee rights , via @nenshi ‘)
- twitter .com/charlesadler/status/1662790048855781377 (‘ Charles Adler : Take 6 mins for one of Canada’s most articulate defenders of our shared values. His name is Naheed @Nenshi – fmr mayor of Calgary. Because the stakes have never been higher, he is doing something he has never done before. ‘)
- twitter .com/KennyVLimaC/status/1662986880479281152 (‘ Ken Lima-Coelho : If you’re a leader please remember to encourage your staff to vote tomorrow. You’re obliged to give an employee 3 consecutive hours off to cast their ballot at times when polls are open. If you’re curious about employee rights, here’s a good resource: , via @nenshi ‘)
- twitter .com/LorenMcGinnis/status/1662125650499497987 (‘ Loren McGinnis: Call it a political panel but it was highly personal this morning. And as interesting and meaningful as ever. Thanks @JeromyYYC and @nenshi. LISTEN: ‘)
- twitter .com/RachelNotley/status/1663195036086050817 (‘ Rachel Notley : Every vote will matter. @DianaBatten_ is an incredible candidate. Let’s do this today! @NJanovicek : Heading out to GOTV the @albertaNDP vote for @DianaBatten_ in Acadia ‘)
- twitter .com/RachelNotley/status/1663276624517943296 (‘ Thomas A. Lukaszuk : My daughter managed to vote all the way from Germany, using a special ballot. She spent her childhood campaigning during elections. Please, don’t forget to vote. Every vote matters. Yours may be the one that wins the election. Trust Landslide Lukaszuk! ‘)
- twitter .com/amiekiddle/status/1663278596444618755 (‘ Amelia Kiddle : Getting Out The Vote for Dr. Luanne Metz @luanne_metz and Alberta’s NDP @albertaNDP, It’s a hot day, I’m ready for an Orange Crush! ‘)
- twitter .com/RachelNotley/status/1663276624517943296 (‘ Rachel Notley : Elizabeth Barron has been with Alberta NDP candidate Diana Batten every step of the way. @DianaBatten_ ,She has knocked on thousands of 🚪doors, escorted our incredible candidate across the riding several times over and done this all in the blazing May heat with a smile on her face. Lizzie, today is about you. Your voice. The future for Alberta you want to build. ‘)
- twitter .com/jannarden/status/1662985231786209284 (‘ Good morning, THE POLLS OPEN AT 9am ALBERTA!!! NDP NDP NDP NDP!! Vote yes for a bright future for everyone. ‘)
- twitter .com/RachelNotley/status/1663056369891651586 (‘ Rachel Notley : Alberta, we can build a better future together! But first we have to VOTE for it! Polls open at 9 a.m. tomorrow. Find everything you need to know here: ‘)
- twitter .com/Rajesh4YYCNorth/status/1662972167036755969 (‘ Rajesh Angral : The power of your vote can shape the future. Don’t let your power slip away. Be the change you want to see. Polls open tomorrow at 9:00am #AbElection2023 #AbVotes @AlbertaNDP #yycNorth ‘)
- twitter .com/CourtEllingson/status/1662540105909948416 (‘ Court Ellingson : Thankful to have the support of my friend @nenshi as he endorses @RachelNotley and the @albertaNDP’s positive vision to invest in public healthcare, education and lower cost of living for Albertans. #abpoli ‘)
- twitter .com/RachelNotley/status/1662972170996260864 (‘ Rachel Notley : Thank you to Jann Arden for supporting our campaign to build a better future! Alberta, this election is much too important to stay home. Polls open at 9 a.m. Go vote! ‘)
- twitter .com/camheenanNDP/status/1663001017934393346 (‘ Cam Heenan : One day away from Election Day, Taneen Rudyk and I had the honour of introducing Rachel in Edmonton for the last big rally of the campaign. Join us tomorrow, Election Day, for an honest, stable and hopeful future for all Albertans. Every vote counts. ‘)
- twitter .com/KarenShaw_/status/1662977763756716034 (‘ Karen Shaw : A vote for the @albertaNDP means: – Better health care – Frozen tuition – Protected pensions – Lower utility bills, Tomorrow, vote for a better Alberta. 🗳️ ‘)
- twitter .com/KathleenGanley/status/1662971895430672384 (‘ Kathleen Ganley : Many informed conservatives are lending their votes this time around. Because trust, integrity, policy and our future are more important than a label. #AbLeg ‘)
- amazon .com/dp/0593492307 (‘ 📚-Greta Thunberg : 📗The Climate Book: The Facts and the Solutions ‘)
- amazon .com/s?k=Alberta (‘ 🛒Products : Northside Alberta II Combination Cold Weather Boot; 🎥Alberta, 2016 ‘)
- amazon .com/s?k=Jann+Arden (‘ 🛒🎶 Jann Arden :If I Knew Then: Finding Wisdom in Failure and Power in Aging ‘)
- amazon .com/s?k=Calgary+Canada+Fridge+Magnet+3D+Classic+Wooden (‘ 🛒Products : Calgary Fridge Magnet 3D Classic Woodens Landmark Handmade; Calgary Canada City Skyline Classic Fridge Magnet ‘)
- amazon .com/s?k=Edmonton+decor (‘ 🛒Products : Alberta wildlife book. Canadian animal and bird watching, track book.; Wallpaper Peel , Stick Edmonton Alberta Canada skyline, dusk ‘)
- whc .ca/en (‘ Web Hosting Canada , Security & SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools. ‘)
- twitter .com/Rajesh4YYCNorth/status/1662919833741332480 (‘ No matter what someone tells you, your voice and your vote matter. Let’s show Alberta that #yycNorth is ready for a better future with the @albertaNDP Get your vote location at ‘)