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twitter .com/alandrummond2/status/1667630349331968000 (‘ Dr. alan drummond : To be clear, yes rural closures are a national problem but Ontario has not had a previous closure since 2008. The @ f o r d n a t i o n government is solely responsible for this crisis by its inept management of the nursing sector. Jun 10, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/alandrummond2/status/1667630350413996032 (‘ The hubris and arrogance of this government has driven nurses away in droves and until they can be assured that working conditions and patient safety can be improved, they will not be coming back. ‘)
twitter .com/alandrummond2/status/1667630351512903686 (‘ …New nurses, nurses from overseas, cannot hope to replace a seasoned ER nurse and a highly valuable member of a resuscitative team. The numbers may look fine, ultimately, but the care will be shit. Jun 10, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/bowker_john/status/1665005831396499457 (‘ John Bowker : The F o r d government is shutting down rural hospitals while proposing new hospitals on farmland owned by well-connected developers … Jun 3, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/bowker_john/status/1664617532811014144 (‘ Many people assume, when a government proposes privatization, there must be a cost-benefit analysis showing savings or improved efficiency to justify paying profits on top of base service costs. Not in Ontario. The privatization is just as irrational/corrupt as it seems #onpoli… Jun 5, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/raghu_venugopal/status/1665698094158163973 (‘ Dr. Raghu Venugopal : ERs across Canada are roiling – that is, if they are even open like in rural Ontario. The best family medicine or specialist care can’t replace miserable hours or days in the ER. Health Ministers have no reason to be satisfied anything has changed. Jun 5, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/raghu_venugopal/status/1665705671675846657 (‘ Disgraced Ontario Bill 124 targeting nurses and public service workers to be heard at the Court of Appeal June 20-22. Notify to observe. Ontario’s MDs who daily rely on nurses unfaithfully serve both professions by silence@ O n t a r i o s D o c t o r s @ o n t a r i o n u r s e s , Jun 5, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/raghu_venugopal/status/1665567067758632961 (‘ Dr. Raghu Venugopal : “Minden and Haliburton EDs both provide excellent care with limited resources. Each of these two EDs needs to remain open to provide timely access to emergent care” – Dr. Fiddler practised emergency medicine in Minden for 24 years. @SaveMindenER,, Jun 4, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/raghu_venugopal/status/1665560928153108480 (‘ Now more than ever, it is vital healthcare workers in British Columbia – as they are doing – and across Canada speak up on the side of patients to advocate for immediate and sustained publicly funded and non-profit healthcare. @garymasonglobe explains what is at stake. ‘)
twitter .com/CheriDiNovo/status/1665056610308218881 (‘ Dr. Raghu Venugopal : “Minden and Haliburton EDs both provide excellent care with limited resources. Each of these two EDs needs to remain open to provide timely access to emergent care” – Dr. Fiddler practised emergency medicine in Minden for 24 years. @SaveMindenER ‘)
twitter .com/CheriDiNovo/status/1665056610308218881 (‘ Cheri DiNovo : Doing a wedding or I’d be there #EnoughIsEnoughON if he doesn’t listen – on to a #GeneralStrike ? ‘)
twitter .com/maritstiles/status/1665141749553954816 (‘ Marit Stiles : Today’s #EnoughIsEnough actions across Ontario showed that working people are energized, determined and ready to fight for a better future. We’re just getting started. #onpoli @OFLabour ‘)
twitter .com/maritstiles/status/1665096760715255814 (‘ Marit Stiles : More ER closures. It’s a choice. The F o r d Conservative are choosing to fight nurses in court, underfund healthcare, all while sitting on $4.4 billion + a surplus ‘)
twitter .com/DrNancyOlivieri/status/1664787651059240962 (‘ Dr. Nancy Olivieri : 🎯🎯@sebastianj_l “@ f o r d n a t i o n is not so much #ForThePeople, as for maintenance of comfort for elites, as the poor, addicted, disabled, homeless, sick, mentally-ill…die at their earliest convenience.” “Preferably quietly, not to disturb those in power” ‘)
facebook .com/groups/209759598440859/permalink/235367989213353 (‘ Patrick Porzuczek : The Minden ER is our Mother of our family. It is our Guardian to keep us safe. This is why we all Fight for it and for the ED to return, ?v=AzmOFwejmOw, boshkungbrewing .com ‘)
twitter .com/raghu_venugopal/status/1665005590186164226 (‘ Dr. Raghu Venugopal : Shame on the administration of Ontario P r e m i e r F o r d and Deputy P r e m i e r J o n e s. Abject failure to provide basic life and limb saving emergency medical services. Essential reporting by @KenyonWallace , @mindenmatters, @alandrummond2, Sue Gowans, Dr. Nancy Olivieri, Jun 3, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/kasza_leslie/status/1665008150951632896 (‘ Dr. Leslie Kasza : A lot of trauma in cottage country due to accidents. Small hospitals in these areas are first responders. Also, many other health problems occur in those on vacation as well as in the year round population. I worked part time in such an ER for 2 years. This is disgraceful. ‘)
twitter .com/ChristianCTV/status/1664422489353535488 (‘ Christian D’Avino , 📹WATCH: #mindenmatters emergency department officially closes its doors, but residents say they will fight to get it reopened. #onpoli, Jun 1, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/raghu_venugopal/status/1664637434942849033 (‘ Dr. Raghu Venugopal : MPP L a u r i e S c o t t failed her constituents. Deputy Premier S y l v i a J o n e s failed Minden. Premier D o u g F o r d failed Ontarians. Today is Minden. Tomorrow may be your ER. Minutes matter – I swear this to you. @ L a u r i e S c o t t P C @ S y l v i a J o n e s M P P @ f o r d n a t i o n May 31, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/2JamesClark/status/1665152442395242498 (‘ The very last clean-up crew at Queen’s Park today! #EnoughIsEnoughON #justice4workers ❤️❤️❤️❤️’)
twitter .com/joetigani/status/1665097725548040192 (‘ Joe Tigani : Thousands of people in Ontario taking a stand, and saying “#EnoughIsEnough” @CUPEOntario @osbcucscso @OFLabour @fairwagesnow @springmagca @StratOnLabour @PFrache @24250Mickie #Solidarity’)
twitter .com/MikeSchreiner/status/1665131224073920514 (‘ Mike Schreiner : It was great to join people in Guelph, Kitchener, and Puslinch today to stand united and tell Ford that #EnoughIsEnough. Enough disrespecting workers, teachers, nurses, enough with legislated poverty, enough putting farmland at risk, enough. ‘)
twitter .com/ontarionurses/status/1665043863596048384 (‘ Ontario Nurses’ Association : The #EnoughIsEnoughON protest has taken over Yonge street in Downtown Toronto on our way to Queen’s Park. Can you hear us, @fordnation? #onpoli @OFLabour ‘)
twitter .com/Gasp4Change/status/1665089253838135296 (‘ GASP4Change : On the road to #Toronto to say #EnoughIsEnoughON ‘)
twitter .com/lauramccoy01/status/1665032402161348608 (‘ 🥁🎺🎸🎻 Jun 3, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1665069431939117060 (‘ Olivia Chow : People are standing up to demand better on the challenges facing people in Toronto and across Ontario.I am proud to stand alongside thousands of Torontonians at @OFLabour’s Enough is Enough Day of Action. @kristynwongtam ‘)
twitter .com/Sue_Innovates/status/1665138477648732170 (‘ Sue Gowans : Our health care is falling apart (ERs closing, staff shortages, for profit surgeries). The greenbelt is being sold. The Eglinton LRT has no timetable for completion. Our schools are underfunded. That trust was misplaced. trust was misplaced.’)
twitter .com/mindenmatters/status/1665024900103299073 (‘ Minden Matters : @raghu_venugopal and @KenyonWallace Our community has shed a lot of tears in the past weeks. Today, thanks to the reporting by @KenyonWallace and their team, we cry happy tears. We are small, but we are mighty. And we are heard. #🗞️mindenmatters ‘)
twitter .com/Sue_Innovates/status/1665138477648732170 (‘ Sue Gowans : Our health care is falling apart (ERs closing, staff shortages, for profit surgeries). The greenbelt is being sold. The Eglinton LRT has no timetable for completion. Our schools are underfunded. That trust was misplaced. trust was misplaced.’)
whc .ca/en (‘ Web Hosting Canada , Security& SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools. ‘)
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