FYI –>
- twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1672349988939079685 (‘ Olivia Chow : We’ve done so much in past two months—creating hope for the city we all love. On Monday, we can win a city for everyone. Are you in

? ‘)
- oliviachow .ca/eday (‘ Help on Election Day! Volunteer with us Monday, June 26 to help get out the vote for Olivia! Hundreds of volunteers will be talking to voters at their doors and by phone (virtually from home). This is the most important day of the campaign. We are going out across the city and we need your help! Sign up below and we’ll be in touch about your availability and location. or share, THANK YOU, ” Gracias, Merci Beaucoup, 謝謝, cảm ơn, ขอบคุณครับ, Дякую” ‘)
- twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1670980488578621440 (‘ Olivia Chow: The energy in Scarborough was electric! Thank you to @DolyBegum, @ATUlocal113’s Marvin Alfred, @VeronicaJMSW, and Sofia Rahul for joining us. Together, we can do this. We can win a city for everyone. ‘)
- twitter .com/TeamOliviaChow/status/1672040580052811777 (‘
Team Olivi : Are you ready for a city for everyone?
Let Olivia know. Find out where to vote
for Olivia Chow 25 . 
to get everyone out to vote on Jun 26, 2023, if you could, or share, THANK YOU, Scarborough-Southwest, Scarborough-Rouge Park, Scarborough-Agincourt, Scarborough-Centre, Scarborough-North, Scarborough-Guildwood, etc… ‘)
- twitter .com/TeamOliviaChow/status/1672040580052811777 (‘ Olivia Chow: As your Mayor, I’ll secure good local jobs for Toronto.
Using community benefit agreements on major projects
Working with community organizations + partners
Leveraging big construction contracts for economic inclusion Learn more about my plan
- twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1658864126670544897 (‘ Olivia Chow : I had an incredible time with supporters and volunteers at our office opening in Scarborough.150 of you came to celebrate, the energy was electric! A special thank you to MPP @DolyBegum for her support and formal endorsement. May 17 ‘)
- twitter .com/Diana_C_McNally/status/1670475904617795586 (‘ Diana Chan McNally : This is exactly what we predicted would happen: refugees are now sleeping in the streets. If the federal government has turned its back on claimants, the city doesn’t have a right to do the same. Refugee lives are not bargaining chips for shelter funding via Alyshah Sanmati Hasham‘)
- twitter .com/Diana_C_McNally/status/1663991179594149888 (‘ Diana Chan McNally : There is ample documentation of our work through the set of policy recommendations I drafted with other advocates, entitled ‘A Path Forward’, which was co-signed by over 200 organizations, activists, and artists., May 31, 2023 ‘)
- twitter .com/Diana_C_McNally/status/1667188280389955584 (‘ Diana Chan McNally : #Encampments are growing, and it’s because of a spectacular failure to implement the right to housing. @ M c K e l v i e T O, you can’t “prioritize” a humanitarian approach, then default to enforcement. A humanitarian approach means no enforcement. Jun 9 ‘)
- twitter .com/Diana_C_McNally/status/1662274028986310663 (‘ Diana Chan McNally : Toronto. That’s it. That’s the tweet May 26, 2023 ‘)
- amazon .com/s?k=Map+Print%2C+Toronto+Ontario%2C+Map+Art+Poster%2C+Artwork (‘
Products : Flatiron Building Toronto Ontario Canada Photo Art Print Poste; Skipvelo-Scarborough-Yorkshire-Paintings-Stretched ;
Garland Shuping on Banjo by Garland Shuping, etc… ‘)
- amazon .com/s?k=Sarah+Polley (‘
Products :
Women Talking; , etc… ‘)
- amazon .com/s?k=house+Building+Kit (‘
Products : Suzy Toronto Quilt Artistry Mouse Pad, Multicolor; Suzy Toronto Normal Person Mouse Pad;
Life Is All About How You Handle Plan B by Suzy Toronto;
Young Leafs, The Making of a New Hockey

History; Auston Matthews , etc… ‘)
- amazon .com/s?k=Brandi+Morin+book (‘
-Brandi Morin : The secrets to overcoming adversity and landing; Broken Horses: A Memoir; , etc… ‘)
- amazon .com/dp/0593492307 (‘
-Greta Thunberg :
The Climate Book: The Facts and the Solutions; Then-They-Came-for-Me-Martin-Niemoller, etc… ‘)
- whc .ca/en (‘ Web Hosting Canada , Security & SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools. ‘)
- twitter .com/LukaszukAB/status/1667184377254510593 (‘ .@ A b D a n i e l l e S m i t h says that she “hears stories” that arsonists started most wild fires
. Ryan says that fire experts say otherwise, D a n i e l l e changes the subject. Ryan says that climate conditions allow for fires to grow. Danielle changes the subject. ‘)
- twitter .com/TheBreakdownAB/status/1666807298612776960 (‘

The Breakdown : On our new episode we asked @LukaszukAB what he took away from the election and he doesn’t mince words… This election is more telling about Alberta than many Albertans are likely comfortable admitting… #abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli, FYI : 
Jun 8 ‘)
- twitter .com/LukaszukAB/status/1665151031280553984 (‘ Thomas A. Lukaszuk : .@ A b D a n i e l l e S m i t h is finding out that “conservative conservatives”, or TBA supporters, are already turning on her. Have a listen if you like… interesting!

, Jun 3, 2023 ‘)
- twitter .com/KarenShaw_/status/1666919400900001792 (‘ Karen Shaw : The very essence of Democracy is slowly being eroded if we don’t stand up & fight for it … Jun 8 ‘)
- marchehua .com (‘ Alberta, fire experts worry more about misinformation about government conspiracy…meaning Alberta has failed to get rid of sociopath D a n i e l l e S m i t h. the province is on fire, but is “concerned” now about arsonists starting forest fires; in plain language, “the accusation of arson is commonly used to distract from the real drivers of these extreme wildfires and their impacts on people and ecosystems,” according to Lori Daniels, professor of forestry at the University of British Columbia”. So Ontario is left with the same problem, “partisan voting”, your choices will have to weed out someone who breaks campaign law, ethics etc. For example, last winter, une instead of adopting a failed strategy of asking other levels of government for money for warming centres, a motion asking City staff to report on an alternative funding strategy should instead be adopted. So citizens continue to suffer. My Friends, be well informed to elect someone who helps you. Let’s work more on the ground because society is too damaged…’)
- marchehua .com (‘ Ensemble nous pouvons.
ne détruisez pas
, nous avons tellement de talents dans notre province, laissez simplement les gens montrer leurs talents, comme c’est beau, vous vous retrouvez tous au même coin de rue, mettez de la musique, show de l’italia, mexique, chinois, Thailand … et voilà, Casa Paco dans la Petite Italie ! Servant une cuisine d’influence espagnole et italienne avec des cocktails artisanaux à toute épreuve.
, après une semaine de travail, ça vaut le coup d’y jeter un œil, non ? Battons-nous pour cela, Mes Amis… ‘)
- marchehua .com (‘ le 26 juin, le bureau de vote ouvre de 10h à 20h, l’élection municipale est plus importante pour nous, car elle nous concerne directement, la rue bien entretenue, les poubelles
propres, moins de mouches donc, moins de maladies
… et assurez-vous que vos voisins ont reçu de l’aide pour aller voter, mes amis, votre geste compte, merci… ‘)
- twitter .com/jamiewestndp/status/1670537887572525057 (‘ MPP Jamie West Got this at the @SudburyMarket from Bucky’s BBQ Blend. It was a pretty good Caesar rimmer. Trying it on ribs today! (I’ll let you know Bucky
) Jun 18 ‘)
- twitter .com/davescrivener/status/1671488442734133249 (‘ Dave Scrivener : Victoria Hospital for Sick Children, 67 College Street Toronto, Ontario, Canada ‘)
- twitter .com/davescrivener/status/1670965483804213250 (‘ Dave Scrivener : Legalize it. Bitondos Pizza

, 11 Clinton Street Toronto, ON M6J 2N7 Canada,
(416) 533-4101 ‘)
- twitter .com/davescrivener/status/1670447892455194627 (‘ Dave Scrivener : Maha’s – Toronto, 226 Greenwood Avenue , Toronto, Ontario M4L 2R2, Canada,
416-462-2703, June 18, 2023 ‘)
- twitter .com/JoelHardenONDP/status/1671966773015355419 (‘ Joel Harden : Better protections for vulnerable road users

is what inspired Bill 40, the Moving Ontarians Safely Act – a bill I’m proposing with MPP colleagues @DolyBegum @JessicaBellTO and @BhutilaKarpoche that’s up for debate this fall. Learn more and how to support, Jun 22, 2023 , via Doly Begum ‘)