Planter with Trellis for Climbing Vegetables L16inch × W16inch × H78inch, Kevirice
Planter Box with Trellis : Size of the planting box: L16″ × W16″ × H78″. It is made up of a planter box and trellis with four wheels underneath, you can easily move it anywhere to let the plants get more sunlight for better growth.
Sturdy Trellis Support : The frame of this planter with trellis can make the plants grow upright and look more beautiful, it can also be used as a shelf for climbing vines, and provides great support and plenty of space to grow all kinds of your favorite vine flowers or climbing vegetables.
More details on Amazon
FYI –>
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med-mastodon .com/@nilikm/110684197122897331 (‘ Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth : Finished building our 8×16 garden area! Next up, soil (sustainable, organic) and then veg and herbs. For this year, will look to farmer’s market for tomato plants, etc. (NB: No animals harmed. Goats in photo are sculptures). Summer fun. ‘)
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marchehua .com (‘ New York: Trapped drivers swim out of their cars. Intense rains and flash flooding continued to batter the North East on Monday… More than 9 million people are under flood alert in the North East on Monday. Imagine, we have a D o u g F o r d who continues to deny climate change, this is the time when we need someone who works for the people… Above all, Flash floods are also likely in Canada. according, My Friends, encourage Melissa Coenraad to work harder to help us… via Pitchaya Sudbanthad, AE4WX, Jul 10, 2023 ‘)
mstdn (‘ Chris Alemany : Garden Box is done!! The back board was warped from sitting outside for 2 years so thats why the end is off the ground, but it’s nothing some cement blocks can’t weigh down until it figures itself out. Now, to get a bunch of soil… #gardening #today #garden #fruittrees #edibles #home #DIY , Jul 05, 2023 ‘)
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