People Figurines Human Body Model for Kids 8PCS, People at Work
15PCS People Figurines Human Organ Figures Set: Human organ anatomy parts display model children learning toy include small intestine, large intestine,lung,brain,stomach,heart,liver,kidney and 7PCS people at work figurines toys set. Suitable for boys and girls over 6 years old, good for brain ability and imagination.
More details on Amazon
FYI –>
cbc .ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/search-continues-flooding-fallout-1.6915290 (‘ Empty truck found in flooded field as search continues for 4 missing people in Nova Scotia, 2 children, a youth and a man are missing in the West Hants area of province, Jul 23, 2023 ‘ )
med-mastodon .com/@luckytran/110713243785052069 (‘ You can send In-N-Out Burger a comment about their discriminatory policy banning masks here : https://www. in – n – out .com/contact, Jul 14, 2023 , FYI : Colorado, Nevada, Texas, and Utah (if they don’t have a medical note). The policy will be effective in Aug 14, 2023. ‘)
med-mastodon .com/@luckytran/110713402348254325 (‘ Dr. Lucky Tran : As workers go on strike all around the country, it’s important to remember that COVID is still causing death and disability. Fighting for workers’ rights should include fighting to make our workplaces safe from #COVID. via @AE4WX ‘)
med-mastodon .com/@luckytran/110713402348254325 (‘ Dr. Lucky Tran : Businesses like In-N-Out Burger are banning staff from wearing masks (unless they provide a medical note) ‘)
mstdn (‘ Chris Alemany : There is a lot… a LOT… of truth and depth to this simple statement -B.C. wildfire fighter🔥👩🏻🚒🕯️ killed responding to blaze outside Revelstoke-. “”I think we maybe have to start saying goodbye to some of our favourite [places]. You know, if we see them, it could be the last time.”” #ClimateChaos #ClimateEmergency #BCWildfire #BCPoli #CanPoli #ClimateChange, Jul 13, 2023 ‘)
cbc .ca/news/canada/british-columbia/twitter-policy-change-hampers-drivebc-1.6894793 (‘ …For Tumbler Ridge’s Broderick, the 💣misinformation💣 and confusion he said he sometimes sees on social media sites during this wildfire season is a good reminder to be wary of anything not from an official source or credible media outlet. 🚨Don’t put all your eggs in the social media basket.🚨 ;”…la désinformation et la confusion qu’il dit voir parfois sur les sites de médias sociaux pendant cette saison des incendies de forêt sont un bon rappel de se méfier de tout ce qui ne provient pas d’une source officielle ou d’un média crédible. -Ne mettez pas tous vos œufs dans le panier des réseaux sociaux-“. via Chris Alemany, Jul 12, 2023 ‘)
hachyderm .io/ (‘ All of downtown #Montpelier #VT flooded. #VTwx #flooding (via vtdigger) ‘)
mastodon .social/@pitchaya/110690284408450823 (‘ Pitchaya Sudbanthad : When “thousand-year” rains happen much more often and brings a month’s worth of rain in six hours, you might want to do something about the cause of that new abnormal normal, before it is too late to do anything at all. Photo: Megan Cardone. #HudsonValley. West Point, NY. #climatechange #flooding #extremeweather via @AE4WX ‘)
mastodon (‘ Chicago, Jul 12, 2023, Nathan N7NWT : People are taking this one even less seriously. The few who were concerned have already left the lobby because “it’s so bright outside! It must be over.” No public messaging here or any emergency plans in the hotel #ilwx via @AE4WX ‘)
hachyderm .io/@jrefior/110702547566839222 (‘ John Refior : I found this photo of flooding in Long Lake, NY, quite striking. From this newspaper article… — #LongLake #NewYork #flooding ‘)
thehotshotwakeup (‘ The United States has just 28% of the average acres burned so far this year on a 10-year timeline. Or, it’s 62% slower than average. This is setting up to historically be one of the slowest years on record. We’ll have to wait a few more months until we can determine that, though. Utah could still surprise us, and maybe Nevada once it dries out. Montana is basically a rainforest lately. Also, don’t count the Pacific Northwest out yet. Time will tell if larger campaign fires start popping up later this month into dirty August. it’s even 🚨more important to push our representatives to pass 🔥🔥🇺🇸🔥🔥the Tim Hart Act🚨, 👨🚒Hot Shots! jul 10, 2023 ‘)
axios .com/2023/07/08/record-global-heat-climate-change-el-nino (‘ America’s cruel summer : Record-setting heat and hazardous air have already consumed much of the U.S. this summer, and the worst may be yet to come. The big picture: The effects of a warming climate are no longer happening in the background. They’re actively dictating and shaping our lives. Driving the news: Blistering heat waves have struck all over the country; another one is now ramping up in the Southwest. Tens of millions of people have been exposed to dangerously poor air quality due to smoke billowing from Canada’s record-breaking wildfires… Andrew Freedman , jul 7, 2023 ‘)
thehotshotwakeup (‘ …We still don’t know what the final outcome will be, but it’s clearly a known problem now. Publicly and in the White House. What is the best solution going forward? Passthe Tim Hart Actinstead of bickering over smaller concessions and pay. A positive statement none the less. THE HOTSHOT WAKE UP… Jul 2, 2023 ‘)
thehotshotwakeup (‘ Expect multiple large-scale incidents and numerous teams spending the month of August in either Oregon or Washington. I would not be surprised to see Idaho have another big year; they have a large grass crop that is slowly curing out, and it’s getting ready… The Pacific Northwest will likely still have a couple of fires burning until the snow flies. Hawaii has become a warming fire for Guam… Stay Safe!🔥Wear an N95 mask to protect your lung from smok🔥 ‘)
gov (‘ Smoke is made up of a number of components. The unhealthiest material in wildland fire smoke is the small particles (particulates). They may make it harder to breathe or make you cough. These small particles can also make existing heart and lung conditions worse.; “La fumée comprend un certain nombre de composants. Les particules fines (ou matières particulaires) qui se trouvent dans la fumée provenant des feux de forêt sont la substance plus nocive pour la santé. Cette substance rend la respiration difficile ou provoque des toux. Ces particules fines peuvent également aggraver les maladies cardiaques et respiratoires préexistantes. ” ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ My Friends, mobilize to protest, and denounce them, no one can help us, especially since we only have our health left, so we must unite and fight to protect ourselves, the fools need you to make the economy work, but they don’t care about your health, so if all the factory workers refuse to do the job, they would have no choice but to do what is necessary to protect you, so unite , stand up…👇🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 3-07-2023 ‘)
thehotshotwakeup (‘ …The only thing that is going to put out this fire🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 out and many across the country is winter, 5 months from now. It’s going to be a long, smoky summer for everyone. You have a wide reach, it would be great if you can help people understand these dynamics in the Canadian wildfire scene when they’re bitching about the smoke… Jun 8 ‘)
wsws .org/en/articles/2023/06/29/097f-j29.html (‘ The air was bad yesterday already but when I walked into the plant for my shift it was even worse. The whole area around the chassis line was filled with thick smog. It smelled real bad too, like chemicals. … Lots of workers were saying that they were having asthma attacks and couldn’t breathe, and 💣their eyes were burning because of the smoke💣. I heard that someone went down from having an asthma attack too… The WSWS urges workers in every industry to organize rank-and-file committees to assert your own independent interests, enforce temporary paid shutdowns, and guarantee that necessary public health measures are taken to protect the population. John Conrad, 28 June 2023 ‘)
thehotshotwakeup (‘ As Pay💰 Issues Linger, Canadian Firefighters Start Refusing Work as Wildfires Burn. The Canary in the Coal Mine. You’re next U.S. unless you do something. Jun 13, 2023 ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ So, the imbecines have gone to look for workers from abroad such as Africa, Taiwan, etc…, these are shows that we have seen recently, and it is the Canadians, and the Americans who breathe the toxic air🤒🫁⚰️, Finally… July 2, 2023 ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ Wildfires in Canada are affecting everyone from Ohio in the United States to Norway in Europe. In Alberta, former Rapattack members say budget cuts by the United Conservative government in 2019 left the province underfunded amid the ongoing wildfire crisis. In the face of this crisis the only thing that will put out this fire and many others across the country is winter, in 5 months according to @HotshotWake. Imagine thousands of people had to leave their homes in Alberta and Quebec. Patients from the hospitals in the regions which are affected by the fire should be transferred to the hospitals in the city which are already suffering from the management of the covid-19 of the fools in power. My Friends, it is clear that we will have to mobilize to rid the incompetent of power… think about it . Jun 11, 2023, FYI-Ontario : 🔥📹-Marit Stiles asks…, 🏥-@DrNancyOlivieri, 🏥-John Bowker via @bowker_john So 👨🚒👩⚕️👆🏻 ‘)
albertandp .ca/news (‘ 🔥Rachel Notley : I met briefly this morning with D a n i e l l e S m i t h and offered my insights and experience from the 2016 Fort McMurray fire. If you are impacted by the wildfires and need support, I encourage you to call the Wildfire Resource Line at ☎️310-4455 ‘)
mastodon .nu/@gretathunberg/110433969364214658 (‘ Greta Thunberg : School strike week 249. Today the theme for our strike is biodiversity. It is crucial – both for the climate and biodiversity – that we #RestoreNature. This means restoring our greatest ally in tackling the climate and biodiversity crises. We now have an immense opportunity to turn the tide for nature in Europe: the Nature Restoration Law. 1/2 ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ The covid-19 pandemic and the election tells us one thing : the world loves democracy, but some are fighting for something else, so indirectly they encourage fools in power to rip them off more; Worse, 🕵🏻they are the first to be hit in Toronto when Doug Ford slashed Ontario’s emergency wildfire budget by 67% 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥, yet there are wealthy people who generally live in rural areas. In Quebec, Legault increased 😠the salary of useless deputies by 30%😠, however, people in the regions are the most affected by forest 🔥🔥🔥fires🔥🔥; now some have had to be cared for by abused carers, poorly paid by Legault. In England, Ex-health secretary Matt Hancock, the recipe for dealing with 🚨the pandemic centered on providing body bags🚨 and how to bury the ⚰️dead⚰️. So My Friends remember if you put the pressure on the politicians can’t do what they want so Toronto –Chow is ready to build a city for anything, calm down think and listen to 👂Chow’s message👂… So, let’s fight to build a better city, and democracy…; Alberta-@RachelNotley, via @MeetJess, @RougeMatisse, NDP MPP Chris Glover ‘)
amazon .com/s?k=Brandi+Morin+book (‘ 📚-Brandi Morin : The secrets to overcoming adversity and landing; Broken Horses: A Memoir; , etc…, FYI : @Songstress28; Chief Adam, Pete Keebik, Tuktoyaktuk, 👉 Mhua: No, it’s not about not believing in climate change… it’s the sociopaths, the incompetent clinging to power, and they need the support of the angry people, the rich to stay in power ‘)
whc .ca/en (‘ Web Hosting Canada , Security& SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools. ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ “ Le modèle des idiots, des ignorants : Pandémie de Covid-19, Wuhan : Il faut apprendre à vivre avec ce virus Changement climatique : nous devons apprendre à vivre avec. Alors, un matin, il n’y aura plus d’êtres humains sur cette terre. En d’autres termes, ce sont les conséquences d’échecs dans la gestion des imbéciles au pouvoir qui aident un groupe de personnes à détruire la terre. ils abusent de leur pouvoir en vous forçant à vivre dans le désordre… Alors lèvez-vous, utilisez vos compétences : 1-rejoignez-vous le club des gens qui portent des masques, car les masques empêchent le virus d’entrer dans vos organes pour vous rendre malade, 2-refusez d’être exploité par des cons, c’est simple, ils refusent de sécuriser le lieu de travail, pourtant il a besoin de vous…”, Jul 12, 2023 ‘)
med-mastodon .com/@luckytran/110696800714652836 (‘ Dr. Lucky Trani : “We have to learn to live with climate change” “We have to learn to live with the virus” See a pattern? , Jul 11, 2023 ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ Everything on this earth is important, humans work, trees🌴🌲🌳🎋 absorb water, but some brains only know money, they have cut down trees, let the fire burn since 3 months, so the water is overflowing, the earth slipping now, MY FRIENDS, changing our ways to save us… Jul 13, 2023 ‘)
mstdn (‘ The provincial highway notification service couldn’t notify people of emergencies and evacuations last weekend because of Twitter’s sudden tweet limitations. And this is why everyone on Mastodon needs to connect with their local authorities and convince them that moving to Mastodon, an open source, public, alternative, is the closest thing to a guarantee of public access in an emergency. #FediTips #Emergency #Mastodon #Twitter #Public👇, Jul 12, 2023 ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ 📢Idem for your representatives and politicians, Jul 13, 2023 ‘)
cbc .ca/news/canada/montreal/tornado-watch-montreal-1.6905542 (‘ How to prepare and stay safe🌪️🌪️: According to ECCC, if you hear a roaring sound or see a funnel cloud, swirling debris near the ground, flying debris, or any threatening weather approaching, take shelter immediately. Monica Vaswani, a warning preparedness meteorologist for ECCC, says a green skycould also be an indication of an imminent tornado. “You want to head indoors immediately,” she said. People should get to the lowest possible level of their 🏠home, preferably a basement, and keep away from windows and sharp objects. A fully enclosed space, such as a bathtub, can also provide some protection. While a 🚗vehicle is not an ideal place to be during a tornado, if you do find yourself in that situation, keep low and hunker down in your vehicle, Vaswani says. Sabrina Jonas ‘)
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