Tales of Two Planets: Stories of Climate Change and Inequality in a Divided World
John Freeman : Climate change is making already dire inequalities much worse, devastating further the already devastated. But the problems of climate change are not restricted to those from the less developed world. Galvanized by his conversations with writers and activists around the world, Freeman engaged with some of today’s most eloquent storytellers, many of whom hail from the places under the most acute stress–from the capital of Burundi to Bangkok, Thailand. The response has been extraordinary. Margaret Atwood conjures with a dys¬topian future in a remarkable poem. Lauren Groff whisks us to Florida; Edwidge Danticat to Haiti; Tahmima Anam to Bangladesh; Yasmine El Rashidi to Egypt, while Eka Kurniawan brings us to Indonesia, Chinelo Okparanta to Nigeria, and Anuradha Roy to the Himalayas in the wake of floods, dam building, and drought. This is a literary all-points bulletin of fiction, essays, poems, and reportage about the most important crisis of our times. More details on Amazon
FYI –>
- fedified .com/@morgfair@newsie.social/110933426078395223 (‘ Hilary leaves massive flooding, mudslides, upheaval across Southern California, In the wake of Hilary’s lashing of Southern California, the region awoke Monday to lingering damage from the historic storm, with debris flows and flash floods leaving paths of destruction from San Bernardino’s mountain towns to Riverside’s desert communities and along Hollywood streets. via Dr. Jorge Caballero. Aug 22, 2023 ‘)
- mastodon .online/@eribosot@mastodon.social/110836504607444284 (‘ I’m following the devastating news from Slovenia, where one month’s worth of rain fell in 24 hours. It’s the biggest natural disaster in the young country’s 32-year history. Large parts of the country are flooded. I can’t even begin to imagine the time and money needed to recover from this. But it’s hard to find non-Slovenian coverage of this disaster. Press agencies like Reuters and AP are reporting it, but newspapers in, say, Germany or the US aren’t picking it up. via mastodon.online/@emmalbriant, Aug 05, 2023 ‘)
- med-mastodon .com/@luckytran/110817528561437853 (‘ Dr. Lucky Tran : From 2010 to 2022 in the US, average annual heat-related deaths are up 95%. And given we are experiencing the hottest summer in recorded history, that’s likely to rise again… ‘)
- med-mastodon .com/@luckytran/110778407203135835 (‘ Dr. Lucky Tran : “It is so hot in Maricopa County, Arizona, that people are being brought into the emergency room with significant, sometimes life-threatening burns. For the past 3 or 4 weeks of this record heatwave, people have been burned just by falling on the ground.”… ‘)
- mastodon .social/@pitchaya/110690284408450823 (‘ Pitchaya Sudbanthad : When “thousand-year” rains happen much more often and brings a month’s worth of rain in six hours, you might want to do something about the cause of that new abnormal normal, before it is too late to do anything at all. Photo: Megan Cardone. #HudsonValley. West Point, NY. #climatechange #flooding #extremeweather via @AE4WX ‘)
- usatoday .com/story/news/nation/2023/07/12/vermont-flooding-updates-northeast-braces-more-storms/70404895007 (‘ MONTPELIER, Vt. − Vermont residents across the state are toiling Wednesday amid a monumental cleanup after historic rains fueled devastating floods that washed away roads, trails, crops and homes, littering streets and businesses with debris. ‘)
- whc .ca/en (‘ Web Hosting Canada , Security & SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools. ‘)
- marchehua .com (‘ “Si vous avez la chance de faire un voyage à Toronto, ne manquez pas de faire un tour à Scarborough, il y en a pour tous les goûts, surtout les plats de nos mères, le poulet rôti à l’indienne, le poulet “tikka” à l’indienne, le curry de poulet indien, nos mamans sont très créatives. les méchants veulent juste notre argent, ils veulent juste monopoliser nos marchés, la santé, tout. D o u g F o r d qui est “assis” sur 22,6 milliards de dollars refuse d’investir davantage dans la santé et le logement abordable, de l’education…”, July 20 , 2023 ‘)
- marchehua .com (‘ “Tout sur cette terre est important, les humains travaillent, les arbres🌴🌲🌳🎋 absorbent l’eau, mais certains cerveaux ne connaissent que l’argent, ils coupent des arbres, laissent le 🔥feu brûler depuis 3 mois, donc l’eau déborde, la terre glisse maintenant. Mes amis, changeons nos habitudes pour nous sauver…” Jul 13, 2023 ‘)
- marchehua .com (‘ Same ingredients, same main course style of BBQ chicken soup, pork and snarks, fruit juices, etc… only difference is shape and taste, so same fight for 📒freedom. look at the countries of dictators in Asia, the storms, the tornadoes, the floods, the air pollution, it’s the consequence of the fools who want easy money… lately, instead of planting the good protein rice to feed their people, he implants the durian fruit, because the demand is high? Finally, chaos everywhere, My Friends, plant your tomatoes and vegetables that can help you… 16-07-2023 ‘)
- mstdn .chrisalemany.ca/@chris/110710041999802056 (‘ Chris Alemany : There is a lot… a LOT… of truth and depth to this simple statement -B.C. wildfire fighter🔥👩🏻🚒🕯️ killed responding to blaze outside Revelstoke-. “”I think we maybe have to start saying goodbye to some of our favourite [places]. You know, if we see them, it could be the last time.”” #📕ClimateChaos #📰ClimateEmergency #BCWildfire #BCPoli #CanPoli #📕ClimateChange, Jul 13, 2023 ‘)
- mastodon .online/@BrentToderian/110713677205427995 (‘ Brent Toderian : This is important. “Reconsider this word ‘balance.’ Let’s say, for argument’s sake, your end goal is balance. Picture a 100-yard dash where you’ve given the car a 90-yard head start. That’s kind of where you are. Even if your goal is an outcome of balance, by definition you have to prioritize the other modes even to just catch up.” Prioritize walking, biking & transit. ‘)