Alberta Province Shaped Serving and Cutting Board Includes Hang Tie for Wall Display

  • UNIQUE ALBERTA SHAPE: Celebrate life in Wild Rose Country with this beautifully crafted bamboo cutting board cut to the shape of Alberta
  • FUN LASER-ENGRAVED ARTWORK: Features engraved artwork highlighting the top towns and attractions in Alberta; board measures 16-1/4″ x 9-1/4″ x 5/8″
  • FYI –>
    • twitter .com/jvipondmd/status/1433866073518968833 (‘   … And although I hate to say it, it is time to close in person schools for a period of time. While I appreciate the important role schools play in society, they also play a ridiculously large role in COVID transmission, and at this point in the wave, it is inevitable they close ‘)
    • twitter .com/UbakaOgbogu/status/1432506191909998599 (‘  I truly do not know how this province is not in lockdown presently. I can’t believe I am sending my kids to school this week. It feels like parental negligence to do so.  @cspotweet, @Cleavon_MD , @DrEricDing 👉🏻Unvaccinated schoolteacher with #DeltaVariant spread the coronavirus to half of the students in a classroom, just briefly without a mask,,   ‘)
    • marchehua .com (‘  There will be a series of COVID-19 information regarding the safe return to school this Wednesday 1-09-2021 and Friday 3-9-2021 by the ProtectOurProvince Alberta group of which Dr. Joe Vipond is one of the members. Do not miss, it is very interesting for Canadians and parents around the world…; ” Il y aura une série d’informations COVID-19 concernant le retour à l’école en toute sécurité ce mercredi 1-09-2021 et vendredi 3-9-2021 par le groupe ProtectOurProvince Alberta dont le Dr Joe Vipond est l’un des membres. Ne manquez pas, c’est très intéressant pour les Canadiens et les parents du monde entier… ”  ‘)
    • twitter .com/ivyjofreeman/status/1433161729324765195 (‘ 🇺🇸 My grandson’s 2nd grade teacher has died from covid. He called and told me he’s scared 😭. via  @Cleavon_MD. 🕯️, PLEASE, WEAR A MASK, get vaccinated ‘)
    • twitter .com/PopAlberta/status/1432463178697297923 (‘  Did you miss our #PoPAB briefing today? You can watch it here: fin/  @wingkarli, @NeejaB,  @Albert_Nobbs, @ChuckWurster  , @zaidi71  , @jvipondmd , @caruzycki    ‘)
    • youtube .com/watch?v=okwrKC5flQ0 (‘  Protect our Province: COVID Briefing -Monday Aug 30, 2021- ‘)
    • youtube .com/channel/UCXWblAge6ZMLkLFDjTtRwwQ/videos (‘  AlbertaProtect our Province via @jvipondmd ‘)
    • twitter .com/DrEricDing/status/1432236753801383936 (‘ 🇺🇸 Hospitals in parts of the South are running out of oxygen supply as #COVID19 cases and hospitalizations continue soaring, driven by the #DeltaVariant. Hospitals in Florida, South Carolina, Texas & Louisiana are “at risk running out of oxygen imminently”!    ‘)
    • twitter .com/PopAlberta/status/1432478393472331780 (‘  Thank you to everyone who watched the panel today. We’ll be back again, Wednesday Sep 1 and Friday Sep 3. In case you missed it:, #popAB #COVID19AB #abpoli #TestTraceIsolate  ‘)
    • twitter .com/jvipondmd/status/1432524049272295425  (‘  Upcoming briefings will cover the safe return to school, on Wednesday, and the importance of airborne transmission, on Friday. The briefings can be viewed on ProtectOurProvince’s YouTube page. ‘)
    • twitter .com/jvipondmd/status/1432479754553155587 (‘ Here’s your AB COVID # analysis for Mon Aug 30th covering the days of Fri/Sat/Sun. 1/  ‘)
    • twitter .com/UbakaOgbogu/status/1427718645631774721 (‘  Ubaka Ogbogu : This is in French, but your Google browser will translate to English. It is dated, but my god – what a crock of shit.  Aug 17, 2021 ‘)
    • science.sciencemag .org/content/373/6558/eabd9149.full (‘  Mechanisms of airborne transmission : However, several respiratory pathogens are known to spread through small respiratory aerosols, which can float and travel in air flows, infecting people who inhale them at short and long distances from the infected person….    ‘)
    • marchehua .com (‘ My friends from Hong Kong, pro-democracy are arrested by the encroachment of beijing in hong kong on 23-11-2020, they are in prison, So I share their story to help them, Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 , #save12hkyouths, THANK YOU, #StandwithHongKong   ‘)
    • marchehua .com (‘  Violent anti-mask adults are now assaulting students. Aka Florida ,, #COVID19 via @DrEricDing , FYI :  @Cleavon_MD , @EricTopol, @Emmanuel_microb, @vanranstmarc ‘)
    • twitter .com/SolNataMD/status/1430857956833300492 (‘ 🇺🇸 Hospital in Florida : emergencies r happening almost every hour mostly in covid floors. There r many covid floors. Dead patients are quickly transported to morgue to free up beds for new patients. Hospitals rent mobile morgues.’)
    • covidactiongroup .net/vaccines-alone-will-not-stop-new-lockdowns (‘ Vaccines Alone Will Not Stop New Lockdowns: Changing Strategy for Fighting Delta Variant and Beyond  via   @yaneerbaryam ‘)
    • twitter .com/RachelNotley/status/1432034156830101504 (‘ Alberta, A complete failure of leadership by the Government. #ableg   ‘)
    • twitter .com/UbakaOgbogu/status/1431961492748783621 (‘  Alberta,    There’s every reason for students and staff to be mad at the administration because policies like this don’t allow for a safe work or learning environment. Aug 29, 2021  ‘)
    • twitter .com/d_cannady/status/1432196167123685378 (‘  3 people at my work (in a bar in rural Alberta) tested positive. 2 are in isolation right now. We’re severely short staffed and I get a 10 day work week. I’m scared because I have an 11 year old at home. We can’t even trace it. We can’t refuse to work. And we can’t tell customers .  @jvipondmd, @shazmamithani,   Honestly : Is there a place in the world right now more unsafe than Alberta?  Aug 30, 2021 ‘)
    • twitter .com/wingkarli/status/1432031304153853952 (‘ 🤒🛏️🚑⚰️🏥🧑🏻‍🦽👩‍🦽 video, This feels like a completely different universe, @DuaneBratt, @pwrsmith, Friday August 27, 2021  ‘)
    • twitter .com/JanisIrwin/status/1432142408163024897 (‘ Truly. It doesn’t need to be this way. Volunteer. Donate. Get involved. Send me a message. We can do this. ‘)
    • twitter .com/ZiadFazel/status/1432326589971197953 (‘ IMO, GoA is intentionally accelerating #COVID19AB to build herd immunity faster, aka “Rip bandaid off quick.” This includes pressuring Muni councils to dump mask bylaws, plus series of TTI cuts after. 🔥Accelerants. Councillors need to Show the Leadership they Ask of Others. SOS : @jvipondmd , @DrEricDing, @Cleavon_MD , @vanranstmarc, @Emmanuel_microb , @DFisman , @SOSAlberta, etc…’)
    • twitter .com/DrEricDing/status/1432335485893025792 (‘  🇺🇸 ⚠️Over half the performing band of Kid Rock’s team now has #COVID19 after performing at this overcrowded event. Gee, if only we epidemiologists warned about this. via    @RonFilipkowski ‘)
    • twitter .com/jvipondmd (‘ Message from Dr. 𝙹𝚘𝚎 𝚅𝚒𝚙𝚘𝚗𝚍 to Albertans, Stay tuned at 4 p.m. today regarding your pandemic safety, according to a new initiative for #PoPAB, (Protect Our Province Alberta), more details: @Albert_Nobbs, @jvipondmd ‘)
    • twitter .com/jvipondmd/status/1432190780005703684 (‘  tomorrow will be the launch of a new initiative for #PoPAB ,(Protect Our Province Alberta). 4 pm tomorrow. Stay tuned. I have high hopes it will make a difference.  #ABleg #ProtectOurProvinceAB.  🙏🏻  Dr. 𝙹𝚘𝚎 𝚅𝚒𝚙𝚘𝚗𝚍 :  watch and share, THANK YOU  🙏🏻’)
    • twitter .com/PopAlberta/status/1432463178697297923 (‘  Protect our Province Alberta : COVID Briefing (Monday Aug 30, 2021) ,   ‘)
    • twitter .com/jvipondmd/status/1431978960036921345 (‘  Dr. 𝙹𝚘𝚎 𝚅𝚒𝚙𝚘𝚗𝚍 : I’ve received rumours from contact tracers that they are now only telling +ve cases of their status, and not looking into contacts (ie, we’ve lost the tracing part of Test Trace Isolate). Can anyone confirm this? Feel free to DM me anonymously.  ‘)
    • twitter .com/Albert_Nobbs/status/1432193431162564612 (‘  Hey folx we are gonna be here with a whole new thing. It’s gonna be an interesting Monday. #popAB #badgovernment #abpoli #ableg #covid19ab  ‘)
    • twitter .com/SarahRyanYEG/status/1432440414888292352 (‘  Sarah Ryan : Making this clear, the mask mandate that just passed in #yegcc will include restaurants, grocery stores, rec centres, retail stores, etc. If you’re inside in #yeg, you will NEED to wear a mask starting THIS Friday, Sept. 3. @CityofEdmonto   , 4:29 PM · Aug 30, 2021 ‘)
    • globalnews .ca/news/8151971/alberta-covid-19-doctors-updates (‘  In the absence of regular provincial government news conferences, a group of Alberta doctors are providing their own COVID-19 update on Monday afternoon. #yeg #COVID19ab @jvipondmd ,  @Albert_Nobbs,     via   @jvipondmd  ‘)
    • twitter .com/politicalham/status/1432413570508099586 (‘ What about the kids? Delta variant-fuelled 4th wave threatens to engulf Alberta acute care My interview with Dr. @shazmamithani, #ABleg, #ABpoli, #cdnpoli, #COVID19AB, @jvipondmd ‘)
    • edmonton .ca/city_government/city_organization/city-councillors (‘  via  @SarahRyanYEG : It’s been a wild ride covering #yegcc today. Thank you to everyone for your comments/interaction. I saw a number of people ask today how to reach their elected officials. You can tag them on social media, email them, call them – lots of options.  #yeg  ‘)
    • mississippifreepress .org/14927/mississippi-quarantines-20000-with-5993-students-positive-for-covid-teen-deaths-rise (‘ via @DrEricDing ‘)
    • twitter .com/Patricia_Ann_E/status/1432495495063158797 ( ‘ One of the 7 deaths was someone who worked occasionally on my old unit. She was double vaccinated 🕯️. via   @UbakaOgbogu,  @cspotweet ‘)
    • twitter .com/Cleavon_MD/status/1280930511527923713 (‘  This is a thread of precious innocent children who have died from #COVID. @COVKIDProject  🕯️ ‘)


Product Dimensions : 16.25 x 9.25 x 0.63 inches
Item Weight : 1.76 pounds
Manufacturer : Totally Bamboo

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