Compatible with iPad mini (6th generation), iPad Air (5th and 4th generation), iPad Pro 12.9-inch (3rd, 4th, and 5th generations), iPad Pro 11-inch (3rd, 2nd, and 1st generations)
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It makes painting, sketching, doodling, and even note-taking better than ever.
It magnetically attaches to iPad mini (6th generation), iPad Pro and iPad Air, charges wirelessly, and lets you change tools with a simple double tap.
FYI –>
twitter .com/KCStar/status/1610878973453516801 (‘ 🇺🇸The Kansas City Star : The funeral home gave some families ashes purportedly of their loved ones, but their 👿bodies had in fact been sold👿, prosecutors say., Jan 5, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/jasmith_yorku/status/1609353265816260608 (‘ Dr. James : All universities, colleges and public schools should provide free masks to students in 2023. Like @mcgillu does. Dec 31, 2022, via @luckytran ‘)
twitter .com/jasmith_yorku/status/1609744825691131908 (‘ I wish. I did see some 3m Auras at @SchulichSchool for free. Jan 1, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/michaelzlin/status/1610316457480695810 (‘ Today we’re worried by XBB.1.5 which reached 40% of US cases. David Ho’s paper called its immunoevasiveness “alarming”. XBB.1.5 is a BA.2 derivative. I had said as early as June that FDA should request a BA.2+BA.5 booster. Instead FDA went Wuhan+BA.5. XBB.1.5 is another FDA fail, Jan 3, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/joaquinlife/status/1610021370569846787 (‘ 🇺🇸Joaquín Beltrán : To the global leaders that lie to your people that the pandemic is over. Japan just broke its record for most COVID deaths in a day. The pandemic is not over, it is getting worse. Jan 2, 2023 , via Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth ‘)
twitter .com/joaquinlife/status/1609330313272135681 (‘ 🇺🇸 It is ridiculous that pharmacies like @COSTCO and @riteaid are turning away people from getting Novavax because of unclear guidelines from the CDC. @ C D C D i r e c t o r , your guidelines are contributing to vaccine inaccessibility. Why make this process more complicated than it has to be? Dec 31, 2022 ‘)
twitter .com/_Lady_JEM/status/1610441611040661505 (‘ 🇺🇸 I was turned away today by Costco due to CDC guidelines that are being interpreted that if you have had any mRNA boosters ever, you don’t qualify for Novavax booster. Jan 3, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/joaquinlife/status/1610431811183861766 (‘ 🇺🇸Joaquín Beltrán : If we’ve learned anything, it’s that there is congressional bipartisan shameless denial of an ongoing pandemic that is destroying the lives of our people. Jan 3, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1610091373281132544 (`Dr. David Fisman : This petition has gained 10,000 signatures since yesterday! Let’s keep it going…signatures close at noon tomorrow. Please sign and retweet. Cảm ơn, THANK YOU, Merci Beaucoup, 謝謝… Stay safe!, Jan 2, 2023 `)
twitter .com/Andy_Ekins/status/1609992774895509510 (‘ Dr. Andy Ekins : When boil-water advisories are put out, it’s to buy time to fix the issue. Masks were “boil-water” advisories to buy time to fix ventilation and filtration in air. The difference being that absolutely nothing was done to “fix” the air issue over nearly 3 years. ” Lorsque des avis d’ébullition de l’eau sont émis, c’est pour gagner du temps pour résoudre le problème. Les masques étaient des avis de « faire bouillir l’eau » pour gagner du temps pour réparer la ventilation et la filtration de l’air. La différence étant qu’absolument rien n’a été fait pour “réparer” le problème d’air pendant près de 3 ans.” via Patrick Rankine ‘)
twitter .com/ThomasGerbet/status/1608959847583846404 (‘ Thomas Gerbet : , [Dernière heure] L’Hôpital général de Hawkesbury ferme son urgence jusqu’à 8 h le 3 janvier 2023. Situation « causée par les volumes élevés et une pénurie de personnel infirmier ». FYI : @JeanBottari🕯️, 🧑⚕️, 😫, 👵🏽👴🏻 ‘)
twitter .com/Michelt1968/status/1552486003323043840 (‘ pic. Michel Therrien : Quelque chose arrive bientôt … “ Les macarons de la dignité ” ‘)
twitter .com/mtlgazette/status/1554564920464887808 (‘ Reopening multiple-patient rooms will help ease strain on health system: seniors minister,, Jean Bottari : 5060 deaths⚰️ in our CHSLDs during the first wave. Did they not learn something? Visibly not because they are repeating the same mistake. But who am I to criticize other than a citizen who lost BOTH his parents to COVID. My mom passed in a CHSLD during the first wave. Aug 2, 2022, ‘)
whc .ca/en (‘ Web Hosting Canada , Security& SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools. ‘)
twitter .com/MerlinofCanada/status/1610659541821304833 (‘ While almost no one can get it in Alberta , , Jan 4, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/kimlouiselavoie/status/1609665094434328577 (‘ Dr. Kim Lavoie : The only thing Canada should require is masking on planes/in airports. They could be neg 2 days before travelling, and develop symptoms on the flight – everyone masking would significantly reduce risk of transmission at much less cost/inconvenience than testing. Come on Canada! Jan 1, 2023, via @coachRankine ‘)
twitter .com/Andy_Ekins/status/1609005231681011717 (‘ Dr. Andy Ekins 🇨🇦 : If you’re for the CAQ, remember this. They received $432,000,000 from Ottawa to improve school filtration and ventilation, but they didn’t because we are governed by a PR firm based in Chicago by proxy. The CAQ was only able to pass racist laws that will harm the province. Dec 30, 2022 ‘)
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