Black Iron Heart-Shape Picture collage with Burlap Flower, 6 Openings
The simple, iron heart picture frame is filled with spiraling scrolls, some of which are tipped with sweet little flowers made from gathered burlap sacking.
6 Openings in total: 4-4×6, 2-4×4; Dimension: 31×27. 5″. Vertical and horizontal hanging options, attractive addition to your hallway, living room or kitchen decor.
More details on Amazon
FYI –>
twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1665880166617284608 (‘ Olivia Chow: Had a fantastic time speaking with seniors about the affordable homes our city needs and ensuring a good place to live for everyone—including culturally responsive housing! Read my plan to build homes you can afford, Jun 5, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1662917904940007424 (‘ Gil Penalosa, #Cities4Everyone : Toronto has one of world’s best library system. Billion$$ to build it, and Tory with support from B a i l a o & B r a d f o r d , decided to close most branches on Sundays, and earlier on weekdays. Precisely when many people can go. Olivia Chowwill open them, a #TO4everyone. #ChowRightNow! May 28 ‘)
twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1662851032894906368 (‘ I’m thrilled to be joined by @4948Presidenti@local4948i and to have their support. Our libraries couldn’t exist without the library workers who help us find the information we’re looking for, run programs, and make our libraries the community hubs we know and love. ‘)
twitter .com/ATUlocal113/status/1663190339996319745 (‘ ATU Local 113 : Mayoral candidate Olivia Chow met with ATU Local 113 members at the General Membership Meeting held on Sunday, May 28, 2023. ‘)
twitter .com/AmandaVyce/status/1663552966534758406 (‘ Amanda Vyce : Great to see @4948president rockin’ it in #Toronto, standing up for the @torontolibrary & city residents during the mayoral campaign! @Local4948 @oliviachow #library #libraries, May 30, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/TeamOliviaChow/status/1661437277334118400 (‘ Olivia Chow: That’s a wrap on the @ T h e A g e n d a @ T o r o n t o R B O T debate! I’m headed out with the team. Have a good night! ‘)
twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1661909977018036225 (‘ Olivia Chow : The old approach is just not working. We need to get Toronto moving again. Together, we can win a more affordable, safe, and caring city. May 25, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1661895800434180097 (‘ Olivia Chow: Strong mayor powers and minority-rule only weaken our democracy. And we can’t have D o u g F o r d meddling in Toronto from Queen’s Park. As your Mayor, I’m committed to opening up City Hall and making sure the most important voices are heard: the people of Toronto. May 25, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1661873306591535110 (‘ We need a different approach to budgets. I was on the budget committee for 10 years. My approach is to first start with people and what they need for a better life. And that includes what businesses need to be more productive. Then, we look at revenues. , ‘)
twitter .com/TeamOliviaChow/status/1661437277334118400 (‘ I won’t operate in back rooms to destroy our lakeshore to build mega spas. I won’t use Strong Mayor powers.I will open up City Hall budgeting. I support ranked ballots. The people pick the mayor, not D o u g F o r d. Together we can make Toronto more affordable, caring and safe. ‘)
twitter .com/harrisonlowman/status/1661873765070798849 (‘ Harrison Lowman : “We need to keep our people here and housing affordability and better transit is what we need!” – Olivia Chow’)
twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1661536257032241154 (‘ Olivia Chow: : The time for change is now. Scarborough has waited for long enough. Together, we can build a more affordable, safe and caring city, May 24, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1661516833021632515 (‘ Olivia Chow: 📹I know how to bring people together to get things done. As a Councillor, I worked with all of council to introduce the school food program that feeds more than 200,000 students every day. Together, we can build a more affordable, safe and caring city. May 24, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1661517606472261636 (‘ There used to be a plan, a promise to bring City jobs to Scarborough Civic Centre. Let’s get it done! Let’s bring jobs to Scarborough. So people can work in the community they live in, and save time commuting. ‘)
twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1661521936189472769 (‘ We need to build permanent, affordable housing. And we also need immediate relief in the shelter system. My plan👂🔍📖 includes more 24/7 respite spaces and over 1,000 rent supplements to get people quickly into stable housing. May 24, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1661520241002782727 (‘ We did that in Regent Park. 500 young people were employed, and the budget was balanced with private sector partners. We can and should do that with every infrastructure project, to create community benefits, employ young people, and do it with a balanced budget. ‘)
twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1661520239488643073 (‘ A lot of projects are happening in Scarborough. The best contracts we can sign have community benefits. For example, in order to build you have to hire some of the young people in the neighbourhood, train them, and create more local jobs. ‘)
twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1661514558681362433 (‘ Earlier this year, I attended the vigil of the young man who was killed at Keele station. When I walked in I could hear the cries. I don’t wish that experience on any parent. In the midst of all that the mother said, “We need to take better care of each other.” ‘)
twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1661510771220594693 (‘ As mayor, I’ll build a dedicated 🚍busway so you aren’t stuck waiting. With my plan, you’ll save 20 minutes each day. That’s two hours a weekthat you can have back to spend studying, or relaxing with family and friends. ‘)
en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Danny_Nykoluk (‘ Danny Nykoluk was a professional football player with the Canadian Football League’s Toronto Argonauts. Nykoluk primarily played the offensive tackle position with the Argos. Nykoluk played in 204 games with the Argonauts in a career that lasted 16 seasons… Danny Nykoluk was the older brother of former Toronto Maple Leafs ice hockey player and NHL coach, Mike Nykoluk… May 24, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1660733315853238272 (‘ Gil Penalosa- 880cities : It’ll be nice to have a mayor who uses PUBLIC parks as a normal part of her life. Olivia Chowhas walked, ran, biked, paddled 100s of Toronto parks. Photos at ON Place. She knows that parks + programs improve mental & physical health, all ages & abilities. Fun! #Equalizers. May 23, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/TorontoFYIP/status/1661179275834212355 (‘ T.O. Foundation for Youth Involvement in Politics : Our President and CEO Javon S Samuel (@javonkongets23 ) attended the Toronto Campaign Office Official Opening Event for @oliviachow campaign this evening! @ichangeleaders @emmyegulu @OnAirWithViktor @chrisgloverndp @JessicaBellTO etc! ‘)
twitter .com/TorontoFYIP/status/1661179275834212355 (‘ Olivia Chow : What an amazing night at our Bloor St office opening! To the hundreds of volunteers and supporters who came — thank you from the bottom of my heart. You keep me energized! And I was happy to serve up the cake too! ‘)
twitter .com/HeatherLens_/status/1661181437406507014 (‘ Heather Erlen : @oliviachow for Mayor💯💜 She’s established in standing shoulder to shoulder with workers & progressive movements. Not only that, she’s been a leader in shaping those movements, seeing projects reach their full potential👉 Bloor Office Opening #TOpoli 🙌 ‘)
twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1660733315853238272 (‘ Olivia Chow: : So glad to join @ONPlace4All’s celebration of Ontario Place’s birthday! I’m strongly opposed to Doug Ford’s backroom deal to build a private luxury mega-spa on public lands. As your Mayor, I’ll stand up to Ford and not yield the land Toronto owns at Ontario Place. ‘)
twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1660712368920227841 (‘ Olivia Chow: After today’s 50+2 Ontario Place birthday celebration, join SwimOP and I at Michael Hough Beach! At 4pm, we’ll enjoy our beautiful waterfront by dipping our toes and paddles in Lake Ontario while discussing the future of our city. Learn more ‘)
twitter .com/copenhenken/status/1660524514432765955 (‘ Henk Swarttouw : Research confirms what we’ve always known, physical activity, including #cycling, is good for your mental health; reducing stress, improving mood & boosting confidence. Double bonus: + free exercise + going places ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1660374857215819776 (‘ Gil Penalosa : What if… every Sunday was a #SummerStreets Sunday? Citywide network of car-free streets, 10am-4pm, in #cities4everyone where all ages, abilities, backgrounds, walk, bike, run, chat, shop… enjoy the presence of each other. #JustDoIt Paris (doing it), NYC, Toronto… your city! ‘)
twitter (‘ Library workers make our public libraries the special places they are. I’m proud to have the support of CUPE Local 4948, Toronto’s library workers! @Local4948 ‘)
whc .ca/en (‘ Web Hosting Canada , Security& SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools. ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1661360696083247105 (‘ Gil Penalosa : Celebrating 24 yrs in Canada. I came for a couple of years, children learn English… and fell in love with the country. It’s people, values. Now I am lucky to love Colombia & Canada, Bogotá & Toronto. #Grateful , May 24, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1661363173390266368 (‘ #LoveTO As I celebrate 24 yrs in Canada I feel lucky to call Toronto home. Over 1/2 of us, residents, were born in another country. Everywhere. 17% area are ravines!! Over 1500 parks. Not perfect; together we should work on it. Grateful to live by nature & people. All ages. ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1663030230855090178 (‘ Gil Penalosa : Leaving Toronto, on my way to Seattle I enjoyed seeing one of Hydro corridors which will connect with ravines & trails to create the 100km Green Loop!! Spectacular!! Trip to keynote region’s mayors and senior staff. Equity, sustainability, fun. Enjoy sharing & learning. May 28, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1662869716858204160 (‘ @christinew12462 May 28 ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1661472542249582592 (‘ Gil Penalosa- @880Cities : Tuesday FREE webinar: How to Create an extraordinary Park, whose CEO reports to the US President? Presidio Park at the Golden Gate, San Francisco. #Cities4Everyone Tue May 30, 11am EST Register now: Gil Penalosa- Zoom✍️ ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ Hello My Friends, today the fools in power are helping their friends get rich, one of the examples, the city is left with less housing, poor public health and the market bill has more than doubled for Canadians , because the essential is monopolized by the friends of power. so, it’s time we stood up and elected someone who can really help us, a real warrior who must fight to help local businesses get back in shape and cut prices. there will be an election on 06-24-2023 to elect a mayor in Toronto, but unfortunately the population does not know the value of their vote. So, my friends, help the city, and yourself by participating in encouraging people to explain to their loved ones to go and vote… , May 30, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1666614714594390018 (‘ Olivia Chow : Had lots of fun celebrating Tibetan culture and speaking with members of the community in Parkdale this evening! Thank you @TWAOntario for welcoming me for Lhakar. ‘)
twitter .com/CheriDiNovo/status/1661436895992184832 (‘ Cheri DiNovo : DON’T BE COMPLACENT: If you support her, turn up to vote🗳️ in advance polls –June 8 to 13 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.-… This can be a poison, mainstream media, pill… May 24 ‘)
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