Breaking Point : The War for Democracy in Ukraine

Breaking Point: The War for Democracy in Ukraine looks at people transformed by a democratic revolution, who give up their normal lives to fight a Russian invasion, in a war which has killed 10,000 and displaced 1.9 million Ukrainians.
FYI –>

  • twitter .com/Worldwidewebb1/status/1504840949519761442 (‘  Stuart Webb : A sobering sight in the centre of Lviv today – 109 prams laid out to represent the 109 Ukrainian children killed in Putin’s war…so far. No doubt by the time you’ve seen this tweet that number will have risen…   via @anneapplebaum ‘)
  • twitter .com/anneapplebaum/status/1504935929978445824 (‘ Anne Applebaum : Behold the face of pure ignorance. This is what happens when you know no history. 18-03-2022  ‘)
  • twitter .com/VicAntHol/status/1498843638478032899  (`  victoria : “Dictators never stop. They are stopped.” Chilling words from @Kasparov63 , @MegynKellyShow `)
  • youtube .com/watch?v=Uy6qPzFWb2M (` Megyn Kelly is joined by Garry Kasparov, former chess champion and pro-democracy activist, to talk about how Vladimir Putin is displaying the characteristics of a madman, why the Ukraine invasion already signals we’re in World War III, and more. 1-03-2022 `)
  • twitter .com/JDBalartMSNBC/status/1498710158809128961  (‘ Had a phone conversation with Chancellor @OlafScholz. Spoke about Russia’s shelling of residential neighborhoods in Ukrainian cities during peace talks. Emphasized the need to close the sky over 🇺🇦. The work on Ukraine’s accession to the #EUneeds to be accelerated. ” Поговорив телефоном із канцлером @OlafScholz. Розповів про обстріли Росією житлових кварталів українських міст під час мирних перемовин. Наголосив на необхідності закриття неба над 🇺🇦. Робота щодо прийняття України до #ЄС має пришвидшитися. “, Mar 1, 2022  ‘)
  • twitter .com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1498658382319919104 (‘  Olena and I are sincerely grateful to Their Majesties King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima @koninklijkhuis for their warm words of support to the people of Ukraine. We resist the invasive aggression. Today, more than ever, it is important for us to feel that we are not alone. Володимир Зеленський @ZelenskyyUa. ” Я та моя дружина Олена щиро вдячні Їх Величностям Королю Віллему-Олександру та Королеві Максимі @koninklijkhuis за теплі слова підтримки народові України. Ми протистоїмо загарбницькій агресії. Сьогодні, як ніколи, нам важливо відчувати, що ми не одні.” ‘)
  • twitter .com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1498697538085568514 (‘  To the world: what is the point of saying «never again» for 80 years, if the world stays silent when a bomb drops on the same site of Babyn Yar? At least 5 killed. History repeating…;  “Навіщо 80 років повторювати «Ніколи знову», якщо, коли бомба падає на Бабин Яр, світ залишається мовчазним? Ще 5 життів втрачено. Історія повторюється…”‘)
  • twitter .com/Odtsaga/status/1498697765819457541 (‘  #leaveUkraineAlone #Peace 💛💙 ‘)
  • twitter .com/ZelenskyyUa (‘  Ukraine is defending Europe and the world  ‘)
  • icc-cpi .int/Pages/item.aspx?name=20220228-prosecutor-statement-ukraine (‘  Statement of ICC Prosecutor, Karim A.A. Khan QC, on the Situation in Ukraine: “I have decided to proceed with opening an investigation.”, #PutinWarCriminal , via @ZhiZhuWeb ‘)
  • twitter .com/ChristopherJM/status/1498706487031521286 (‘  Horrific 🕯️.  @Leshchenkos : Victims of Putin missile bombing of tv-center in Kyiv // Жертвы среди гражданского населения от ракет Путина на телецентр , 1-03-2022 ‘)
  • imdb .com/title/tt6561394/mediaviewer/rm4130316801 (‘  Breaking Point: The War for Democracy in Ukraine (2017) ‘)
  • twitter .com/mrcdtee2/status/1498713770977284100 (‘ Great piece by #sallyjenkins in today’s Post about importance of sports bans to reaching Russian people. (With credit to @Kasparov63) ,  ‘)
  • twitter .com/RichardHaass/status/1498727444873981954 (‘  Richard N. Haass : I know many look at history & see progress, & there is. Many live longer, are better off, & are more free. But human nature doesnt change. Progress is not baked in. History is not a tale of linear advance. What Putin is doing & preparing in Ukraine is medieval. Evil persists.  ‘)
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Directors : Mark Jonathan Harris, Oles Sanin
Starring : Vsevolod Stebliuk, Tetyana Chornovol, Anne Applebaum
Genres : Special Interest, Documentary
Subtitles : English [CC]
Audio languages : English

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