Breeze Decor Nation International World Country, Ukraine

  • PROUDLY Printed In USA – Package And Product Designed In California
  • PURCHASE WITH CONFIDENCE – From Breeze Decor’s US Authorized Resellers with WARRANTY and Fast Shipping
  • MADE OF DURABLE – Thick Polyester Fabric construction helps resist the wear and tear from frequent use
  • TEXT READABLE BOTH SIDES – Garden Flag Double-Sided Print
  • DURABLE FLAG – Double stitching panels on multiple rows and high quality Sleeve to provide lasting strength
  • Care instructions: machine wash
  • FYI –>
    • twitter .com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1498009732434513920 (‘  We keep in touch with loyal friends constantly. I spoke with @GitanasNauseda about the current military situation, international efforts to force the aggressor to peace and Ukraine’s membership in the #EU. Thank you, Gitanas, for your continued support. ” Тримаємо постійний зв’язок з вірними друзями. Поговорив із @GitanasNauseda про поточну воєнну ситуацію, міжнародні зусилля щодо примушення агресора до миру та членство України в #ЄС. Дякую, Гітанасе, за постійну підтримку.”,   ‘)
    • twitter .com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1498003725486641155 (‘  Talked to 🇵🇹 President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. Thanked for the closed sky for Russian planes, support for the decision to disconnect Russia from SWIFT and concrete defense assistance. 🇵🇹 provided weapons, individual protection means & other equipment to 🇺🇦. Together – stronger. “Поговорив із Президентом 🇵🇹 Марселу Ребелу де Соузою. Подякував за закрите небо для російських літаків, підтримку рішення про відключення Росії від SWIFT та конкретну оборонну допомогу. Португалія надала 🇺🇦 зброю, індивідуальний захист та інше обладнання. Разом – сильніші.”‘)
    • twitter .com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1497885721931268103 (‘   ” Ukraine has submitted its application against Russia to the ICJ. Russia must be held accountable for manipulating the notion of genocide to justify aggression. We request an urgent decision ordering Russia to cease military activity now and expect trials to start next week.”  ‘)
    • twitter .com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1498003681446354954 (‘   ” Поговорив із Президентом 🇵🇹 Марселу Ребелу де Соузою. Подякував за закрите небо для російських літаків, підтримку рішення про відключення Росії від SWIFT та конкретну оборонну допомогу. Португалія надала 🇺🇦 зброю, індивідуальний захист та інше обладнання. Разом – сильніші.  ‘)
    • twitter .com/murat_etyemezz/status/1497885977750261761 (‘ Stop War… #UkraineRussiaWar #Ukrania‘)
    • twitter .com/McFaul/status/1497640022383611904 (‘  Professor. Michael McFaul : For decades, I have heard Russia’s most prominent business leaders aka oligarchs tell me personally & privately that they don’t support Putin’s policies. Well guys, now is the moment to have some courage and speak out. #совесть  ‘)
    • twitter .com/PMoelleken/status/1496941845812760577 (‘ @ZelenskyyUa‘s tv address to the Russian (!) people might be the most moving speech that I’ve ever seen in my entire life. The whole world needs to see, understand and share this crucial Ukrainian message. #StandWithUkraine,#Ukraine,#Україна,#Russia, #Россия via @lisa_iannattone ‘)
    • twitter .com/McFaul/status/1497740448315498498 (‘  Professor. Michael McFaul : I join you @fromTGA to urge EU leaders to take this “long-term, strategic, symbolic statement to an embattled European people” and “declare Ukraine a candidate for EU membership.” 8:08 PM · Feb 26, 2022  ‘)
    • twitter .com/McFaul/status/1497664100599402498 (‘  Professor. Michael McFaul :   Thousands of Russian government officials, members of parliament, propagandists, and business leaders have now supported the violent violations of human rights. Biden must put them all on the Magnitsky sanction list now. Now. Cc: @Billbrowder @vkaramurza  , 3:05 PM · Feb 26, 2022 , via @AVindman ‘)
    • twitter .com/IKlympush/status/1497749898950811648 (‘ Ivanna Klympush :  In #Kyiv and #Kharkiv regions, #RU occupation forces R trying 2intimidate #Ukrainians & free world with terrible attacks & explosions which R similar to nuclear ones. Blown up oil base in Vasylkiv, Kyiv region, & gas pipeline in #Kharkiv. Intl tribunal is waiting for Putin!   via @McFaul  ‘)
    • twitter .com/GeorgeTakei/status/1497223473529196544 (‘  George Takei :  Vladimir Putin should be charged with war crimes. #PutinIsaWarCriminal ‘)
    • twitter .com/ChristopherJM/status/1497611947952517121 (‘ video, SOS . -Lie after lie after lie. “The Russian armed forces are not inflicting any strikes on residential areas of Ukrainian cities,” Russian Defense Ministry’s Igor Konashenkov.  👉Videos and photos verified by The New York Times showed a residential building struck by a missile in southwestern Kyiv, about 1.5 miles from Sikorsky Memorial Airport, on Saturday morning. Videos showed rescue and evacuation efforts underwa y.  ‘)
    • twitter .com/lapatina_/status/1497321651872088064 (‘ NATO : Please Block the Sky over UKRAINE  ‘)
    • twitter .com/TanyaKozyreva/status/1497662931588296709 (‘   video , Tanya Kozyreva : Ukrainians are waiting for the train to Poland via   @ChristopherJM  ‘)
    • twitter .com/ChristopherJM/status/1497611947952517121 (‘  Ukraine’s Zelensky posts a new video of himself and his team outside the presidential administration in Kyiv’s government quarter after rumors in Russian media that he’d fled. “We are here. We are in Kyiv. We are defending Ukraine.” ‘)
    • twitter .com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1497655298907009027 (‘  In a phone conversation, I thanked @AndrzejDuda for his personal leadership in granting Ukraine membership in the #EU. The concrete daily assistance of Poland to our country is also invaluable. The 🇺🇦 🇵🇱 relationship is a common history and, I am sure, a common European future.  “У телефонній розмові подякував @AndrzejDuda за особисте лідерство в питанні надання членства Україні в #ЄС. Неоціненною є й конкретна щоденна допомога нашій країні з боку Польщі. Стосунки 🇺🇦 та 🇵🇱 – це спільна історія і, впевнений, спільне європейське майбутнє.” ‘)
    • twitter .com/ChristopherJM/status/1497735110426251267 (‘  The fire can be seen from 20 miles north in Kyiv. ‘)
    • twitter .com/ChristopherJM/status/1497732567054749696 (‘  video, Russian missile strikes in Vasylkiv just south of Kyiv caused an enormous fire at an oil depot. Confirmed by city mayor and central government authorities who are advising people to close their windows because of toxic smoke. ‘)
    • twitter .com/OliviaSara92/status/1497658477724016641 (‘ Peace for Ukraine ‘)
    • twitter .com/inkompetenz_444/status/1497655463290281996 (‘    Solidarni z Ukrainą ‘)
    • twitter .com/lapatina_/status/1497650209077215233 (‘ Anastasiia Lapatina : Ukrainians stopping Russian tanks with their bare hands. I have never felt this much love ‘)
    • twitter .com/lapatina_/status/1497656896639184902 (‘  Kyiv 2014, by @brendanhoffman ‘)
    • twitter .com/nahmafia/status/1496904122976591880 (‘ “Obywatelka Ukrainy stając twarzą w twarz z rosyjskim żołnierzem 👏🏻 #wojna #UkrainaTłumaczenie poniżej” ; A citizen of Ukraine facing a Russian soldier 👏🏻 #war #Ukraina, Translation below , #IStandWithUkraine  ‘)
    • marchehua .com (‘ Aujourd’hui nous avons 2 cris : les cris du covid-19 et les cris de l’invasion comme les russes envahissant l’Ukraine et les chinois envahissant Hong Kong, pire avec l’aide de terroristes domestiques comme ce que vous avez vu en Canada et aux États-Unis le 6- 01-2021. Pour l’amour de vos enfants, informez-vous pour lutter contre la désinformation et pour protéger la démocratie. Alors ne manquez pas le rendez-vous demain avec TRudy sur l’envahisseur russe , 24-02-2022 ‘)
    • twitter .com/anders_aslund/status/1498061607250935811 (‘  Anders Åslund : Proud of my alma mater.  @Alexandra_Majak : 🇺🇦 Can you help me make this post and photo BIG on Twitter? It’s @UniofOxford solidarity protest against the war since we #StandWithUkriane! Please follow @oxford_ukraine media to learn how may we help from the UK `)
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Product Dimensions : 18.5 x 13 x 0.1 inches
Item Weight : 2.39 ounces

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