A Brief History of Time : From the Big Bang to Black Holes


Hardcover: 198 pages

Stephen Hawking has earned a reputation as the most brilliant theoretical physicist since Einstein. In this landmark volume, Professor Hawking shares his blazing intellect with nonscientists everywhere, guiding us expertly to confront the supreme questions of the nature of time and the universe. Was there a beginning of time? Will there be an end? Is the universe infinite or does it have boundaries? From Galileo and Newton to modern astrophysics, from the breathtakingly cast to the extraordinarily tiny, Professor Hawking leads us on an exhilarating journey to…

  • FYI –>
    • 7sur7 .be/7s7/fr/1505/Monde/article/detail/3391096/2018/03/20/L-astrophysicien-Hawking-sera-enterre-a-cote-de-Newton.dhtml
    • goodreads .com/author/show/1401.Stephen_Hawking
    • 7sur7 .be/7s7/fr/1506/Sciences/article/detail/3439145/2018/06/15/La-voix-de-Stephen-Hawking-envoyee-dans-l-espace-pour-son-inhumation.dhtml
    • lesoleil .com/actualite/science/stephen-hawking-nest-plus-mais-la-connaissance-des-trous-noirs-progresse-6e2799b0ce505c2853bc9023b8a0a185
    • ici.radio-canada .ca/nouvelle/1696219/stephen-hawking-don-respirateur-hopital-cambridge-coronavirus (‘ 22-04-2020,  l’hôpital Royal Papworth à Cambridge,  Lucy Hawking , MERCI Beaucoup ‘)



Publisher : Bantam; New Ed edition (1 April 1995) (1600)
A SIN : B011T7FDM2

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