Computer Keyboard Stand, Clear Tilt Surface Comfortable Writing

  • PERFECT FIT: Maximize your work area. This acrylic dry erase desktop panel is designed to sit perfectly between a keyboard and monitor and is slope angled for comfortable reading and writing.
  • SMOOTH SURFACE : Our small desktop dry-erase board comes with smooth and scratch resistant dry erase writing surface for easy to write on and easy to wipe clean without stain or ghost.
  • More details on amazon
  • FYI –>
    • twitter .com/McFaul/status/1502885587015147521 (‘  @kandelakigiorgi : The very low morale of the Russian Army can be amplified by western offer of monetary reward and asylum/education/new life – whatever in the west for all Russian soldiers who surrender.   ‘)
    • twitter .com/Renew_Democracy/status/1502697964061532162 (‘  “I’m ready to die for my country. I ask Russian soldiers, are you ready to die for your dictator?” Ukrainian soldier Yurii Kochevenko speaks from the frontlines as explosions can be heard outside his window .,, via @AVindman  ‘)
    • twitter .com/visegrad24/status/1502001711589830657 (‘  video, Michael McFaul : The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense just published a promotional video offering each Russian pilot a reward if they defect to #Ukraine with their aircraft. USD 1 million per aircraft and USD 500,000 per helicopter.  ‘)
    • twitter .com/McFaul/status/1502500556094459905 (‘ Украинское МинОбороны выпустило видео, предлагающее каждому российскому пилоту награду, если они перейдут на сторону Украины вместе с самолетом. 1 миллион долларов CША за каждый самолет и $500 000 за вертолет ‘)
    • bbc .com/news/world-europe-60631433 (‘  Captured Russian Pilot, Maxim Krishtop Says He Was Ordered to Hit Civilian…. I also urge all military personnel of the Russian Federation to stop carrying out military crimes against the peaceful people of Ukraine.   ‘)
    • twitter .com/AVindman/status/1501651356930785280 (‘  Stern warning from @ZelenskyyUa spokesperson, warning the strike on the maternity hospital in Mariupol “has initiated a new kind of war (warfare).”  ‘)
    • twitter .com/SpencerGuard/status/1501684183885762560 (‘  John Spencer : I speak for no organization. As a person, a human, I strongly believe we (the west) can & should do more to help #Ukriane fight Russia. They are fighting for us. Dying for us. Children, pregnant women. I understand the escalation concerns/constraints, but we can/must do more, NOW  via @Vindman  ‘)
    • twitter .com/stix1584/status/1501655455537508364 (‘ War Crime , video, … the TOS-1A, Watch the video below for more information about this weapon and its devastating impact.   ‘)
    • twitter .com/mattia_n/status/1501627882925342723 (‘  Today, I attended an emergency online conference of 🇺🇦 mayors from Mariupol, Kharkiv, Trostianets (Sumy region), Merefa (Kharkiv region), and Zhytomyr organized by the Ministry for Regional Development. What the mayors reported raises alarms on many different levels. A small 🧵,  ‘)
    • twitter .com/olgatokariuk/status/1501617934891896836 (‘  Watch this, world. Watch pregnant Ukrainian women with their faces covered in blood. Watch facilities for newborn babies destroyed. Watch dead bodies buried in a mass grave because of incessant bombardment of Mariupol. You enabled Putin for years, and it’s the result  ‘)
    • twitter .com/Ukraine/status/1501635351965798402 (‘  These are real intercepted calls: Russian soldiers in Ukraine call their close ones back in Russia to tell how it is going so far. Looting and war crimes included. Please, share! The world must know the truth of what they’re doing to our homes and people. ‘)
    • twitter .com/McFaul/status/1501787561555070977 (‘  If you don’t want to give more weapons to Ukraine to stop Putin from killing babies in Ukraine, what do you recommend instead? Be specific. ‘)
    • twitter .com/Kasparov63/status/1501757083414409217 (‘ Another day, a million more refugees, dozens more innocent Ukrainian civilians murdered intentionally by Putin’s military. Another set of strange excuses for not sending air power so Ukraine can defend itself. 1/8 , Read the full conversation on Twitter ‘)
    • twitter .com/Kasparov63/status/1501758118073704451 (‘  The White House must do the right thing or explain why it is refusing to. At best it’s cowardice & an attempt to do nothing until nothing can be done. At worst, they are sacrificing Ukrainian lives to negotiate with Putin on things they deem higher priorities. 8/8 ‘)
    • twitter .com/RonFilipkowski/status/1501517574407917573 (‘ Ron Filipkowski , Morning routine: 1. Wake up. 2. Check on Zelensky. 3. Coffee.   ‘)
    • twitter .com/michaeldweiss/status/1501652234198818816 (‘ “Russia doesn’t have the power to keep going like this for very long. Time isn’t on their side, nor do they have a recipe for winning. They can’t win hearts and minds, that’s for sure.” ‘)
    • twitter .com/KimRansleben/status/1501707858555064322  (‘ @AlexandruC4 : Russian army break into private property, get kicked out by old couple.  🐓’)
    • twitter .com/RenewAmerica/status/1501552888102989825 (‘ “…we must remember though the cost of stopping Putin is high, the cost of allowing the world order to be rewritten is far greater.”, @Kasparov63 and @UrielEpshtein ‘)
    • twitter .com/michaeldweiss/status/1501775559201857537 (‘ Michael Weiss : Another one. @ArmedForcesUkr , 🙏 For Ukraine🙏 👉 🇺🇦🇨🇦fightforukraine .ca ‘)
    • twitter .com/Ukraine/status/1500063375035936768 (‘ We are at a turning point in history. Russia tries to destroy Ukraine, but also attempts to destroy freedom and human dignity in the heart of Europe. We call on foreign nationals willing to fight together with us to join our International Legion. Details:  ‘)
    • twitter .com/olex_scherba/status/1501807688979726337 (‘ 🕯️Mariupol.🕯️ #StandWithUkraine️ #ClosetheSkyoverUkraine  ,Mar 10, 2022. via @McFaul ‘)
    • twitter .com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1501916403498115073 (‘ Talked to 🇸🇰 President @ZuzanaCaputova. Thanked on behalf of 🇺🇦 people for the support in countering Russian aggression. Reported about the crimes of the Russian army against 🇺🇦 civilians. We must stop them. The issues of 🇺🇦 membership in the #EU were discussed. #StopRussia ; “Talked to 🇸🇰 President @ZuzanaCaputova. Thanked on behalf of 🇺🇦 people for the support in countering Russian aggression. Reported about the crimes of the Russian army against 🇺🇦 civilians. We must stop them. The issues of 🇺🇦 membership in the #EU were discussed” ‘)
    • twitter .com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1501579297613660160 (‘ Poland’s First Lady urges women to join social media campaigns. Retweet it if you support this Campaign! #RussianWomenStopTheWar #UkraineWar #Ukriane  ‘)
    • twitter .com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1501579297613660160 (‘  video : Mariupol. Direct strike of Russian troops at the maternity hospital. People, children are under the wreckage. Atrocity! How much longer will the world be an accomplice ignoring terror? Close the sky right now! Stop the killings! You have power but you seem to be losing humanity.  “Маріуполь. Прямий удар російських військ по пологовому будинку. Люди під завалами. Діти під завалами. Це звірство! Скільки ще світ буде співучасником, ігноруючи терор? Негайно закрийте небо! Негайно зупиніть убивства! Ви маєте силу. Але, схоже, втрачаєте людяність.”, Mar 9, 2022   ‘)
    • twitter .com/MollyMcKew/status/1501732646300401666 (‘ Molly McKew : It’s really easy to fall into the trap of being absolutely afraid of absolutely anything Putin might do until he has taken absolutely everything from you. When there is nothing left, you see clearly that the fear takes more from you than Russia can.  1- , 2-,  via @Kasparov63  ‘)
    • twitter .com/TheDailyShow/status/1501762255670628353 (‘ video,  The Daily Show : Getting fighter jets to Ukraine from Poland is causing some complicated geopolitical gymnastics. ‘)
    • twitter .com/Kasparov63/status/1502111984053108749 (‘ video,  The Hague is too good for the likes of Putin and Lavrov. They should be forced to walk through the ruins of Mariupol and Kharkiv, with the survivors there to welcome them. @sommervilletv , 10-03-2022 ‘)


Item Weight : ‎1.59 pounds
Package Dimensions : ‎17.52 x 9.06 x 3.82 inches

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