Corrugated Plastic Yard Signs 24×36 for Outdoor, 8 pack, blue

  • Dimensions: The poster board 24×36 inch design with a 4mm thickness can be easily cut and folded to your preferred size, shape, and length
  • Package Contents: You will receive 8 blue corrugated plastic signs to add to your moving, garage and estate sale supplies
  • More details on Amazon
  • FYI –>
    • substack .com/@thedemocratictruth/note/c-80948134 (‘ December 19 is my new deadline since today is December 10 and I was hoping that something would happen today and we were going to march on Washington and for democracy. But December 19 is my new deadline -for I’m hoping the DNI release the report on election fraud by then -and other announcements will have been made. ‘)
    • bsky .app/profile/ (‘ These amoral D leaders are obeying in advance, something Timothy Snyder warned us all about. Googling now to see which Ds are suggesting this action. Jim Clyburn👎 of SC. I bet it’s because he became a millionaire in the last 6 years. ‘)
    • facebook .com/100063464959679/videos/1733082684201744 (‘  Kamala Harris, Happening Now: I am at the White House Tribal Nations Summit to speak about the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to creating opportunity in every Native community. And I hope you fight hard to build a constructive government instead of delivering our nation to the wolf, to the traitors. ‘)
    • substack .com/@dcwashington/note/c-80651493 (‘ Other countries have blocked or overturned or invalidated wrong or bad leaders. We need to be sure we do it Before rather than After Jan 20th so to minimize human injury, trauma, or death. And we have aspirations and dreams that have been put on hold. Let us get going building a wonderful society after we deal with this mess. Biden and Harris can help us Kickstart, if they only would. via @thedemocratictruth ‘)
    • threads .net/@susan.mccuaigwalker/post/DDRzIXoRhgz (‘ Do you really wanna lose our democracy and freedoms because our leaders are afraid of blackmail? We have to demand justice and fight for it -or we will not get it ‘)
    • threads .net/@amy_siskind/post/DDOR_RkxxSq (‘ Amy Siskind : …”The filings for RBG PAC, apparently named in reference to late Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, show the Elon Musk Revocable Trust funneled $20.5 million into the group just days before the Nov. 5 election. It was the sole disclosed donor.” Please stop supporting this man by buying his products…. ‘)
    • thecanary .co/global/world-analysis/2024/11/19/forensic-audit-us-presidential-election (‘ America needs an official forensic audit into the US presidential election to save its democracy. by Erryl Davies via Susan Walking Tiger ‘)
    • tinfoilmatt (‘  by Tin Foil Matt   via Susan Walking Tiger ‘)
    • threads .net/@hackmomma789/post/DCkKMy0TLht (‘  via @liberalcatsunited : Bullet ballots are those ballots where only the Presidential race has been voted on. This race was stolen. ‘)
    • substack .com/home/post/p-152563517 (‘ March On Washington December 10, all day, and every day, until justice is served! We can’t wait any longer, so December 10th has been set for the day the People will March on Washington. Be there or be square. At The Washington Monument, at sunrise, all day until sunset; and the next day, and the next day and the next day Until The People are heard. We never agreed to a regime change! Especially, we have 🔎the evidence of the large-scale electoral fraud🔍 , that ensured the criminal felon Trump‘s victory, Susan Walking Tiger, Dec 4, 2024. ‘)
    • thecanary .co/global/world-analysis/2024/11/19/forensic-audit-us-presidential-election (‘ America needs an official forensic audit into the US presidential election to save its democracy by Erryl Daviesvia. Susan Walking Tiger ‘)
    • open.substack .com/pub/tinfoilmatt/p/nine-ways-to-prove-the-2024-election (‘ via Susan Walking Tiger ‘)
    • marchehua .com/product/state-art-11×22-picture-frame-black-metal-poster-frame (‘ … But freedom doesn’t exist if you don’t use it, and what whistleblowers do, and what people like Gayla Benefield do is they use the freedom that they have… She’s like you, and she’s like me. She had freedom, and she was ready to use it.”  via Prof. Christophe Veltsos ‘)
    • threads .net/@theunclemark/post/DDXLb6tJcJM (‘ 🚨@theunclemark👉no longer works, Dec 13, 2024 🚨 Feels like big changes are coming this week… Don’t ask me how I know. ‘)
    • threads .net/@theunclemark/post/DDPpKOFRZaJ (‘ Conclusion: The analysis of this data reveals potential voter suppression efforts aimed at suppressing the Democratic vote. Additionally, the significant discrepancy in the presidential and Senate vote counts raises concerns about potential ballot dumping. Further investigation into these discrepancies is needed to ensure the integrity of the election. @kamalaharris needs to investigate. Dec. 7, 2024  ‘)
    • threads .net/@theunclemark/post/DDKTONHxxhi (‘ Any chance we could get some traction soon? RECOUNT2024 ‘)
    • threads .net/@theunclemark/post/DDKkRqAye2Y (‘ 🚩🚨I will be reposting this every day until democrats respond or until 1/6/25 (-8%) For many of us this doesn’t make sense given what we saw on the campaign trail w/ fundraising, voter registration and general enthusiasm. It’s hard to fathom @vp fell this far from @potus 2020 victory. Voters have serious inquiries. Let’s get to the bottom of it. @harrisonjaime and company have $1B. We Are Not Going Back, right? Well, you are losing credibility and stand to disenfranchise millions. 33 days. @repstansbury @repjasmine @repjeffries @amyklobuchar @repadamschiff @elizabethwarren @kamalaharris @repdangoldman @reptedlieu @repkatieporter @senatorwarner @senbobcasey @senatordurbin 👂@timwalz @repraskin @dhsgov @jessicadenson07 @meiselasb Now is not the time for inaction, handwringing and fingerpointing. We don’t care what your plans are for ’26 / ’28. Get to work now! You have a duty to protect and uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. All votes counted and audited. ‘)



Global Trade Identification Number : 00843128184043
Product Dimensions : 36 x 24 x 0.04 inches
Item Weight : 7.78 pounds
A SIN : B07K22YW6N

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