CubicFun 3D Vessel Puzzle Toys Building Kits


Regular price($) : 29.99 | Sale price($) : 26.99

  • CubicFun will take you to build a Mississippi steamship that belongs to you. Enjoy your happy finger trip!
  • This 3D ship model kits restored the famous vessel just as dramatic as real thing, which has ‘double deck cruise’ with naturally colored, ‘rotating ship shaft at the stern’. These will remind you of the good times on the Mississippi River.
  • It has 142 pcs inside the box, WITHOUT any glue or tools,but the pieces will be fit well. Following up the detailed instruction, and taking more careful and patience, just after about 4-6 hours, you will do a great work.
  • CubicFun is an awesome 3D puzzle on the market, and offer quality warranty and refund policy; Manufacturer recommended age : 6 years and up
  • FYI –>
    • sailingcaractere .com/on-decouvre-la-grenade (‘ Dans cet épisode, on vous fait découvrir la nature luxuriante de la Grenade et les plus beaux mouillages de cette île que l on surnomme Spice Island, en plus de vous amener aux premières loges du flamboyant carnaval de Grenade.   ?v=HVmXDakCSPI , MERCI ‘)
    • en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Spice_Islands_(disambiguation) (‘ Les îles aux épices se réfèrent généralement à l archipel des Moluques dans les provinces indonésiennes modernes de Maluku et des Maluku du Nord…’)
    • youtube .com/watch?v=7EqpI0kQg7o (‘ Jul 12, 2019, Spécial 1er anniveraire de navigation ; voilier Caractère; Jean Legault et Julie Savard ‘)



Product Dimensions : 13 x 8.9 x 1.8 inches
Item Weight : 1.4 pounds
CubicFun 3D puzzle is full of fun, challenging

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