Doll, Dr Cindy Pops with Stethoscope and Shopkins Inspired Lollipop
Cindy Pops loves to help treat her friends and check their heartbeat
My stethoscope sits around my neck! Place it in my ears when I need to hear
I can hold my Lollipop Shopkin in my hand
My head wobbles and bobbles
You can remove my shoes and change my clothes
FYI –>
marchehua .com (` Gordon G. Chang: The only way to prevent a new round of #COVID19 is to immediately cut travel from #China. #China does not cooperate with other countries on #COVID19. Until that happens, we don’t know what we’re dealing with and therefore don’t know what to test. Under these circumstances, no country should allow arrivals from Chinese soil. #CCP’). Note: We have nothing against the Chinese people, but we will have to avoid repeating the same mistake 2019, moreover, the CCP only brings us trouble, watch the videos: A large amount of medicine was sent from Taiwan, usa , HK were …and sent to China. So, let’s remember the beginning of 2020 when the Chinese in the United States sent PPE back to China. Trust us, and work harder, the farms of Philadelphia are doing well, because people are consuming local produce, so rise up to put pressure on the fools in power, and to help the Chinese people, the United States United States and other Western countries should urge China to vaccinate its population with an updated mRNA vaccine, according to Dr. Jonathan Reiner. `)
twitter .com/VAGalau/status/1608182343461908481 (‘ This is the second anniversary of Zhang Zhan being sentence to four years in jail for her report on Wuhan Virus early 2020. The CCP coverup is now repeated on the current coverup of the #Covid19 spread in China with crematorians in major cities having cars lining up outside. Dec 28, 2022 ‘)
twitter .com/lukedepulford/status/1608075608868749312 (‘ Luke de Pulford : The UK needs to impose travel restrictions from China, and needs to do it NOW…. Argh. Remember lockdowns were justified ultimately to prevent health services being overwhelmed. This is the biggest wave the world has ever seen. Wake the f*ck up! Dec 28, 2022 ‘)
twitter .com/macastel3/status/1608275346952011776 (‘ Marco Castelli : Someone must explain me why China can still ask for negative Covid test to enter the country (after 3 yrs humiliating passengers with prison quarantine) and it is normal. But if a foreign country asks for a test to Chinese passengers then it is: useless, political and racist… ‘)
twitter .com/macastel3/status/1607552893397401600 (‘ Mandatory kit for travelers:- ibuprofen – Tylenol – cough syrup. Great business for airport pharmacies all over the world! ‘)
twitter .com/VAGalau/status/1608179516253560832 (‘ As expected, just like early 2020 when many of those who can afford it, flew to the U.S. by way of Europe. ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1608231717655162881 (‘ 🇨🇦Dr. David Fisman : Please spare us the theatre around border controls. We’ve had enough public health theatre. (Random pcr testing at the border is a good idea…because it gives you a way to figure out what’s actually happening in china. I wouldn’t expect transparency from CPC), Dec 28, 2022 ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1608230273505988609 (‘ 🇨🇦The most impactful things you can do in Canada right now to blunt the effects of Chinas sars surge are: 1. Reintroduce indoor mask mandates 2. Get the approximately 50% of vaccinated Canadians who have had only 2 vax doses to get that all important third dose, … You aren’t going to keep novel variants out with border controls. What you can do is change the infectivity of this virus in your own country. Start by acknowledging how it spreads (it’s airborne). Dec 28, 2022 ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ on December 22, Xi Jinping did not accept hundreds of millions of doses of BNT vaccine from Germany as the Chinese are in the midst of the covid-19 crisis with several virus mutations. Meanwhile, in the United States, only about 36% of older people have received the latest vaccine. It’s a massive failure, according to Dr. Jonathan Reiner. The United States should restrict inbound passengers from China, as do other countries. “Is it just me or is anyone else confused about China exporting its COVID mistakes a SECOND time?” asks Dan Harris… 27-12-2022, via @danharris, @JReinerMD,💉🇺🇸, @VAGalau, @RFA_Chinese, @GordonGChang, @jenniferzeng97, @PeterHotez Pic.:🧒🤒 , @MeetJess ‘)
twitter .com/VAGalau/status/1607574921378689027 (‘ Ann Lau : Shortage of medications in US. Pharmacies now limit purchase as Chinese ex-pat send them to China. Reminiscent of early 2020 when Chinese in US sent PPE back to China. Medicines shortage spreads overseas as people buy medicines to send to China — Dec 26 ‘)
twitter .com/Michael59206407/status/1608159402904756224 (‘ According to the news this morning, my 91-year-old father and 90-year-old mother both tested positive for nucleic acid in the Shanghai Nursing Home and are currently asymptomatic. I hope they can pass this test smoothly.I remember my mother told me never to return to China before I left Shanghai for the United States in September 2018, because this country has been deteriorating and will soon face one catastrophe after another. China is no longer a normal country. via @VAGalau ‘)
twitter .com/RFA_Chinese/status/1606009036624629760 (‘ Frank Steinmeier had a 60-minute phone call with Xi Jinping on the 21st. Steinmeier told Xi Jinping that Germany could immediately send hundreds of millions of doses of the BNT vaccine to China. But Beijing has so far not accepted. Dec 22, 2022 ‘)
twitter .com/MeetJess/status/1607744117206925313 (‘ Japan will require a negative COVID-19 test upon arrival for travellers from mainland China due to the rapid spread of the virus in the country, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said on Tuesday… Jess : How different life would be right now had we focused and invested in cleaning the air and educated the population on proper mask wearing. Dec 27, 2022 ‘)
twitter .com/MarinaC_Dyb/status/1607795168874270726 (‘ Marina A. Creed : “School districts across Canada and the US”. Imagine a student-driven STEM class project for all ages that also reduces their chances of contracting respiratory illness. Dozens of CT classrooms are on board! Spread the word! Richard Corsi : No brainer, folks – speaking to you, school districts across Canada & the US (& beyond). Highly accessible (low cost), open source technology that provides educational benefit & significant reduction in inhalation dose of virus-laden respiratory aerosol particles. Just do it! ‘)
post .news/article/2JHLQGfnpEcs0U98MmRNhjqd3wy (‘ Dr. Craig Spencer : Did you know you can renew your U.S. passport online? As in, completely online. No forms or photos to print and ship in. No waiting in line at the post office. No checks or money orders to write. A fully-operational 21st century convenience! It’s in beta, but I did it recently and it was very very easy and fast. That’s my good deed for the day. ‘)
twitter .com/sammy4723/status/1603609378334056451 (‘ A reminder: * COVID is airborne. * Herd immunity did not happen. * Omicron was not mild. * Kids do get sick. * Transmission does occur in schools. * Each variant is not milder. * No wave has been an exit wave. Minimizers have been wrong about every, single one of those things, Dec 15, 2022 , via @DFisman ‘)
twitter .com/kathrynsbach/status/1587071611810861060 (‘ Katie Bach : @Cutler_econ and I have a #longcovid oped @BostonGlobe… — with millions with activity-limiting LC symptoms, and millions more suffering other infection-associated chronic illnesses, we can’t afford to go back to normal. We need a new approach… (1/) Oct 31, 2022 , via @DFisman ‘)
twitter .com/kathrynsbach/status/1587071611810861060 (‘ Louisa Coan Greve : Crazy that the BBC👎 is making money from partnerships with Chinese state media, which produce gushers of Uyghur genocide-denial propaganda. UHRP’s report on CGTN details the strategy for “media-washing” the atrocities in the Uyghur homeland… via Ann Lau ‘)
whc .ca/en (‘ Web Hosting Canada , Security& SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools.‘)
twitter .com/FunFactsLulu/status/1605431912864129029 (‘ “COVID-19 sparks what is called “programmed cell death” among T-cells. Cells in the human body do this naturally as they age, but COVID-19 causes healthy T-cells to die that would otherwise be available to fight off infections.” Please think about your futures. Please mask. via @DFisman ‘)
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