Dragon Touch Max10 Tablet, Octa-Core Processor, 3GB RAM, 32GB Storage


  • [ Native Android 9 Pie OS ] The NotePad Max10 comes with the latest Android 9 Pie operating system, which is smarter, faster and adapts to you as you use it more. No unexpected ads or bloatware apps.
  • [ Powerful Octa-Core Tablet for All ] The Dragon Touch NotePad Max10 is a 10 inch Wi-Fi android tablet with GPS capability. It is powered by a 64-bit Octa-Core high-performance processor with 3GB RAM 32GB storage, providing a superior experience of entertainment, browse, games and shopping for everyone in the family.
  • [ Full Google Service Access ] Max10 is a GMS certified android tablet and you have full access to Google services, such as Gmail, Youtube, Drive, Maps, Play Store and more brilliant apps and contents from Play store, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Netflix, etc.
  • More details on Amazon
  • FYI –>
    • spiegel .de (‘ 10-08-2020, “We all know that Danger is Everywhere.” Interview Nathan Law with German magazine @derspiegel…We keep fighting. ‘)
    • twitter .com/JoaquinCastrotx/status/1289632462297939972 (‘ By issuing extraterritorial warrants for the arrest of @nathanlawkc & U.S. citizen @samuelmchu, the Chinese government confirmed our concerns about the Hong Kong #NationalSecurityLaw. Voices for freedom, human rights, the rule of law, and democracy cannot be silenced by Beijing. As @nathanlawkc and @samuelmchu say, we are all Hong Kongers. Joaquin Castro, castro.house .gov  ‘)
    • Youtube .com/c/kidshut/videos (‘ T-Series Kids Hut ‘)
    • youtube .com/watch?v=jrbU8OIfIn8 (‘ Hong Kong Democracy Council — We are all Hong Kongers now. 到底HKDC同朱牧民 @samuelmchu 做咗啲乜攪到共產黨要向我哋發出蓋章認證呢? 去片!, HKDC – Hong Kong Democracy Council, @hkdc_us ‘)
    • twitter .com/nathanlawkc/status/1289228646280962055 (‘And there It is, the sore loser China ! It has not managed to deceive the world, so it wants to shut the mouths of pro democracy outside by trying to stop them. Why? because China is afraid and it does not stop harming others including India, Australia, Taiwan, Lake Me Kong, the Mediterranean Sea, Canada, the Chinese Uyghur population locked in internment camps of Xinjiang, etc. The world supports the non-violent protesters in Hong Kong and we stand up for our democracy. So Nathan Law and the others, hang on, we need you. Help us eliminate the cancerous tumor that is China. Quick !, Nathan Law 羅冠聰 ‘)
    • DW .com/en/china-sanctions-for-hong-kong-security-law-correct-action/a-54396685 (‘ 3-08-2020, Il est temps pour le monde de dire adieu à la politique d’apaisement du passé et de sauvegarder nos valeurs avec une nouvelle stratégie mondiale de lutte contre la tyrannie : Ce n’est que par des actions coordonnées et des sanctions entre les pays que les démocraties occidentales peuvent avoir des pouvoirs suffisants pour lutter contre la puissance économique de la Chine, la carte que joue souvent Pékin, et amener la Chine à reconsidérer le coût de son régime tyrannique. Nathan Law. ‘)
    • asia.nikkei .com/Editor-s-Picks/Interview/Nathan-Law-calls-for-alliance-to-protect-democracies-from-China (‘ Nathan Law appelle à une alliance pour protéger les démocraties; Nathan Law calls for an alliance to protect democracies ‘)
    • cpreview .org/blog/2020/8/an-overview-of-the-risks-and-opportunities-faced-by-hong-kongs-international-front-line (‘ China is a danger to the world, for example: the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador have called for a diplomatic meeting with Chile, Peru, Colombia and Panama to make an official protest against China, therefore; Vietnam and the Philippines, India, the Mekong and the South China Sea, etc… So support Pro-Democracy movement in hong kong to save the world.’)
    • twitter .com/nathanlawkc/status/1292108386113327110 (‘  8-08-2020, No more mistake : Covid-19 started in China, Asia and Europe, BaDaboom !, in the United States and Canada, now, in Vietnam, India, Lake Mekong, the Galapagos marine reserve, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, etc … at the time, as soon as Beijing imposed Carrie Lam on Hong Kong if England had reacted, we will not be here today. So, it’s time for the British government to take responsibility for doing like the United States : sanction 11 Hong Kong officials, ban the infamous Carrie Lam from travel and freeze her assets. Nathan Law 羅冠聰 ‘)
    • theguardian .com/news/audio/2020/aug/14/could-a-belarus-protest-movement-bring-down-the-president-alexander-lukashenko-podcast
    • theguardian .com/world/2020/aug/13/belarusians-accuse-lukashenko-regime-of-beatings-and-torture (‘ … Il a crié qu’il était journaliste, mais a été frappé au visage par un policier anti-émeute et a perdu quatre dents. Il a ensuite été détenu pendant 24 heures et libéré avec une amende.‘)
    • twitter .com/nathanlawkc/status/1293979833362518019 (‘#StandwithBelarus, Police crackdown appears to have only breathed new life into resistance to Lukashenko rule, Alexander Lukashenko;  theguardian com , Nathan Law 羅冠聰 ‘)
    • en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Belarus (‘ Belarus is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe. It is bordered by Russia to the northeast, Ukraine to the south, Poland to the west, and Lithuania and Latvia to the northwest ‘)
    • theguardian .com/world/2020/aug/16/belarus-prepares-for-biggest-protest-yet-after-week-of-anger (‘ Belarus: Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, who was fled to neighbouring Lithuania on Monday, called on Belarusians to protest this weekend in a video address released on Friday.’)
    • twitter .com/joshuawongcf/status/1295792290099691521 (‘ [#HKers calling on #Cellebrite to halt selling phone hacking technologies to #Belarus] #standwithbelarus 1/ Phone hacking tech is one of the weapons abused by authoritarian regimes to stamp out dissidents, in particular, crackdowns on leaderless movements in both Belarus and HK. ‘)
    • theguardian .com/commentisfree/2020/aug/21/belarus-freedom-protests (‘ le changement dans le sens de la démocratie viendra un jour en Chine aussi, car «les gens aspirent à la liberté et la liberté n’est possible que lorsque les droits des gens sont protégés, non? Pas pour la première fois, il faut à ceux qui ont une longue expérience de la non-liberté pour nous rappeler la v’aleur et lttrait de la liberté. Cai Xia. un ancien professeur à la Central Party School de Chine ‘)
    • courrierinternational .com/video/video-la-premiere-interview-de-lopposante-bielorusse-svetlana-tikhanovskaia-depuis-son-exil (‘ 24-08-2020, Le président sortant, Alexandre Loukachenko, est au pouvoir depuis 1994 et s’accroche à son poste, malgré la contestation sans précédent de la population, qui ne faiblit pas depuis le 9 août. ‘ )



Item Weight : 2.25 pounds
Product Dimensions : 9.45 x 6.57 x 0.34 inches

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