Funny Hospital Iv Feeding Brain to Zombie

  • Standard Rectangle Mouse Pad
  • Size: 8 x 9.5 inches
  • FYI –>
    • twitter .com/ccleighton/status/1620891430666514432 (‘ Dr. Christopher Leighton : Ontario’s workers 👀 , As many as half a million workers are striking across Britain on Wednesday, @CNN :, via : @DFisman, Feb 1, 2023 ‘)
    • twitter .com/Quinnohara63/status/1620783110781816833 (‘ ThomasQ : Everyone needs to get involved. Our tax dollars are not to bee used to line the pockets of shareholders. Not one dime of it. Video, @OFLabour : Fed up with the rich getting richer, while the rest of us struggle to get by? We are, too. And we’re done waiting. We’re taking action in communities across Ontario. Because enough is enough.
      Sign-up: WeSayEnough . ca, #OnLab #OnPoli, Jan 28 ‘)
    • twitter .com/TwitteeBoy/status/1620424735623626753 (‘ Avant d’écrire des tweets mal-informés, lisez donc ceci: Nouveau! AchatsCanada, 👨🏻‍🏫📢 @ThomasGerbet : Voici le mystérieux contrat informatique signé par Ottawa avec McKinsey jusqu’à l’année 2100 pour une valeur de… 0 $, Jan 31, 2023 ‘)
    • twitter .com/TwitteeBoy/status/1619376277689094144 (‘  Prof. Ingénieur Louis Grenier : : The Reckoning, Ben Ferencz, who, as a 27-year-old lawyer, prosecuted 22 German officers at Nuremberg for murdering over a million people in World War II, talks about his passion to end war in this world, his role in the development of international justice and why every country — including the United States — needs to be subject to the rule of law. ‘)
    • twitter .com/TwitteeBoy/status/1619364160428716032 (‘ : Christiane Amanpour’s moving interview in April 2022 with a heartbroken Benjamin Ferencz, now 102 years old. Ferencz invokes Dwight D. Eisenhower: “We can no longer rely on force. If civilization is to survive it must turn to the rule of law.” ‘)
    • twitter .com/YouAreLobbyLud/status/1619494980674023425 (‘ Dr. David Berger : My message to my colleagues in the medical profession stands. I mean, we trade as a profession on the “ethics” brand. Well, now is the time, guys and girls. Now is the time to stand up and say letting a disease rip through society and pick off the vulnerable, all for the sake of business interests and the political status quo is not ethical… via Dr. @DFisman ‘)
    • twitter .com/BrooksFallis/status/1619421410765725697 (‘ Dr. Brooks Fallis : Dr. Brooks Fallis : Big communications push from Ontario government & allies that “status quo isn’t working” in healthcare. Doug Ford, Jamie Watt, Kevin Smith—same language & message. Their message is that privatization is the only option to save healthcare. But this is disingenuous. via Dr. David Fisman ‘)
    • marchehua .com (‘ Depuis un temps, après avoir consulté le docteur familial, certains patients ont reçu la question du type “Avez-vous une assurance privée ?”, puis il vous prescrira le médicament en fonction de cela, alors, la qualité médicale est-elle une priorité pour vous aider à guerrir ou c’est l’argent qui décide ? autre exemple, certains étudiants ou travailleurs ont dû payé des frais pour avoir une note de leur médecin prouvant qu’ils sont malades. Alors, mes amis, Les bandits au pouvoir, ils ont refusé de faire le minimum pour réduire la transmission du coronavirus… Pensez-vous qu’ils se battent pour vous en rendant les soins de la santé privé? pensez-y, vous n’avez rien fait pour vous débarrasser d’eux aux élections. il est maintenant temps de hausser le ton pour sauver la santé publique, c’est une période difficile, votre geste compte… 28-01-2023, FYI :  @JordanMRoberts,  @Kit_Yates_Maths, Rachel Notley ‘)
    • us06web.zoom .us/meeting/register/tZApd-upqDksG9PtSt5qAbsgMDZ3VnVAY6Zd (‘ Emergency Meeting to Fight Back Against the Privatization of our Public Hospitals, Time : Jan 31, 2023 07:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada) via ThomasQ ‘)
    • twitter .com/YouAreLobbyLud/status/1619617111923621890 (‘ Dr David Berger : I’d like to give this project a huge boost. Please follow @covidlitigation and please can my legal followers, especially, share this link? It is now clear that legal accountability for harms caused is going to have to drive change. via @DFisman ‘)
    • whc .ca/en (‘  Web Hosting Canada , Security & SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools.   ‘)
    • twitter .com/PennyDaflos/status/1618684583779909632 (‘  Penny Daflos , via @DFisman ‘)
    • twitter .com/sophiehh14/status/1618673468354203648 (‘ via @DFisman ‘)
    • twitter .com/jenniferzeng97/status/1618634746908807170 (‘ Jennifer Zeng : As #Beijing lifts travel restrictions, wealthy #Chinese are accelerating their migration, pouring cash into overseas 🏡real estate and assets that could lead to $150 billion in capital outflows. ‘)
    • twitter .com/kristynwongtam/status/1619012994687717376 (‘ Ford’s chaos with Ontario Tribunals like the Landlord and Tenant Board means that families like Ning’s are being taken advantage of through 🏡 – ⛺😒AirBnb…  ‘)
    • twitter .com/joan_poh/status/1618904521434071040 (‘ Good! Meanwhile Canadians, Australians and Singaporeans are moaning abt rising costs of property due to Chinese buyers 😂 ‘)
    • twitter .com/guppy_dong/status/1610811284663984128 (‘ Last June I drove a few Chinese to Canada. That person had a vaccine certificate but had a fever and easily entered Canada. As a result, that person infected more than forty people in the entire church. The pastor almost died. Now the West continues to let Chinese people in only because of nucleic acid testing, and the consequences can be imagined. Maybe some people are waiting for this outcome to profit from it again because of the huge benefits under the word “pandemic”. The devil makes no secrets!  ‘)
    • twitter .com/tangbaiqiao/status/1615105073943650320 (‘ … If the whole people say no to concealing the epidemic, There would be no dead bodies everywhere today! sad! pain!   –  … seizure of power was not entirely due to the people saying no to the Kuomintang, but was more determined by force. -via ?? ‘)
    • twitter .com/AndrewFromKW/status/1620897294286729217 (‘ As an act of protest, I would love someone from academia to write up a research proposal that mirrors this dangerous public policy and submit that to an ethics review and see what happens.   @DFisman  ‘)
    • twitter .com/theJagmeetSingh/status/1620081991436615680  (‘ Jagmeet Singh : Today I am calling for an Emergency Debate in Parliament. Conservatives govts are planning US-style privatization. Justin Trudeau👎 is on board with them. I want to strengthen, protect and expand our public health care system. I’m fighting back – for you and your loved ones.  “Jagmeet Singh : À l’urgence, le personnel soignant devrait être prêt. Il devrait être en nombre suffisant. Mais les conservateurs veulent confier les soins de santé au privé, en retirant les infirmières et les médecins des hôpitaux. Trudeau se range de leur côté. Pas moi. Plus de privatisation signifie moins d’infirmières et de médecins dans les hôpitaux publics. La crise des soins de santé va s’aggraver. Nous devons défendre notre système public. C’est maintenant ou jamais. La vie des gens en dépend. Jan 30, 2023″, Jan 30, 2023 ‘)



Item Weight : ‎4.4 ounces
Package Dimensions : ‎9.33 x 8.27 x 0.51 inches

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