Giraffe Wall Decal Ruler Children’S Stickers, UCMD Magnetic
Magnetic Adsorption Measurer: With removable cute giraffe scarf measurement , which will allow you can move freely depending on the height of your kids. With 6 PCS Lovely Photo Frames
Repeatable Erasing Height Ruler: Because the height ruler is made ofstain -proof material, so you can use the pen to write repeatedly and erase cleanly.
Accurate measurement: The 3D height chart ruler designed with Centimeters and Feet as unit for you conveniently view your child’s height. More details on Amazon
FYI –>
twitter .com/brittlestar/status/1410298656419426304 (‘ CANADA DAY 2021 ‘)
twitter .com/AlikaMD/status/1408445246229336068 (‘ Dr. Alika Lafontaine : To the armchair forensic investigators and amateur historians insisting that children buried in mass graves were victims of disease, please stop. Society is past the tipping point of accepting a sanitized version of Canadian history. 25-06-2021, #genocide, #History, #truthandreconciliation ‘)
twitter .com/NaheedD/status/1408124399706906628 (‘ Dr. Naheed Dosani : Residential schools. The Sixties Scoop. Missing and Murdered Women, Girls & 2-Spirit People. First Nations water advisories. Disproportionate representation in prisons & jails. Stolen land. Systemic anti-Indigenous racism… ‘)
twitter .com/NaheedD/status/1408027676888162310 (‘ Hundreds of unmarked graves have been found at a former residential school in Saskatchewan. It’s the tip of the iceberg: There were >130 residential schools. Is Canada ready to face the genocide it participated in? Are we ready to deal with the reckoning? ‘)
twitter .com/NaheedD/status/1408083257648898060 (‘ SEVEN. HUNDRED. FIFTY. ONE. 751 unmarked graves have been found at a former residential school by the Cowessess First Nation in Saskatchewan. The next time someone tells you “This isn’t Canada”, tell them it is. This is a country built on genocide. ‘)
theguardian .com/world/2021/jun/24/canada-school-graves-discovery-saskatchewan (‘ …Chief Cadmus Delorme of the Cowessess First Nation… ‘)
twitter .com/hk_watch/status/1403708877573603332 (‘ video, Benedict Rogers 羅傑斯 : 612 Global Rally (London) “Fight for Freedom, Stand with Hong Kong” @benedictrogers , CEO of Hong Kong Watch #StandWithHongKong #HKbewater2021 #HK ‘)
twitter .com/NaheedD/status/1401907221622046725 (‘ Dr. Naheed Dosani : Enough is enough. The Canadian government should stop fighting Residential School Survivors and First Nations children in court. RT if you agree ‘)
ndp .ca/respect-indigenous-kids (‘ Demand that Justin Trudeau stop taking Indigenous kids to court. A government committed to true reconciliation with Indigenous peoples doesn’t take kids and residential school survivors to court… via @SarahJean3328, @NaheedD ‘)
twitter .com/janephilpott/status/1401319476923097093 (‘ Jane Philpott : If you haven’t yet found 10 min to watch this commentary from Murray Sinclair, please try to now. He speaks of violence, missing children, mass burial sites, the abduction and murder of infants…💔Canada did this. All documents must be disclosed so the truth will be fully known. @CBCIndigenous, via @NaheedD ‘)
cbc .ca/listen/live-radio/1-63-the-current/clip/15846185-calls-accountability-remains-215-children-found-former-kamloops (‘ Calls for accountability after remains of 215 children found at former Kamloops residential school , the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation , Angela Sterritt, Cindy Blackstock via @mattgallowaycbc, @BCHC ‘)
theguardian .com/world/2017/nov/04/indigenous-children-canada-, @cblackstwelfare-system-humanitarian-crisis (‘ The disproportionate number of indigenous children caught in Canada’s child welfare system is a “humanitarian crisis” that echoes the horrors of a residential school system that saw 150,000 Aboriginal children forcibly removed from their homes, Jane Philpott, the Canadian minister responsible for indigenous services has said. via @NaheedD ‘)
twitter .com/NaheedD/status/1398409808605323276 (‘ …a former residential school in Kamloops, BC (some as young as 3 years old). The last Canadian residential school closed in 1996. #215children @realsarahpolley, @SGaibrie, @cblackst , @MrAhmednurAli, ‘)
twitter .com/EVYSTADIUM/status/1399725589670551574 ( ‘ Evy Kwong : “Grandfather survived the horrors of residential school, the degradation of the Indian Act to and fought for Canada in WWII. While he joined the war, 7 of his 9 siblings lay buried in a residential school graveyard.” #InTheirOwnVoices : Dr. Suzannne Shoush via @NaheedD ‘)
twitter .com/hk_watch/status/1399655818442809344 (‘ Free Lester Shum, #FreeHKPoliticalPrisoners via @benedictrogers ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ My friends from Hong Kong, pro-democracy are arrested by the encroachment of beijing in hong kong on 23-11-2020, they are in prison, So I share their story to help them, Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 , Ivan Lam, @hongkongersin, @benedictrogers, @lukedepulfor, @jeffreychngo, @MahmutRahima, @hk_watch, @DavidAltonHL, @HillelNeuer, @MayWongCNA, @mrattkthu, @Peterinexile, @XinqiSu, #save12hkyouths, @hoccgoomusic, THANK YOU ‘)
twitter .com/misterwootube/status/1381774605820383236 (‘ 🇦🇺 professor Eddie Woo : Algebraic Approach for Major Arc (1 of 2: Foundational steps) #iteachmath, #MTBoS ‘)
twitter .com/hk_watch/status/1392469045715292169 (‘ @hk_watch, @benedictrogers : Live Now: The Fight for Freedom in Burma / Myanmar and Hong Kong: Shared Synergies, Alliances and Ways Forwards. We are honoured to be co-hosting thi @burmacampaignuk ‘)
twitter .com/BobRae48/status/1408093094751485963 (‘ Bob Rae : This is an atrocity, and it is ours. We are the generation that must accept responsibility, pursue accountability, understand the reality and make change happen. There is no avoiding the solemnity and importance of this moment. It is why irreversible change is required. ‘)
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