How to Stand Up to a Dictator: By the Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize 2021
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Maria Ressa has spent decades speaking truth to power. But her work tracking disinformation networks seeded by her own government, spreading lies to its own citizens laced with anger and hate, has landed her in trouble with the most powerful man in the country: President Duterte. Now, hounded by the state, she has multiple arrest warrants against her name, and a potential 100+ years behind bars to prepare for – while she stands trial for speaking the truth…
FYI –>
- twitter .com/CBCTheNational/status/1587591985417830400 (‘ Why Filipino journalist Maria Ressa is risking life in prison. Watch her full conversation with Adrienne Arsenault here:, 1-11-2022 ‘)
- twitter .com/JReinerMD/status/1552778241768833024 (‘ Dr Jonathan Reiner : Start by redefining “fully vaccinated” as being fully boosted. ‘)
- marchehua .com (‘ Note, Dr. Jonathan Reiner is my FAVORITE, so is Jim Acosta, but today CNN chose money over serving the people , 29-07-2022 ‘)
- twitter .com/AndyKimNJ/status/1446498452771381275 (‘ Not every day I wake up to see someone from my congressional district win the Nobel Peace Prize! Maria Ressa, immigrant who fled upheaval in Philippines to grow up in NJ, was voted “most likely to succeed” at Toms River High School North. @mariaressa we are all so proud of you. Oct 8, 2021 ‘)
- twitter .com/PhilMurphyNJ/status/1453048793377685513 (‘ This #FilipinoAmericanHistoryMonth, 🇵🇭 we recognize author, journalist, and first Filipino Nobel Prize Laureate. @mariaressa. Maria went to high school in Toms River, and her work combating misinformation was recognized as part of the 2018 edition of Time’s Person of the Year. ‘)
- 6abc .com/nj-election-new-jersey-voting-2021-early-in/11160131 (‘ NEW JERSEY — For the first time, New Jersey voters can cast their ballots in person before Election Day. Early voting begins on Saturday, October 23, and continues for nine consecutive days. ‘)
- twitter .com/PhilMurphyNJ/status/1452785443020345350 (‘ 🇵🇭, New Milford’s Josh Dela Cruz is an accomplished actor, dancer, musician, and singer who made history as Blues Clues’ first Asian American host. Proud to call him a Jersey native this #FilipinoHeritageMonth, Philippines ‘)
- forbes .com/sites/rachelchang1/2019/12/17/how-the-new-host-of-blues-clues-joshua-dela-cruz-is-changing-the-face-of-childrens-television (‘ Joshua Dela Cruz hosts the Nickelodeon series – Blue’s Clues & You. JAMES JIN , 🇵🇭 ‘)
- twitter .com/mariaressa (‘ 🇵🇭, Maria Ressa : Idealist. Skeptic. Pragmatist. Journalist. Author. CEO, Rappler,, #CourageON #HoldTheLine , Philippines ‘)
- twitter .com/HeadshotClinic_/status/1452828550894030854 (‘ You have until Friday to send in your photos & donations. You can still sign up here: . Project Headshot Clinic, @bestbuddies_ph & TheseAbledPh recognize journalist, author, co-founder & CEO of Rappler & first Filipino Nobel Prize laureate, Maria Ressa. ‘)
- twitter .com/rapplerdotcom/status/1446403695600623638 (‘ BREAKING. Rappler CEO Maria Ressa is among the winners of the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. Ressa is the first woman in this year’s roster of laureates. #NobelPrize ,, via @nathanlawkc , #FreeHongKong #FreeTibet #FreeUyghurs ‘)
- twitter .com/rapplerdotcom/status/1447120555304374278 (‘ Senator Nancy Binay: Congratulations to Maria Ressa for winning the Nobel Peace Prize and being the first Filipino to win the prestigious award. | via @maracepeda ‘)
- youtube .com/watch?v=YAuHYP4zE30 (‘ How to stand up to a dictator? Nobel laureate-journalist Maria Ressa on facts, trust & social media ‘)
- en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Maria_Ressa (‘ Maria Angelita Ressa is a Filipino-American journalist and author, the co-founder and CEO of Rappler, and the first Filipino Nobel Prize laureate. She previously spent nearly two decades working as a lead investigative reporter in Southeast Asia for CNN… ‘)
- marchehua .com/product/opening-photo-collage-frame-melannco-18-x-18-inch-9 (‘ 🇰🇷, 🇵🇭 ,🇸🇴, 🇪🇹, fleischyeg .com, @KatyIngraham , linda-hoang .com, @lindork ‘)
- twitter .com/therecount/status/1454103640755642373 (‘ @therecount: Italian translator: Trump vs. Biden ‘)
- twitter .com/JennMcClellanVA/status/1455261277899591690 (‘ video, With @LevarStoney, @RalphNortham, @MarkHerringVA, @HalaAyala, and @TerryMcAuliffe in Richmond fired up to protect our progress and keep Virginia moving forward , ‘)
- twitter .com/JennMcClellanVA/status/1455222352648810497 (‘ #HD66 is the bluest seat in Virginia’s House of Delegates currently held by a Republican. Help support Katie’s campaign in this battleground district! SOS, if you could, ‘)
- twitter .com/Amy_Siskind/status/1455217288228085765 (‘ Amy Siskind : Leave nothing to chance! – handing out flyers for our County Executive George Latimer. Lots of folks do not know there is a countywide election tomorrow. Please VOTE and text your friends! FYI : CHECK Amy Siskind’s books on Amazon 👉 The List: A Week-by-Week Reckoning of Trump’s First Year (2018) ‘)
- twitter .com/Amy_Siskind/status/1455302646617759745 (‘ Amy Siskind : ALL HANDS ON DECK for the final push in VIRGINIA! Please reach out to all your VA contacts and make sure they have a plan to vote tomorrow. Leave nothing to chance! This race is going to be close, and we need to all pitch in to GET OUT OUR VOTE! 💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸 , THANK YOU , 1-11-2021 ‘ )
- twitter .com/HillaryClinton/status/1455215646585802755 (‘ Hillary Clinton : Virginia, are you ready to vote for @TerryMcAuliffe tomorrow? Keep Virginia moving forward by turning out to the polls, and by asking your friends and family to join you. Find your polling place and more: ‘)
- twitter .com/AlexAskew757/status/1455519597185146889 (‘ Alex Askew : Good morning from my alma mater College Park Elementary School, where I’m proud to have just voted. Today’s the day, folks. Let’s go win. ‘)
- twitter .com/thehill/status/1455236672342433800 (‘ video, NJ Gov. Phil Murphy: “Listen, I will always stand by this president. We go way back. He was New Jersey’s third Senator for decades.” ‘)
- twitter .com/Amy_Siskind/status/1455189173867065352 (‘ My miracle hydrangea are not giving up! There’s a new bud blooming this morning – on November 1st! #hope #VOTE ‘)
- twitter .com/Meidas_Ivy/status/1455183227753173000 (‘ Ivy~Meidas Mighty : Cheering you on from California. Let’s do this, Virginia! – GIF : John Lewis’s books on Amazon 👉Go and vote like you never voted before! – ‘)
- twitter .com//SpanbergerVA07 (‘ Abigail Spanberger : Congresswoman for Virginia’s 7th District. Former CIA Officer. Girl Scout leader. #VA07 ( My Congressional account is @RepSpanberger ) , , Glen Allen, VA ‘)
- twitter .com/Amy_Siskind/status/1455509153074630662 (‘ GIF, Happy #ElectionDay ‘)
- twitter .com/DemocraticDfndr/status/1455520462109175817 (‘ video, Let’s get this win, @vademocrats ! , @DemocraticDfndr ‘)
- wtop .com/virginia/2021/11/virginia-voter-guide-what-you-need-to-know-for-the-2021-general-election (‘ Election Day is Nov. 2, as Virginians pick a new governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general, and cast ballots for the entire House of Delegates and in several local races. Here’s what you need to know : In-person voting. Election Day is Nov. 2. Polls that day will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. If you are in line at 7 p.m., you will get to vote. ‘)
- twitter .com/SpanbergerVA07/status/1454950898065715208 (‘ video, This election is about maintaining our momentum. @TerryMcAuliffe created thousands of good-paying jobs here in Virginia, and he will do it again. If you have not yet voted, please make a plan to vote on TUESDAY. Go to,, for more information, #KeepVABlue ,, 31-10-2021 ‘)
- twitter .com/HillaryClinton/status/1455215646585802755 (‘ Virginia, are you ready to vote for @TerryMcAuliffe tomorrow? Keep Virginia moving forward by turning out to the polls, and by asking your friends and family to join you. Find your polling place and more: , Photo: Manuel Balce Ceneta, AP ‘)
- twitter .com/Amy_Siskind/status/1455260932947521549 (‘ I am relistening to recordings I made during the Trump era as I prepare materials for archive – and I just want to remind us the hell we lived in of chaos and cruelty, and we NEVER want to go back! VOTING is the best way to prevent it – starting tomorrow! VOTE BLUE! 💙🇺🇸 ‘)
- marchehua .com (‘ My friends from Hong Kong, pro-democracy are arrested by the encroachment of beijing in hong kong on 23-11-2020, they are in prison, So I share their story to help them, Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 , #save12hkyouths, THANK YOU, #StandwithHongKong ‘)
- twitter .com/FBoversight/status/1453294536411828234 (‘ video, ICYMI: key clips from RFOB board member and Nobel Peace Prize winner @mariaressa giving testimony this morning to the Joint Committee about the Draft Online Safety Bill: the Draft Online Safety Bill : “We will not have integrity of elections if we don’t have integrity of facts”, #StandWithMariaRessa , 27-10-2021 ‘)