Human Thumb Hand Sign Sticker (2″ Tall, Blue Thumbs Down)
$4.00 Original price was: $4.00.$3.99Current price is: $3.99.
- Durable high-quality vinyl decal
- Can be placed on any flat surface (ex: cars, laptops, books, walls)
- Easy to apply
- One order comes with Two (2) vinyl decals
- All stickers & designs are approved licensed and manufactured by Shinobi Stickers Company ONLY.
- FYI –>
- twitter .com/jenniferzeng97/status/1613725235102060546 (‘ jenniferzeng97 : 5 Facts of #China’s #RealEstateMarket & Why Does #CCP Suddenly Relax Its Regulation? After CCP relaxed its #COVID control, although people are dying, economists have started to give optimistic forecasts for the Chinese #economy. Will that be the case? ‘)
- twitter .com/jenniferzeng97/status/1613737842865315841 (‘ JenniferZeng15 : Haha, the @FBI searched the #CCP’s police station in #NewYork. I wonder whether they have watched my show, as I shared the address of where it is located in my show here ?v=aNp5ZIlIhK8, Jan 12, 2023 ‘)
- twitter .com/jenniferzeng97/status/1613344152258842624 (‘ Today, #Bazhong City, #Sichuan Province, #CCPChina, sanitation workers march to the government to seek payment. They haven’t been paid for 8 months. Financial crises of local government could be another huge bubble to burst. #China #CCP #economy #EconomicCrisis, Jan 11, 2023 ‘)
- twitter .com/VAGalau/status/1596666098057084928 (‘ Ann Lau. : #COVIDZero Sealed doors, locked gates, dozens Uyghurs burned to death! Protest Sunday 11/27/2022 , 11am PST, Chinese Consulate, 443 Shatto Pl. Los Angeles 90020 ‘)
- twitter .com/XinqiSu/status/1594587733195907073
- twitter .com/GundamNorthrop/status/1595273339114618880 (‘ Note : some people want a phone for the party, and some people have to work in miserable conditions, so if you can, please do what is necessary to avoid the pain on the other side of the sea, and share the message to help them, thank you very much … via Ann Lau ‘)
- twitter .com/Byron_Wan/status/1595231745699241985
- twitter .com/jielijian/status/1595268954011758592
- twitter .com/ShridasMeena8/status/1595453544601387009
- twitter .com/ShridasMeena8/status/1594731366037716992 (‘ Note : certaines personnes veulent un téléphone pour la fête de Noël 2023, et certaines personnes doivent travailler dans des conditions misérables, donc si vous le pouvez, faites le nécessaire pour éviter la douleur de l’autre côté de la mer, et partagez le message pour les aider, merci beaucoup … 23-11-2022 ‘)
- marchehua .com (‘ 1- Reaffection of COVID is like the flu… 2- The pandemic is over, the emergency is over. Sorry, Grandpa via @ProfPCDoherty, @CrabbBrendan, @CorsIAQ, @kprather88, @EricTopol, @DrEricDing , @JReinerMD, @ddiamond, @EricTopol, @lisa_iannattone, @MeetJess, @nilikm, @TRyanGregory, @DFisman, @WalkerBragman, etc… 19-09-2022 ‘)
- twitter .com/xgymcoach/status/1571566634107650048 (‘Une enquête publique indépendante est nécessaire. #polqc2022 #qc2022 ‘)
- twitter .com/StormAgent1/status/1570150807013625858 (‘ video, Storm Agent : Regardez qui est le vrai boss au Québec, et comment notre argent est investi par le pion à Legault, que VOUS avez élus! Pendant que les médias corrompus cherchent des niaiseries contre Duhaime versus 450 millions! ‘)
- twitter . com/StormAgent1/status/1570151251597221889 (‘ La suite … 18-09-2022 ‘)
- twitter . com/StormAgent1/status/1571313228038213636 (‘ Regardez comment ce menteur et manipulateur narcissique est à la tête du pire gouvernement que le Québec est connu. Il serait même capable de mentir à sa femme pour frencher sa sœur ! Dehors le 3 octobre et il fait une enquête publique sur les milliers de morts qu’ils ont causés. via @xgymcoach , ‘)
- twitter .com/WalkerBragman/status/1571175565352226817 (‘ The U.S. has reported 7.5K COVID deaths in the first 16 days of this month. Walker Bragman ‘)
- twitter .com/WalkerBragman/status/1571175565352226817 (‘ 468 dead each day from Covid and no one bats an eye, we all get sick, we all get old, Covid will get us all if we don’t find a permanent cure, so much for the monoclonal antibodies, and drugs, I’m vaxxed & boosted and wear a mask out in public, I haven’t had Covid. 17-09-2022 ‘)
- marchehua .com (‘ Les citoyens bien informés ont plus de chances de ne pas se faire arnaquer par les méchants en temps de pandémie. Au Québec, Legault et sa bande ont empêché une enquête independante sur la perte de plus 5 000 personnes âgées infectées avec Covid dans le CHSLD au cours de l’année 2020-2021. Legault refuse aussi de révéler comment les 432 millions de dollars du gouvernement fédéral auront été dépensés pour rendre les écoles plus sécuritaires. La raison invoquée : “cette information pourrait nuire aux relations entre Québec et Ottawa “. Pire, maintenant, il empêche les parents d’installer de purificateurs d’air portables HEPA dans les écoles pour réduire la dose d’inhalation de particules d’aérosols respiratoires chargées de virus qui rendent les gens malades. Mes amis, ne perdez plus nos temps. Nous avons 2 choses à faire: 1- aider les gens autour de nous à bien se protéger en portant le masque pour éviter le cas 30% de la Covid longue. 2- suivre le guide du Prof. Ingénieur Louis Grenier en allant Voter stratégiquement pour faire de la CAQ de Legault une minorité et la forcer à arrêter de prendre des décisions criminelles qui risquent nos vies. 12-09-2022 ‘)
- twitter .com/steeeve27/status/1569764074699001856 (‘ eveetS yalbmerT : Les personnes 👴🏻👵🏻⚰️🦠âgées testées positives qu’on retourne en CHSLD ne font plus partie des chiffres “hospitalisations covid” dès qu’ils quittent l’hôpital et ne sont pas comptées dans les décès non plus s’ils meurent en CHSLD…. Ça fait un bien meilleur bilan hein!! “The elderly people who test positive and are returned to the CHSLD are no longer part of the “covid hospitalization” figures as soon as they leave the hospital and are not counted in the deaths either if they die in the CHSLD…. That’s a much better balance, huh!!“.via @coachRankine , 13-09-2022 ‘)
- twitter .com/AMFChina/status/1560293391505694721 (‘ Andreas Fulda : A mockery of the rule of law in Hong Kong., via @DrewPavlou ‘)
- twitter .com/KenRoth/status/1565363281237344258 (‘ Kenneth Roth : The UN rights chief has finally done her duty by reporting on the Chinese government’s probable crimes against humanity targeting Uyghur and other Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang. Now the UN Human Rights Council should do its duty by acting on the report. ‘)
- twitter .com/adrianzenz/status/1559564785435508736 (‘ BREAKING: new U.N. Special Rapporteur’s Report on Contemporary Forms of Slavery “concludes” that forced labor is taking place in Xinjiang (and mentions similar phenomenon in Tibet): /1 via @nathanlawkc ‘)
- twitter .com/lukedepulford/status/1559165078229975041 (‘ 裴倫德 Luke de Pulford : This is what happens when you legislate yourself into dependency on forced #Uyghur labour. We don’t want #NetZero built on the back of slaves. Diversify supply AWAY from China NOW. , via @nathanlawkc ‘)
- twitter .com/nathanlawkc/status/1559559902128967680 (‘ 📗 羅冠聰 Nathan Law : Non-jury trial is set for one of the most most iconic National Security Law cases. Rule of law is violated, and these defendants are charged because of running in a primary election —what an absurd development. My blessing is with all the defendants, including 📘@joshuawongcf. 16-08-2022 ‘)
- twitter .com/nathanlawkc/status/1469287916228812802 (‘ video, Nathan Law 羅冠聰 : #SummitForDemocracy Intersession Remark: We must leverage all we have to ensure that democracy’s revival is our top priority. Dedicate this speech to all my friends in Hong Kong.
- twitter .com/DrewPavlou/status/1559895311329689603 (‘ Members of the far-right LaRouchite cult continue to stalk and harass Chinese dissidents in Australia. I watched the video and it’s foul stuff – Robert Barwick prowls around in a trench coat looking ready to king hit someone. Menacing, deranged stuff from a gang of freaks ‘)
- twitter .com/DrewPavlou/status/1556419119569932288 (‘ PLEASE SHARE. The Chinese government set me up with a fake bomb threat email as punishment for my human rights activism and I’m now facing possible 7 years in British prison. Sixty Minutes interview my barrister @MichaelPolakLaw. This is an appalling injustice ‘)
- twitter .com/DrewPavlou/status/1557296689584623617 (‘ Drew Pavlou : Chinese Ambassador to Australia Xiao Qian smirks as he says “Mr. Pavlou is detained in the United Kingdom.” Three weeks ago the Chinese Embassy in London manufactured a bomb threat allegation against me and had me arrested. They are openly gloating about what they did ‘)
- twitter .com/DrewPavlou/status/1559804556027957248 (‘ Drew Pavlou : Drew Pavlou : Australian High Commission just informed me UK Met Police will issue warrant for my arrest if I don’t attend bail review in London on October 13. Why can’t they simply contact @ProtonPrivacy and request IP behind fake “” bomb threat? This is a joke Aug 17, 2022 ‘)
- twitter .com/TSererak/status/1560123256459251712 (‘ Dr. Tosaporn Sererak , ophthalmologist : ตอนเทรนเป็นหมอตาที่รามาฯ, ไปทำงานพิเศษอยู่เวรERที่โรงพยาบาลเอกชนย่านสะพานควาย กองถ่ายหนังเข้ามาถ่ายทำ ได้เข้ากล้องกับ ” สมบัติ เมทะนี “RIP ครับน้าแอ๊ด, #วาฤทธิ์สมน้อย, #วาฤทธิ์ต้องไม่ตายฟรี #WeCare. #WeAreSun, ‘)
- twitter .com/tanawatofficial (‘ tanawatofficial, ประเทศไทยจะดีขึ้น ต้องเริ่มจากการ #แก้รัฐธรรมนูญ ให้เป็นประชาธิปไตยอย่างแท้จริง ประกันสิทธิ เสรีภาพแก่ราษฎรในทุกด้าน ลดความเหลื่อมล้ำ เพิ่มความเท่าเทียม ‘)
- twitter .com/tanawatofficial/status/1560139112589320193 (‘ 🇹🇭 5555555555555555 ‘)
- twitter .com/YachiAbunai/status/1557966660711088128 (‘ Dr Robert Wachter, Dr Abraar Karan, Linsey Marr, ‘)
- twitter .com/TSererak/status/1561625066638454784 (‘ วันนี้ออกกำลังกาย คืนนี้นอนให้อิ่ม เตรียมตัวสำหรับพรุ่งนี้มะรืนนี้ #8ปีประยุทธ์, #8ปีแล้วไอ้สัส ‘)
- twitter .com/TSererak/status/1562107957571072000 (‘ หน้าทำเนียบ, หลังแนวประชาชน, มีตู้คอนเทนเนอร์และตำรวจ, #8ปีประยุทธ์, #ม็อบ23สิงหา65 , 23-08-2022 ‘)
- twitter .com/TSererak/status/1566393140088819712 (‘ ไล่ 3 ป. ที่ราชประสงค์ ‘)
- marchehua .com/product/homso-a3-poster-picture-frame-11-7×16-5-black-aluminum (‘ @TSererak ‘)
- twitter .com/DFisman/status/1570384087986176001 (‘ Dr. David Fisman : Non scientific observation: has anyone else noticed that engineers and public health officials have very different attitudes towards professional incompetence? Is that because there are consequences in engineering but (apparently) impunity in public health? ‘)