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FYI –>
palmerreport .com/analysis/the-enemy-of-the-american-people/48094 (‘ 🇺🇸🧑⚖️ Donald Trump wants to destroy the Constitution… he wants to eliminate it. And he wants to eliminate it not for the good or wealth of the American people, but for his own selfish and greedy and corrupt purposes. Donald Trump is the enemy of the people, and he has explicitly come out and shown us as much. ‘)
twitter .com/TheDragonFeeder/status/1589984782049738752 (‘ Time to BAN T i k T o k ! ‘)
twitter .com/TheDragonFeeder/status/1591060167172718592 (‘ Chris Fenton : Please keep fighting this fight, @BrendanCarrFCC @marcorubio @RepGallagher… India has been right all along! Ban #TikTok!! #nationalsecurity , Opinion | Marco Rubio, Mike Gallagher: Ban TikTok in America – The Washington Post ‘)
marchehua .com(‘ Today it is clear that public health is not the priority of the bandits in power. In Ontario there are a lot of sick children right now, Ontario health officials are ready to require that children 14 years and older be cared for in intensive care for adult. But the problem is that in intensive care units for adults, caregivers have no specific training in pediatrics. So your children were treated by whom?Finally, get informed, and press for him to do what is necessary to secure the workplace, the school, because the mask, the ventilation allows us to really reduce the number of sick and seriously ill children. via via @DFisman, @BrooksFallis, @drmwarner , Dr. Jonathan Reiner, Please 😷🦠😷🦠Save the children:🧒🇨🇦🚸😷🦠👧🇺🇸🆘🆘 👉 @TRyanGregory, @DrEricDing 👉🆘 1-donwinslow, 2-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 3- Victor Narro 🆘, ‘)
twitter .com/BrooksFallis/status/1590486982916177923 (‘ 1/2 Ontario health leaders are willing to mandate that children 14+ be cared for in adult ICUs but … sick kids. Who in ON is looking out for our children? @drmwarner via @DFisman ‘)
twitter .com/patdubois/status/1590408201958481921 (‘ Canadian provinces: “give us more money for healthcare” Feds: “ok but since you misused or flat out lost billions in Covid relief, we’ll give it to you on 👍the condition you can prove you’ll actually spend it on healthcare” Canadian provinces: “this is outrageous absolutely not” via @DFisman ‘)
twitter .com/patdubois/status/1590408201958481921 (‘ Fwiw I am @dfisman: on and on Mastodon. ‘)
twitter .com/twpiggott/status/1589233531317669891 (‘ Dr Thomas Piggott : I’m not saying there’s movement afoot to privatize Canada’s universal publicly funded healthcare system, but this is how you’d do it:1️⃣ manufacture a crisis,2️⃣ obfuscate the blame,3️⃣ divide & conquer, 4️⃣ provide knights in shining armour to save the day … This is what Naomi Klein has called 📕the Shock Doctrine. via @DFisman ‘)
twitter .com/nilikm/status/1588921483056672768 (` Don`t privatize our Public Health care `)
apuffofabsurdity (` …If Ford and his buddies are doing this intentionally, which seems likely, then allowing so many to get sick and disabled or die in order to make a buck is genocidal👇 at its core. @twpiggott `)
marchehua .com (‘ same recipe as the CCP in China. In fact, just after the #CCP took power: 1- Two million landowners were killed and all their land confiscated. Many “capitalists” in cities have been forced to hand over their factories to the CCP, etc. Both foreign & private enterprises will be purged. “Rich” people’s wealth will be taken away as it can be “dirty money”. 3- #COVIDZero : Parents in bending knees asked to have their quarantined children returned home. my friends, we have the covid-19, we have thugs in power, it’s time to take action, before they use us weapon. Nothing is impossible… 6-11-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1585724125561094145 (‘ This morning: A homeless man sleeping on the sidewalk had his arm amputated by a heavy truck driving into a construction site. People called 911 but were put on hold and told to leave callback numbers. If anyone has a more perfect metaphor for life in Toronto right now, LMK ,FYI : QC, #TheLastAmbulance, #LaDernièreAmbulance ‘)
twitter .com/SharkawyMD/status/1585324697255673856 (‘ Dr. Abdu Sharkawy : 103 ID consults for me in last 12 days. More patients. Sicker patients. More complicated than I’ve ever encountered in my career of > 20 yrs. More #Covid19 outbreaks. RSV, flu season not yet fully launched. Chaos is right. via @DFisman ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1585609922288488449 (‘ Honestly, I don’t know what motivates kieran moore. But it’s been clear for at least the last 6-8 months that it’s not the health of the population, and it’s not the health of children. ‘)
twitter .com/lollybags45/status/1585614712808640513 (‘ Honestly, I was horrified when he and others seemed so willing to sacrifice old people but I truly believed it was because they were old. If it was children, they never would have let it happen. Yet here we are. 😢 ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1585639848010219520 (‘ Chris is : CHEO made multiple physicians available to media, two infectious disease docs and an ER doc. Unsurprisingly, SickKids in Toronto wouldn’t even provide a comment. “The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto did not respond to a request for comment Tuesday.” ‘)
twitter .com/ChristyCeeCK/status/1585600244628307969 (‘ “It is the first snapshot of the pandemic’s deadly workplace toll in Ontario. The reports reveal that manufacturing suffered the single greatest number of fatalities — more than any other sector, including health care.”, ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1585620044968787974 (‘ Not even close. There’s a small group of hospital CEOs who make close to $1 million a year; I believe the CEO of OPG is around 1.6 million. ‘)
twitter .com/CBCNews/status/1584884993570082822 (‘ The City of Toronto’s current response to homeless encampments is not only inadequate but is also causing further harm to unhoused people, a new report says. ‘)
twitter .com/CBCQueensPark/status/1570475983496511489 (‘ I’ll join @ N a t a s h a F a t a h on @ C B C N e w s Network shortly to discuss the Ford government’s new plan to move Ontario hospital patients who are waiting for long-term care up to 150km from their preferred location. , ‘)
twitter .com/BrentToderian/status/1584747402439036929 (‘ Brent Toderian : Just because the Election is now over, doesn’t mean more & more of you shouldn’t keep following Gil Penalosa here on Twitter. Keep being inspired by his ideas for Toronto, & every other city. The good news is that 👍Gil Penalosa can now continue his work helping cities all around the world. Exemple à suivre; Example to follow : 🇬🇧Peter Stefanovic ‘)
twitter .com/DrKateTO/status/1584713783641276417 (‘ John Tory hasn’t even been re-elected for one hour yet and C P 2 4 is already lowering the bar even further: “The expectation will be that he will complete some of the promises he set out.” Another 4 wasted years. #topoli ‘)
twitter .com/OCHU_Healthcare/status/1584646894017740800 (‘ An open letter from @CUPEOntario @SEIUHealthCan @ontarionurses @opseu @UniforTheUnion asking that the @ f o r d n a t i o n government speak with all of us regarding the healthcare crisis. In solidarity together!’)
marchehua .com (‘ Hey, Ontario, 2-0, you have to grow up, it’s you who suffer… ;”Hé, Ontario, 2-0, il faut grandir, c’est vous qui souffrez…“,🏥, 24-10-2022 ”)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1584685151878905856 (‘ For the doc who hasn’t cared for a covid patient in icu since February 2022…thank you for sharing your anecdote. Ontario covid icu occupancy is up 30% since two weeks ago…you may not be caring for these folks; someone is. Data > anecdotes ‘)
twitter .com/CBCQueensPark/status/1582345481820045312 (‘ What 2 new studies reveal about long COVID in Canada ,,,,,,,18-10-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/CBCQueensPark/status/1582345481820045312 (‘ What Ontario’s new long-term care rules will (and won’t) do for hospitals #onpoli #onthealth, : Ontario to fund more 👇private clinic surgeries, send patients to temporary LTCs to ease health-care pressures ‘)
marchehua .com (‘” Médicaux privés : Autrement dit, employer les mêmes infirmières et les médecins mais leur 100 fois plus pour le même travail, et la population se fera arnaquer davantage! N’oubliez jamais, la santé universelle n’a jamais été gratuite, tout le monde a payé pour soutenir ce système en marche…”;private medical: In other words, employ the same nurses and doctors, but pay them 100 times more for the same job, and the population will be ripped off more! Never forget, Universal Health was never free, everyone paid to support this system working... via @AlainLepine, @onmeritemieux, … 4-09-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/Diana_C_McNally/status/1584923149371588608 (‘ Diana Chan McNally : Elections are a small facet of civic engagement. If people are disengaged during elections, it’s because they’re unable to engage generally. It’s imperative that we look at and remove barriers to engagement post-election cycle to give people back their democratic power. My friends, don’t take an election lightly, read the cbc article “🗞️Anti-trans candidates fail to make major gains in Ontario school board elections“, and share it as widely as possible to help your voters understand…, 25-10-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/jamespmcleod/status/1583862441154265089 (‘ John Tory has had eight years to fix this. ‘)
twitter .com/frozen/status/1584973843890077696 (‘ BC: The facts are no longer in dispute. … Henry crafted data to fit a policy, rather than the other way around. , In essence: @ a d r i a n di x would rather prop up a cult of personality than help make classrooms safer against a dangerous virus that continues to wreck lives and futures. It’s nearly 2023, and this rhetorical tactic has worn thin. via @DFisman ‘)
twitter .com/frozen/status/1584984051181838336 (‘ As Covid protections end, and officials begin to discover more people “dying with Covid” rather than “dying of Covid,” please remember that BC’s @adriandix workshopped this line last summer when describing the Covid deaths of 2 little kids. #bcpoli #cdnpoli. Finally, let us not forget who Minister Dix is, and just where he’s willing to go to avoid taking professional responsibility for the avoidable deaths on his watch. 25-10-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/MamaToronto/status/1585342362003599360 (‘ Rajeev Jayadevan: UK Cardiologist Rae Duncan explains Long COVID beautifully. Abnormal, prolonged immune response damages the inner lining of blood vessels. Micro clots form, of abnormal molecular structure, that the body’s usual mechanisms can’t get rid of. They show up in various organs. via @DFisman, Oct 26 ‘ )
twitter .com/MamaToronto/status/1585342362003599360 (` video, Which #halloween mask is best? 🎃 ,, @LongCovidLearn,,, via @MeetJess `)
twitter .com/nilikm/status/1586501461214650369 (` Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth : Didn’t have this on my bingo card, but delighted that #COVIDIsAirborne ,#BringBackMasks got the attention of @Forbes. If only our leaders – locally and globally – would take public health measures seriously and normalize taking care of others… ‘)
twitter .com/OntarioObgyns/status/1587485513249918982 (` Ontario Obstetricians & Gynecologists debunk common misinformation about those who are assigned female at birth & their reproductive health. #empoweringwomen … via @nilikm ‘)
twitter .com/BabuMenos/status/1587546139800309767 (‘ Looks like quite a few Tweeps find the idea of moving to the Fediverse intriguing; the server mastodon .social apparently is running on fumes atm. Be patient, the admins will sort it out. ‘)
mastodon .social/ (‘ Flowies n’ birbs, Nikon Z6, Tamron 18-400mm, processed in Darktable #Photography #Birding. Taken at a wetlands reserve called Paardevlei , just outside Cape Town in South Africa ^.^ ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1588151933516537857 (‘ Dr. David Fisman : Individuals within CSIS and RCMP colluding with a group seeking to overthrow an elected government is some serious Weimar bullshit. I don’t know how this gets handled at the federal level, but there need to be real consequences. ‘)
twitter .com/DrEricDing/status/1586018384365617152 (` Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding : 5) My updates are in the interest of public health. To date, I have reported scoops here first. But with changes in Twitter, I will also be posting breaking news on my Journal. It’s free to subscribe—COVID news will always be free, though support welcome…, 28-10-2022 ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ Aujourd’hui, il est clair que la santé publique n’est pas la priorité des bandits au pouvoir. En Ontario, il y a beaucoup d’enfants malades en ce moment, les responsables de la santé de l’Ontario sont prêts à exiger que les enfants de 14 ans et plus soient pris en charge en soins intensif pour adultes. mais le problème est que dans les unités de soins intensifiés pour adultes, les soignants n’ont pas de formation spécifique en pédiatrie. Alors vos enfants seront soignés par qui ?Enfin, informez-vous, et faites pression pour qu’il fasse le nécessaire pour sécuriser le lieu de travail, l’école, car le masque, la ventilation nous permet de vraiment réduire le nombre d’enfants malades et gravement malades. 12-11-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/DefineAmerican/status/1597681845768015877 (‘ 🎦, “David Siev and his family serve as beacons of hope to everyone working faithfully toward the goals of unity and prosperity in difficult times.” – @DanielDaeKim “🎞️Bad Axe” tells the story of a Cambodian American family’s struggles amongst COVID 19… ‘)
twitter .com/analysis/save-palmer-report/48087 (` 🇨🇦A doc with the guts to talk back to the powers-that-be, but this crisis really demands that many more docs to do same; silence on masking by docs and their orgs = taking a side B.C. doctor blasts province’s flu response… CTV News via @DFisman `)
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