Kesler Foods Fresh Instant Nonfat Dry Milk

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  • Great for everyday use and emergency food storage
  • Made from 100% real milk
  • Manufacture Date: January 19, 2020
  • Up to 15 Year Shelf Life Unopened, 1 Year Once opened
  • Proudly Made in the USA
  • FYI –>
    • twitter .com/DFisman/status/1641538658527322112 (‘ These guys are stealing from us. It’s important to understand how they operate. @JordanMRoberts and friends: ‘)
    • marchehua .com (‘ Everyone is important, our efforts will bring the right result, so my friends, don’t wait for fools, celebrities or influencers to help us, especially time passes, the virus takes hold, count on us sooner , by simply posting a message on our bag , or our window, is also important; “Tout le monde est important, nos efforts apporteront le bon résultat, alors mes amis, n’attendez pas que des imbéciles, des célébrités ou des influenceurs nous aident, surtout que le temps passe, que le virus s’installe, comptez sur nous plus tôt, en postant simplement un message sur notre sac, ou notre fenêtre, est également important. “, Mar 19, 2023 ‘)
    • twitter .com/JordanMRoberts/status/1633571651966189568 (‘ Jordan Roberts : RW parties of the IDU, like Republicans and our own PCs, are loosening child labour laws. Because corporations need workers, and kids are cheap and easy to exploit. Mar 8, 2023 , 😠💣,, Arkansas🧒☢️👷😠 `)
    • marchehua .com (‘ Quebecers don’t say anything, don’t do anything, so Legault’s gang exposes the false information in broad daylight… look below, it’s worse than “Orphelins de Duplessis“.  “Les Québécois ne disent rien, ne font rien, alors la bande de Legault affiche les fausses informations au grand jour… regardez ci-dessous, c’est pire que Orphelins de Duplessis “, 23-01-2023  ‘)
    • marchehua .com (‘ Go back to better go forward, The situation today resembles a woman beaten by her husband, some women do not have the courage to leave their husbands and it ends very badly. And the Wuhan virus is here, we’re breathing, we’re going to be sick , the bad guys will clearly show you that they have installed all the stuff to clean the air for them, but, they are helping companies, governments to steal your right to be safe at work, even stop us from installing the air purifier for the safety of our children, so 🛑stop letting them exploit you, reorganize, come together to lobby, and change your job if necessary, because, the bad guys need you to run the economy, there is not enough labor to import now. FYI :  😷 , 🧑‍⚖️⚰️ ‘)
    • twitter .com/DFisman/status/1616869510295998469 (‘ Dr. David Fisman : People are going to have to make noise🎻🎺🪕🎷🎙️🥁 and get political until their kids get the same kind of protections against indoor airborne hazards as are provided to billionaires in Davos. ‘)
    • whc .ca/en (‘  Web Hosting Canada , Security & SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools.   ‘)



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