“Né à Hong Kong en 1996, Joshua Wong a un parcours hors du commun. À quatorze ans, il s’engage dans la lutte contre le gouvernement chinois et son programme d’éducation et fonde le groupe Scholarism. En 2014, il devient le visage de la «
révolution des parapluies », mouvement s’opposant au projet du gouvernement de limiter la portée du suffrage universel pour l’élection du chef de l’exécutif de Hong Kong. En juin 2019, tout juste sorti de prison, Joshua prend la tête des manifestations massives contre le projet de loi sur les extraditions vers la Chine continentale.
Véritable figure de proue du mouvement pro-démocratique à Hong Kong, ses actions ont été relayées dans le monde entier, ce qui a lui a valu une nomination pour le Prix Nobel de la paix… et plus de cent jours de prison ferme.”When he was 14, Joshua Wong made history. While the adults stayed silent, Joshua staged the first-ever student protest in Hong Kong to oppose National Education — and won. Since then, Joshua has led the Umbrella Movement, founded a political party, and rallied the international community around the anti-extradition bill protests, which have seen 2 million people…
Unfree Speech: The Threat to Global Democracy and Why We Must Act, Now, Language :
FYI –>
- twitter .com/benedictrogers/status/1385736974997377025 (‘ Benedict Rogers 羅傑斯 : Benedict Rogers 羅傑斯 : Just started reading @ianwill’s excellent new book on #CEvery Breath You Take: China’s New Tyranny by Ian Williams, https://t.co/GBkJwpNDeJ?amp=1 ‘)
- twitter .com/benedictrogers/status/1381730288385073152 (‘ Benedict Rogers 羅傑斯 : Just finished Stephen Vines’ superb new book on #HongKong, I agreed with every word, line by line… ‘)
- twitter .com/antd/status/1374371374546874383 (‘ 23-03-2021, Antony Dapiran : Welcome to Hong Kong, PRC. Where politics is everything, & everything is political. Even medicine. via Jeffrey Ngo 敖卓軒 , @jeffreychngo , @rthk_enews ‘)
- twitter .com/jeffreychngo/status/1338036289493458946 (‘ 13-12-2020, Jeffrey Ngo 敖卓軒 : Check out this excellent list of 2020 book recommendations from @jwassers, which includes the upcoming, revised edition of my advisor @JimMillward’s classic (and very timely) Eurasian Crossroads. ‘)
- https://www.penguin.co .uk/books/111/1119445/unfree-speech/9780753554791.html (‘ Joshua Wong Jason Y. Ng Ai Weiwei Introducer ; @OwenJones84, ?v=pxuHYQs9_cA ‘)
- twitter .com/uffeelbaek/status/1331949586794082311 (‘ 26-11-2020, Hvornår mon @JeppeKofod og regeringen stopper op og siger: nok er nok? Som @nathanlawkc så rigtigt konkluderer i interviewet her med @clausblok: “Danmark er nødt til at gå sammen med andre vestlige lande mod Kina, hvis vi skal redde demokratiet”. #dkpol , Denmark must join forces with other western countries against China if we are to save democracy , #save12hkyouths, #SaveHKThreeActivist ‘)
- theguardian .com/world/2020/nov/23/hong-kong-protests-joshua-wong-guilty-police-hq-protests-agnes-chow-ivan-lam (‘ It would not be surprising if I’m sent to immediate detention today,” Wong said on Facebook earlier. “It is the least ridiculous outcome among others that happened recently in Hong Kong. In the past three weeks, a total of 23 activists, journalists and councillors came under arrest. Everyday we have activists standing in trials, protestors sent to jail ‘)
- twitter .com/joshuawongcf/status/1316774538495971329 (‘ 15-10-2020, I found a group of suspicious men wandered around. My friends then decided to trail one of them back with camera. Suddenly, the stalker made a dash and jumped over the turnstile to steal a metro ride. Hi Joshua Wong, Be very careful ‘)
- twitter .com/NicolaKelly/status/1314495271972360192 (‘ Free speech is at its lowest ever point. How did we get here? Looking forward to moderating this @article19org event for journalists with guest speakers @joshuawongcf and @mcaruanagalizia on Monday 19 October, 8:30 UK. DM me for details. Nicola Kelly ‘)
- twitter .com/joshuawongcf/status/1312269542324752385 (‘ 3-10-2020, It may be the end of HK when #nationalsecuritylaw was passed, but there’s no reason for us to give up. Even if HK isn’t HK anymore, but with the spirit of HKers… we keep on the fight. With Chinese relations on the rocks, is it time for Canada to take a closer look at Taiwan? The answer is YES, according to Guy Saint-Jacques, @guysaintjacque1 ‘)
- twitter .com/joshuawongcf/status/1312249435884154880 (‘ 3-10-2020, Business must keep pushing for freedom in hong kong companies shoud find ways to reduce their vulnerablity to beijing; help, if you can, THANK YOU; Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 ‘)
- time .com/5842017/british-governor-hong-kong-security-law (‘ 24-05-2020, China cheats, it tries to screw things in its own favor, and if you ever point this out their ‘wolf warrior’ diplomats try to bully and hector you into submission,” he said. “It’s got to stop otherwise the world is going to be a much less safe place and liberal democracy around the world is going to be destabilized. Chris Patten, le dernier gouverneur britannique de Hong Kong’)
- amnesty .org/en/latest/news/2020/06/how-hong-kong-leaders-twisted-the-protest-narrative-to-strangle-a-movement (‘ Hong Kong police fire pepper balls and arrest more than 50 as protesters mark a year since mass march ‘)
- twitter .com (‘ 20-06-2020, Freedom of expression, democracy in the world are already damaged, China steals from others, creates problems for others only, such as Canada, Australia, Taiwan, the Kong River, Mekong River, VIETNAM, THAILAND, PHILIPPINES, CAMBODIA…, therefore, we must meet to eliminate this cancer tumor = china, So we start with Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, etc… to create a group… for example. : solve the covid-19 problem, the economy, the hong kong problem, e.g .: pork, beef, vietnamese, africans also need it, asian students can go to canada or australia to study, just rearrange between us, we live better and the Hongkongkais, Use your head more for this fight… mobilize, educate young people… ‘ )
- twitter .com/FChangy/status/1278505835438600193 (‘ 01-07-2020, Hongkong people are refusing to be intimidated by Chinese methods #HKNationalSecurityLaw #bewater, Florence de Changy ‘)
- latercera .com/mundo/noticia/joshua-wong-lider-de-las-protestas-en-hong-kong-me-preocupa-mi-seguridad-pero-seguire-luchando/57IDDACH6VG5PKZMVZEARQDZWI (‘ Joshua Wong, líder de las protestas en Hong Kong: “Me preocupa mi seguridad, pero seguiré luchando” ; Joshua Wong, leader of the Hong Kong protests: “I am concerned about my safety, but I will continue fighting” ‘)
- twitter .com/OwenJones84/status/1283833607388266496 (‘ ?v=R1Gw1k43Ekg , @wh_allen, Owen Jones Rose, Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 ‘)
- twitter .com/joshuawongcf/status/1289414254974533633 (‘ 1-08-2020, [기획대담] 홍콩보안법 시행 한 달…지금 홍콩에서는?-조슈아 웡 인터뷰, A month after the Hong Kong Security Act came into effect… In Hong Kong now?-Joshua Wong interview ‘)
- twitter .com/joshuawongcf/status/1312999224804483074 (‘ 5-10-2020, @matanevenoff, the legend who baited clippers into flashing his #StandWithHongKong T-shirt at #NBA game. Now he has shot 120+ videos on #hkpolicebrutality & zealously supports #HKers in our fight for justice. THANK YOU Matan Even, Yes it concerns us too. For example, About 260 chinese fishing vessels near the Galapagos Islands, #Chinese meddling at universities in #Belgium, etc… ‘)
- boersenblatt .net/news/boersenverein/was-hat-dieser-mensch-fuer-einen-mut-151809 (‘ The 24-year-old , who has already been arrested several times, reported in a video conversation with moderator Michel Friedman, how the Chinese are cracking down on the protest movement and how censorship is rampant. ‘)
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