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FYI –>
twitter .com/Educsanspropag/status/1346434454118670337 (‘ L’éducation sans propagation : Voici nos exigences: 1) Maintenir l’école à distance pour TOUS tant que la contamination n’est pas revenue à un taux inférieur à 25 nouveaux cas/100 000 personnes. #polqc #covid19Qc #qcpoli #assnat via @CovidEcoles , covidecolesquebec.org, @olivierdrouin, Marie-Helene Benoit, @MH30505831 ‘)
ledevoir .com/societe/sante/592623/ciuss-et-syndicat-donnent-deux-versions-differentes-sur-l-eclosion-a-la-cite-de-la-sante (‘ 2-01-2021, Mhua: Message to Mr. Jean-François Houle, a vice-president of the CISSS Laval Workers Union: do not send your members to put out the fire if they have no protection, that is to say, N95 masks. For you, Quebecers, the nursing aides are always moved between the “green zones” and the “red zones” in the hospital emergency room and that the workers still do not wear the appropriate equipment. So that concerns you too, your safety is at stake, until everyone is vaccinated. via @CovidEcoles; covidecolesquebec .org, cleavonmd .com/coviddeaths ‘)
twitter .com/Aaron_Derfel/status/1345506975069646849 (‘2-01-2021, Aaron Derfel : from Dec. 27 to Dec. 30, Quebec posted four days of rising #COVID19 cases, culminating in a record 2,819 on Dec. 30. The number of intensive-care stays climbed to 165 amid 1,175 hospitalizations and a growing number of infected health workers. Drs. Marina Klein and Catherine Hankins, McGill University ; Qc, 4-01-2021 : 8 379 deaths from COVID-19 ‘)
people .com/health/girl-has-leukemia-and-coronavirus-south-carolina-ariel-griffith (‘ Parents of 13-Year-Old Girl Find Out She Has Leukemia After Being Diagnosed with COVID-19 ; more info @DrEricDing, @AliNouriPhD, @Cleavon_MD ‘)
twitter .com/NyLyB/status/1344719298577772550 (‘ 31-12-2020, Céline Bennett à @olivierdrouinBonjour Olivier, auriez-vous la gentillesse de tweeter notre pétition sur @CovidEcoles pour nous offrir de la visibilité? Écoles spécialisées voulons aussi un prolongement pour limiter la propagation de la Covid-19. Aidez-nous en signant! ‘)
twitter .com/Aaron_Derfel/status/1344119164093558784 (’29-12-2020, Health Minister Christian Dubé urged Quebecers Tuesday to follow the current public-health guidelines to protect the population from hitting a wall in January. But it’s clearthe wall has already been hit. End of thread… ; total coronavirus 8,124 deaths, THANK YOU Aaron Derfel ‘)
7sur7 .be/sante/erika-vlieghe-propose-d-exiger-un-test-negatif-a-tous-les-belges-revenant-de-l-etranger~ae7a4b95 (‘ La politique frontalière devrait être plus stricte”, plaide donc Erika Vlieghe, qui explique ne pas voir de différence, d’un point de vue épidémiologique, entre un Belge ou un non-Belge rentrant de l’étranger… Marc Van Ranst, Geert Molenberghs ; Marc Noppen, le CEO de l’UZ Brussel: “Les médecins procèdent à des amputations qu’ils n’ont pas vues en 20 ans”; Herman Goossens alerte sur la nouvelle variante du coronavirus: “Il faut la prendre au sérieux” ‘)
twitter .com/benedictrogers/status/1344108872630468609 (‘ Benedict Rogers 羅傑斯 : If only the #CCP had listened to and acted upon Dr Li Wenliang‘s advice. If only. Millions of lives and livelihoods around the world might have been saved. The #CCP owes the rest of the world a huge bill in damages and reparations… ‘)
montrealgazette .com/news/local-news/quebec-to-ottawa-intensify-covid-19-screening-of-returning-travellers (‘ 30-12-2020, Despite the surge in cases and hospitalizations, the minister ruled out additional measures for now, noting that non-essential stores closed for two weeks only on Dec. 25. Students are expected to return to class on Jan. 11. 2021, Aaron Derfel @Aaron_Derfel, covidecolesquebec .org ; @CovidEcoles ‘)
ecole-oubliee .fr/temoignages-long-covid-enfant (‘ Covid long enfant : En France, personne ne parle de Covid long des enfants, des parents cherchent des informations et du support à l’étranger. .., @lilystbarth ‘)
ledevoir .com/societe/sante/590257/urgences-sante-patients-non-reanimes-pour-cause-de-covid (‘ 23-11-2020, In Quebec, for five months, some people with cardiopulmonary arrest could not be resuscitated by paramedics due to a directive in Montreal and Laval to avoid overloading intensive care units. This directive was maintained until September 21, despite a return to normal in hospitals this summer, Isabelle Paré ‘)
marchehua.com (‘ My friends from Hong Kong, pro-democracy are arrested by the encroachment of beijing in hong kong on 23-11-2020, they are in prison, So I share their story to help them, Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 , Agnes Chow 周庭, ?v=A0Zze86kO-U, 周庭アグネスの刑務所でのクリスマスと近況 , Ivan Lam, #save12hkyouths, THANK YOU ‘)
twitter.com/Cleavon_MD/status/1342755926785155072 (‘ 26-12-2020, Dr. Cleavon Gilman : One of the most dangerous jobs amid the pandemic is being a respiratory therapist! They are at EVERY intubation and manage ventilators, as a result they are continuously exposed to deadly COVID aerosols & are under enormous emotional strain! ‘)
twitter .com/Cleavon_MD/status/1344164999753711617 (‘ Dr. Cleavon Gilman : Everywhere across the world doctors and nurses are facing unprecedented limited resources. In the US we are running out of oxygen and BiPap machines, but so too are physicians in the United Kingdom! We are trying to save lives, while battling deadly misinformation. #StayHome ; @DrEricDing, @AliNouriPhD ‘)
twitter .com/Cleavon_MD/status/1345028589234753536 (‘ Dr. Cleavon Gilman : If teachers are essential then prioritize them. No teacher should return to in-person learning without being vaccinated. Si les enseignants sont essentiels, donnez-leur la priorité. Aucun enseignant ne devrait reprendre l’apprentissage en personne sans se faire vacciner. cleavonmd .com/coviddeaths ‘)
twitter .com/Cleavon_MD/status/1345048097919959040 (‘ Dr. Cleavon Gilman : Roy Haug, school bus driver with Gilbert Public Schools in Arizona died from #COVID. “Roy was too busy driving the bus to be the mask police,” said a student’s mother, whose son sat next to him. No parents were notified Roy had COVID. School Personnel Lost To Covid @LostToCovid ‘)
twitter .com/NyLyB/status/1344712982270504961 (‘ 31-12-2020, Céline Bennett : Les écoles spécialisées voulons aussi un prolongement du temps des fêtes pour limiter la propagation de la Covid-19. Aidez-nous en signant et en partageant cette pétition ! via @CovidEcoles @olivierdrouin ‘)
twitter .com(‘ Dr. Cleavon Gilman : Of note, when I say teachers, I mean ALL education support staff – bus drivers, cafeteria workers etc. Many people work together to make schools operational and they deserve to be protected & vaccinated. Scroll up this thread & see @LostToCovid ‘)
twitter .com/RougeMatisse/status/1347070580999262208 (‘ Nancy Delagrave : Québec encore le bon dernier en matière de gestion de pandémie au Canada, Montréal est en feu… L’association des pédiatres du Québec ignorent ces chiffres, ne veut pas les voir? Être scolarisé à la maison va retarder la progression de l’enfant? Et attraper le variant S-? ‘)
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