LG 24M47VQ 24-Inch LED-lit Monitor, Black

  • 2 MS response time. If using a wired connection, plug the Ethernet cable from your modem/Router to the input on your chromebase
  • 1920 x 1080 Full HD Resolution. OS Compatibility-Windows 8
  • HDMI, D-Sub, DVI-D
  • Reader Mode. Tn panel type. Brightness: 250(cd/m2)
  • Screen split. Has color wizard LG 24M47VQ LED-lit Monitor
  • FYI –>
    • twitter .com/olex_scherba/status/1504545899279753226 (‘ Goodbye @Nestle : ! I liked your products, but they taste like death now. You decided to be one of #PutinsSponsors – I’ll go without you. #StandWithUkraine, #PutinIsaWarCriminal, #boycottnestle , #Nestle  ‘)
    • twitter .com/McFaul/status/1503763801803427840 (‘  Michael McFaul :  My family are huge fans of Papa John’s. But we taking a break for now. It is immoral to be making money in Putin’s Russia as he slaughters innocent children in Ukraine. Do Better Papa John. Join the hundreds of other US businesses who rightly pulled out.  @MoonShakeLA : Many many reasons to boycott PJ. This is the best one! ‘)
    • twitter .com/RFERL/status/1503749720015089680 (‘ 1/9🧵 If you are in Russia, you may not be able to access RFE/RL content. The Kremlin has imposed unprecedented censorship. We have updated tips on how to bypass it: https://t.co/DmkZHHtpg4, via @HannaLiubakova   ‘)
    • twitter .com/anastasia_maga/status/1503710487996997632 (‘ At the same time, Russians are firing at the positions of the Ukrainian army from the windows of the hospital, trying to provoke the fire in response. According to an eyewitness, the Russian soldiers do not let anyone leave the hospital, threatening to shoot. 4/5,  The staff and patients of the hospital are being held as hostages. One of the witnesses claims that Russian soldiers are forcing the other civilians there as well. 3/5… https://bit.ly/3N3H9B5 , https://t.co/Ldhlm8dl7i, https://t.co/MZQk1Cx0U1, #MHRI, #Mariupol  ‘)
    • facebookr .com/MediaInitiativeForHumanRights/posts/7452984964741447 (‘  ” Російські війська захопили в заручники персонал та пацієнтів маріупольської лікарні 😠 При цьому обстрілюють позиції української армії з вікон лікарні, намагаючись викликати вогонь у відповідь. …Медійна ініціатива за права людини закликає міжнародну спільноту вжити всіх можливих заходів, щоб припинити воєнний злочин Російської Федерації, який відбувається просто в ці хвилини, та звільнити лікарів, пацієнтів, мирних мешканців, який російська армія тримає в заручниках і використовує як живий щит. “‘)
    • twitter  .com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1503801054143696904 (‘ All trade with Russia must be stopped! So that it can’t sponsor the killing of our children. Ukrainians all over the world! Contact politicians, talk to journalists, put pressure on business to leave the Russian market. So that their dollars & euros aren’t paid for our blood ‘)
    • twitter .com/AlinejadMasih/status/1503350380469620741 (‘  Masih Alinejad : Putin, Khamenei have money, prisons and weapons. We have social media. Hear us: Millions of us Iranians and Russians call Putin, Khamenei, murderer. We call them dictators. As @Kasparov63 said “words have power. They do not deserve a democratic title.”  ‘)
    • twitter .com/Independent/status/1503211973969854467 (‘ Ukrainian refugees: UK set to waive red tape for pets    https://t.co/I247Ie4XuG, 13-03-2022, FYI : @PeterStefanovi2 ‘)
    • twitter .com/PeterStefanovi2/status/1503417137234419718 (‘ video, Now we have Government Ministers suggesting the UK has taken more refugees than any other country in Europe If only there was some way of knowing where this rampant lying started.. ‘)
    • twitter .com/PeterStefanovi2/status/1503343699119509505 (‘ video, The Health Secretary has been branded “shameful” after he falsely claimed Ukrainian NHS staff were covered by the government’s refugee scheme, https://t.co/q0bmzU23Fd   ‘)
    • twitter .com/avalaina/status/1503051857559703558 (‘  Yaroslav Bevzyuk: We found the body of our Pasha Lee🕯️. He helped the children get out of the house during the evacuation of people from Irpen. The evacuation that Russians disrupted by shelling civilians. Pasha took off his bulletproof vest and put it on the child he was carrying’)
    • twitter .com/josephs78221318/status/1503404618398588930 (‘  Nobody wants Innocent people to die and nobody wants World War III! With the Right Communication by America and Nato a feasible limited safe-haven can be set up with a corresponding limited No-Fly Zone. There is a dire need to alleviate the severe refugee crisis unfolding. ‘)
    • twitter .com/scientificrealm/status/1503041709202198530 (‘ I think Putin may be trying to test how responsive NATO will be if a missile “accidentally” hits Poland… His goal could be to show that NATO is weak. So what should the answer be? Defend militarily and risk WW3? Or de-escalate and possibly give Putin a propaganda victory? ‘)
    • twitter .com/scientificrealm/status/1503047515264143363 (‘ pic. ‘)
    • twitter .com/donwinslow/status/1502875731210080258 (‘ Don Winslow :   #PutinsWarCrimes This was the hardest video we have ever made. It documents #PutinsWarCrimes .The words and music are from the brave Ukranian people. via @natsechobbyist   ‘)
    • twitter .com/MaxAMaxim/status/1500516342285352960 (‘ I hope people gets to see this video in Russia. This, out of #Ukraine   ‘)
    • twitter .com/McFaul/status/1503418284430925824 (‘ In a time of rising antisemitism, making any comment implying that Jews are in any way “others” was the last thing I wanted. I deeply regret my comments and I sincerely apologize. Moving forward, I will focus my comments on the present evil — Putin. 👉 Our discussion was about Putin killing Russians in Ukraine ‘)
    • twitter .com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1503072834909790213 (‘  Now can be no ‘half’ decisions or ‘halftones’! There is only black and white, good or evil! You are either for peace or support the bloody Russian aggressor to kill Ukrainian children and women. @Microsoft, @Oracle, @SAP, stop supporting your products in Russia, stop the war! ” Сьогодні не може бути напіврішень чи напівтонів! Є лише чорне та біле, добро і зло! Ви або за мир, або підтримуєте кривавого російського агресора у вбивстві українських дітей і жінок. @Microsoft, @Oracle, @SAP, припиніть підтримувати свої продукти в Росії, зупиніть війну!” ‘)
    • about.fb .com/news/h/metas-ongoing-efforts-regarding-russias-invasion-of-ukraine (‘  @Meta : Our thoughts are with everyone affected by the war in Ukraine. We are taking extensive steps across our apps to help ensure the safety of our community and support the people who use our services — both in Ukraine and around the world… via  @ZelenskyyUa ‘)
    • twitter .com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1503046528071618562  (`  War is not only a military opposition on UA land. It is also a fierce battle in the informational space. I want to thank @Meta and other platforms that have an active position that help and stand side by side with the Ukrainians. `)
    • twitter .com/AVindman/status/1503588219115347973 (‘ Alexander S. Vindman : “We are dealing with an enemy that is vicious but weak, menacing but deeply fearful, & that is likely to crack long before our side does—if only we have the stomach for doing what needs to be done.” ⁦⁦@EliotACohen⁩  , https://t.co/jmAxaSHdZA,  @politic_sass : Almost like we’ve seen this “consequences of inaction” before… ‘)


Item Weight : ‎6.2 pounds
Product Dimensions : ‎21.9 x 7.8 x 17.2 inches
A SIN : ‎B00W95RR32

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!– …Ukraine has sufficient potential to make it through this difficult path of war. We have the potential to rally the world. We have the potential to win. The key is to believe in ourselves. To believe in Ukraine. I am grateful to everyone who is with Ukraine and in Ukraine. I am grateful to everyone who is fighting, working, volunteering, and helping for Ukraine to live. 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦, Jan. 14, 2024

!–[sign language] Statements for the mass media on the results of the negotiations of Volodymyr Zelenskyi and 🇪🇪Alar Karis; “[жестова мова] Заяви для ЗМІ за результатами переговорів Володимира Зеленського та 🇪🇪Алара Каріса”