London – British UK Party Favor Popcorn Treat Boxes – Set of 12
Cheerio, London Favor Popcorn Treat Boxes INCLUDES 12 taco party favor boxes. Cheerio…
Cheerio, London favor popcorn treat boxes SIZE 5.75 inches tall x 3.5 inches square at the top. The unique design and large size makes these 12 red telephone box popcorn boxes a must-have for any British UK party.
FYI –>
twitter .com/PeterStefanovi2/status/1484960503390785538 (‘ video, I’m sure UK news shows will be all over this Sunday morning.. @vanmaneuro : This is the wait on a Saturday into dover port . It’s normally pretty quiet . Thanks to @Taxingissues for taking it #BrexitHasFailed , 22-01-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/PeterStefanovi2/status/1484959983934582789 (‘ Peter Stefanovic : Spineless Government Ministers who have continued to support Boris Johnson despite all the lies, all the scandals and all the corruption are all part of the problem. It’s exactly why the whole rotten lot need to go , 22-01-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/PeterStefanovi2/status/1464893868881625088 (‘ “You didn’t test them as they came into Heathrow & then they were allowed to disperse around the country without being tested & if the Dutch experience is anything to go by 10% of them had the new variant” Heaven help us #Marr ‘)
twitter .com/AlexTaylorNews/status/1466122815464169476 (‘ Johnson is someone who lies all the time. Lies are ontological, elemental, essential for him”. So Grinning face I just subtitled into English what my friend @MarionVanR said about him on French TV, mentioning, among other things, the @PeterStefanovi2 video … via @anneapplebaum ‘)
twitter .com/PeterStefanovi2/status/1466302148552110080 (‘ No apology, no shame How long will the country tolerate this? ‘)
twitter .com/PeterStefanovi2/status/1465258007000932356 (‘ “Some 75 per cent of those suffocating in intensive care with the coronavirus are unvaccinated”. This is a powerful & important article from always superb @doctor_oxford , via @PeterStefanovi2 ‘)
en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Heathrow_Airport (‘ Heathrow Airport originally called London Airport until 1966 and now known as London Heathrow (IATA: LHR, ICAO: EGLL), is a major international airport in London, England. ‘)
theguardian .com/world/live/2021/nov/28/covid-live-news-uk-germany-and-italy-detect-omicron-cases-israel-bans-all-visitors?page=with:block-61a3481b8f08a201d9c7df96&filterKeyEvents=false#liveblog-navigation (‘ 🇬🇧👎Sajid Javid👎 : “We will learn to live with this.” Javid said that even if Omicron makes vaccines less effective it was still expected to make only a “small impact”. ‘)
theguardian .com/politics/2021/nov/28/opposition-parties-can-oust-tories-if-they-cooperate-on-seats (‘” Mhua : Les partis d’opposition « peuvent évincer les conservateurs » s’ils coopèrent sur les sièges, Alors, qu’attendent-elles pour agir. Si elles veulent sauver réellement le peuple, elles doivent agir, ou bien??? ” ; The opposition parties “can oust the conservatives” if they cooperate on the seats. So what are we waiting for? If you really want to save the people, you would go for it, right ? via theguardian ‘)
twitter .com/JMPSimor/status/1464917694076133380 (‘ Jessica Simor QC : My God. Yet further proof that one must never ever trust a single word they say. A gross and calculated lie. @KateNightingal5 : #liars#JohnsonOut#BrokenPromises ‘)
twitter .com/sailingbikeruk/status/1464987948273778695 (‘ The lies this government is getting away with, completely unchallenged by opposition and media, are disgusting. Politics has not been this openly corrupt for millennia, they aren’t even trying to hide it anymore. via @PeterStefanovi2 ‘)
twitter .com/JanetFarrugia58/status/1464995535513923589 (‘ Completely agree. I’m trying to get The Speaker to call out lies in Parliament. If I get enough support I’ll write again to Speaker on this matter with support of the petition. Something has to be done to stop them lying with impunity & wrecking our democracy , via @sailingbikeruk and @PeterStefanovi2. ‘)
twitter .com/JolyonRubs/status/1464910099986665472 (‘ Less than half of my tube wearing masks. Please. It’s hot hard to understand. via @PeterStefanovi2 ‘)
twitter .com/PeterStefanovi2/status/1464885483067092993 (‘ Jessica Simor QC : My God. Yet further proof that one must never ever trust a single word they say. A gross and calculated lie. via @DIsabelle13 ‘)
twitter .com/CailinasEirinn/status/1463326505300201473 (‘ 🇨🇦 If 80% of Canadians approve of vaccine mandates for public servants, and Canadians pay public servants salaries, (and not just Conservative voters), why are we accepting this? Conservativesformally object to COVID-19 vaccination rules on Parliament Hill, ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ My friends from Hong Kong, pro-democracy are arrested by the encroachment of beijing in hong kong on 23-11-2020, they are in prison, So I share their story to help them, Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 , #save12hkyouths, THANK YOU, #StandwithHongKong ‘)
twitter .com/ThatTimWalker/status/1464875001904082944 (‘ Britain was one of the founding signatories of the 1951 refugee convention. To our national shame, it is today one of the countries leading the charge to rip it up. via @PeterStefanovi2 . FYI : #JohnsonOut#ToryCorruption#ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern#ScrapTheBill , ‘)
twitter .com/MatthiasMuell15/status/1465002820155944966 (‘ NHS Nurse and British citizen, #ToryLies + #ToryInjustice ‘)
petition.parliament .uk/petitions/592557 (‘ Amend the Health and Care Bill to protect the NHS. via @@SandraDunn1955 ‘)
twitter .com/PeterStefanovi2 (‘ Lawyer/Vlogger/Filmmaker. Join Bio, , London ‘)
twitter .com/PeterStefanovi2/status/1465398192313409541 (‘ Two weeks today – Monday 13th December is National #PostalWorkersDay It’s a day to celebrate our postal workers who have literally kept the country connected during the pandemic They are under more pressure than ever right now & really deserve our support 📮❤️ ‘)
twitter .com/ABFedLabour/status/1465390114780057602 (‘ Canada, Alberta : Let’s spoil Jason Kenney’s plans to silence his critics. Sign up and share our #StandUptoKenney campaign. Together we can send a loud and clear message to the UCP that workers won’t be silenced. #AbLeg#abpoli#canlab FYI :, ‘)
twitter .com/PeterStefanovi2/status/1464885483067092993 (‘ Civil servants have been banned from inviting speakers who criticise Boris Johnson’s policies to address internal events in Whitehall ‘ ‘)
thetyee .ca/Opinion/2021/11/26/Kenney-New-Law-Bill-81-Muzzle-Critics-Attack-Democracy ( ‘ Gil McGowan is the elected president of the Alberta Federation of Labour, which represents 175,000 Alberta workers from more than 20 unions in public and private sectors. “Kenney veut une nouvelle loi. C’est sa dernière attaque contre la démocratie” ‘)
standuptokenney .ca/silencing-workers (‘ Jason Kenney and his UCP government are trying to shut us up and shut us down. By introducing Bill 81*, they want to strip away the voices of working Albertans and prevent any group that criticizes the government from advocating on issues that impact Alberta’s workers. 🇹🇭 👉 #Abolish112#ยกเลิก112,#WhatsHappeningInThailand#Thailand#ม112 , Canada, Alberta : Kenney Wants a New Law. It’s His Latest Attack on Democracy, Gil McGowan 26 Nov 2021 | TheTyee .ca; 🇬🇧 : woke-speakers-critical-boris-johnson-banned-whitehall, via @PeterStefanovi2 ‘)
twitter .com/Sandyboots2020/status/1465596455771676673 (‘ Lisa : Mum fined after keeping son, 8, home from school while he had ‘Covid symptoms’ – Mirror Online , via @DrEricDing ‘)
twitter .com/LongCovidKids/status/1465582740737343488 (‘ @LongCovidKids : You would think that, wouldn’t you! #LongCovidKids ‘)
twitter .com/Harryslaststand/status/1465737863652335623 (‘ Long Ago, my sister died because there was no #NHS. Tomorrow because of the Tories, this maybe your fate. , by @Harryslaststand , , via @PeterStefanovi2 ‘)
twitter .com/PeterStefanovi2/status/1465725354279116800 (‘ “There are people on Twitter, a lawyer by the name of Peter Stefanovic who made a video where he shows the repeated, factual lies Boris Johnson makes in the House of Commons every day… It’s on Donald Trump’s level from that point of view.” @MarionVanR, ‘)
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