Luxurious Certificate Picture Photo Frame Holder


  • 🎓 DISPLAY YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS IN STYLE. Elegantly showcase the proudest and most memorable achievements in your life with SPIDE WOODEN CERTIFICATE FRAME!
  • 🖼 PROPERLY PROPORTIONED. 11 x 14 inches. Perfectly complements your awards, certificates, prized achievements, diplomas, photographs, artworks and treasured memorabilia!
  • More details on Amazon
  • FYI –>
    • twitter .com/jvipondmd/status/1469073892358586371  (‘ Dr. Joe vipond  : So proud to know and associated with this amazing advocate through our org @PopAlberta. SOOO MUCH RESPECT.  ‘)
    • twitter .com/zaidi71/status/1468766992014315524 (‘ Dr. Mukarram A.Zaidi : I am grateful to Calgary & Area Medical Staff Society (CAMSS) for the Advocacy Award 2021.Thanks Dr. Bispy for nominating me. Awardees exemplify the spirit behind our mission statement: “Advocating for physicians, caring for patients”. We will continue to fight for Public Health via  @jvipondmd ‘)
    • twitter .com/zaidi71/status/1468766992014315524 (‘ Dr. Mukarram A.Zaidi : Family Physician, Son, husband, father & friend. Chair – Think for Actions, Teacher,Activist, Epidemiologist, Population Health Risk Assessment and Management, calgary, Canada , ‘)
    • twitter .com/zaidi71/status/1468360465826795520  (‘  Dr. Mukarram A.Zaidi :  Patient’s gratitude & appreciation keeps us physicians, Nurses & Allied Healthcare Workers perform our duty & keep smiling. The last two years have been a roller coaster fighting with @UCPCaucus @jkenney @shandro for protecting Public Primary Healthcare & against privatisation.   ‘)
    • twitter .com/zaidi71/status/1466182004475527168 (‘  Dr. Mukarram A.Zaidi :  My patients for common cold are given antibiotics. Telemedicine & Virtual health has an important role But, more companies that are privately operated & are over prescribing antibiotics without examination, is not good @jkenney & @JasonCoppingAB should support Primary health care ‘)
    • twitter .com/zaidi71/status/1463978656699670532 (‘  Dr. Mukarram A.Zaidi :  My patient was helpless & crying for her cousin, Who’s brain surgery was delayed twice this summer due to fourth wave of COVID caused by OPEN FOR SUMMER & now she is fighting for her life. I am pissed off & very angry that @jkenney @shandro will get away with no criminal charges ‘)
    • twitter .com/zaidi71/status/1459567047772307465 (‘  Dr. Mukarram A.Zaidi :  I am grateful to my research team for their work & The College of Family Physician of Canada for the award “Racialized Communities Leadership Grant in Family Medicine” For our research on: “Assessing Access and Satisfaction of Refugee an Immigrants to Primacy Care in Calgary” ‘)
    • twitter .com/zaidi71/status/1459567047772307465 (‘  Dr. Mukarram A.Zaidi :  Remembrance Day, I attended my clinic from 9am to 6pm & provided care to 50 patients, many walk-ins to help ease the load on ER. It was a reminder to me & every healthcare worker in Alberta, that we are fight @jkenney & @UCPCaucus protect public health care with @RachelNotley ‘)
    • marchehua .com/product/farram-3-pieces-blank-pin-wall-banner (‘  @birgitomo  , @Cleavon_MD  ,  @glennkirschner2,  @PeterStefanovi2 , 🙏⚖️⚰️🙏    ‘)
    • twitter .com/glennkirschner2/status/1468902437863972867 (‘ My son-in-law ⁦@ShimonLazarov⁩ rocking the #TeamJustice mask. It takes a team . . . ‘)
    • twitter .com/zaidi71/status/1469345579838820352 (‘  Dr. Mukarram A.Zaidi :  Is there a provision for a Class Action Law Suit against @jkenney & @shandro . For the Forth Wave of COVID Due to Open for Sumer on behalf of the Albertans who died, got sick and now suffering from Long COVID, #LongCovid  & the thousands of patents whose surgeries were cancelled  @Lorian_H ?  ‘)
    • twitter .com/zaidi71/status/1469345579838820352 (‘  Dr. Mukarram A.Zaidi :  Quebec’s Xenophobic, Islamophobia, Colonial and Right-wing Bill 21 is marginalizing the religious minorities We stand against Bill 21 , @erinotoole, @theJagmeetSingh, #Islamophobia #Fatemeh @nccm ‘)



Package Dimensions : 17.2 x 14.3 x 1.8 inches
Item Weight : 2.74 pounds

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