Me Feelings Activity Set, Communication Games for Kids, Emotion…
Spot the Face, Spot the Emotion: With 6 fun faces and 6 unique shapes, these feeling toys for kids strengthens social-emotional learning (SEL) skills through fun, hands-on play!
Counting, Sorting, and Colors!: When they’re not talking about feelings, kids can use the set’s built-on sorting set to sort and match the counters by shape, color, and emotion!
When kids kearn how to recognize, understand, and feel their feelings, they build the skills they need to make friends…
More details on Amazon
FYI –>
twitter .com/RevivalCare/status/1615935015451254785 (` Twitter friends: Thank you for being courageous, ethical people. You are a daily inspiration. Please know that your advocacy and lived example of responsible, compassionate, informed citizenship matters greatly. Every day, you make the world better by being you. Thank you! 👏. via @MarieSnyder27 `)
twitter .com/RevivalCare/status/1615734532807995392 (‘ #HandsOffMyHealthcare,, Jan 18, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/nilikm/status/1616048692141883393 (‘ Takes a lot of chutzpah to undermine publicly funded care and then announce that private clinics owned or operated by your political donors and cronies are the solution to the #HealthCareCrisis. Privatization of healthcare in Canada is harmful to everyone. #onpoli #OntarioHealth ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ @ColinDMello : Prime Minister says reliance on independent health facilities and private hospitals is needed at this time to “ease the burden” on hospitals. However, @raghu_venugopal : Which “private hospitals”? There are no private hospitals in Ontario. @ColinDMello. Finally, Doug Ford confirmed why he did everything to destroy public hospitals, let people die, so Ontarians and Canadians, you no longer have the choice to raise your voices… 11-01-2023 ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1613330394270818305 (‘ Liar. They’ve destroyed the health system, and lives, so that they could use this line. This was the plan all along.It’s absolutely monstrous. And Doug and Sylvia didn’t do it in a vacuum. Lots of greedy people are helpful move healthcare privatization along… Jan 11, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1612609904820240384 (‘ Greedy people are breaking our health systems so they can replace them with one that puts cash in their pockets,, Jan 9, 2023 ‘)
cbc .ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/system-broken-woman-dies-emergency-room-1.6707596 (‘ A grieving husband is speaking out after his wife’s agonizing death in a Nova Scotia emergency ward. Gunter Holthoff says he watched his wife Allison wreathing in pain for hours on the floor of the hospital before she died🕯️, Holtholf said the health-care system failed his wife and he doesn’t want her death to be in vain. “We need change, the system is obviously broken. Or if it’s not broken yet, it’s not too far off,” Holthoff said. “Something needs to improve. I don’t want anybody else to go through this.”… by Nicola Seguin via @DFisman ‘)
mstdn .ca/@Billius27/109660223669099376 (‘ Bill Comeau : Hand washing will do little against Omicron because it’s airborne. But how do you wash air? You can exchange the inside air with outside air (ventilation), you can filter the air with HEPA filters, you can inactivate airborne pathogens with Far UVC-light, or you can buy an inexpensive N95 mask which is effective at filtering airborne particles and travels with you…advice #Masks, #CovidisAirborne, Jan 09, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/KatePri14608408/status/1611968687267008514 (‘ 🇦🇺Kate Pritchard : Doctors for & against coronavirus vaccine claim medical regulator Ahpra has silenced them. “Dr Berger is representative of all of us who take time to think, to care & to comment in our own diverse way on how to make the public safer.” – Leading COVID-19 scientists and doctors. via Jess,, Jan 8, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/PennyDaflos/status/1610851647735074816 (‘ Penny Daflos : My full interview with Dr. Henry today is now online here. We discuss whether she’s planning to change strategy, the risks of repeat Covid infections, masks and Paxlovid, Jan 4, 2023, via @DFisman ‘)
twitter .com/PennyDaflos/status/1610778768867483653 (‘ Penny Daflos : Detected cases of the #xbb15 Omicron subvariant in BC have more than doubled in the last week . There are 12 “isolations” as of today, though of course with limited testing that number is hardly definitive. More from my interview w Dr. Bonnie Henry here… ‘)
apuffofabsurdity (‘ Marie Snyder : if we start getting serious about cleaning the air, then we won’t have to wear masks again. We can reduce not just Covid infections, but reduce the spread of all viruses, even the common cold! ‘)
twitter .com/joaquinlife/status/1610516424694587393 (‘ Joaquín Beltrán : Protecting one’s self, family, and community during a pandemic all go hand in hand. Caring for each other is our superpower. Protecting one’s self, family, and community during a pandemic all go hand in hand. Caring for each other is our superpower. -High-Quality Masks – Indoor Clean Air – Testing 💪 ‘)
twitter .com/joaquinlife/status/1610495498217230342 (‘ Leveling up with 💉Novavax! ✨🇺🇸, Jan 3, 2023 ‘)
billius27 (‘ … Just like vaccines, masks don’t completely prevent infection from Omicron or respiratory viruses but if properly used, they can reduce the risk for you and those around you. The science behind masks and their use. Evidence for masks, why they work, which work best, how to use them, and when and where they are most needed. Beyond N95 masks. The website is a good resource for masks. by Bill Comeau ‘)
twitter .com/joeyfox85/status/1608674677177880581 (‘ Joey Fox : Intro to Far-UV is possibly the best tool we have against COVID and very few people actually know what it is. Here’s an intro of what it is, effectiveness, safety and how it’s created. 🧵 via Marie Snyder ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ Résultat de la pétition pour demander @jyduclos @JustinTrudeau @LMathys @theJagmeetSingh à protéger les soins de santé publics au Canada. signatures. : Alberta4753; Colombie-Britannique3356; Manitoba 853; Nouveau-Brunswick 344; Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador 161 ; Territoires du Nord-Ouest 27 ; Nouvelle-Écosse 602; Nunavut 14; Ontario 21356; Île-du-Prince-Édouard 72; Québec1083; Saskatchewan 890; Yukon 19 Mes amis, nous devons entretenir et élargir nos cercles, le sujet de la santé, nos droits, la démocratie doit être les sujets de l’actualité pour tout le monde, les pauvres n’ont pas les moyens d’accéder à la bonne information, aidez-les, et n’oubliez jamais que ce sont les pauvres et les classes moyennes qui construisent la société. il faut donc surveiller ce que les politiciens font avec l’argent du contribuable. Quant aux députés et activistes, ils doivent invertir et avoir le plant B pour sécuriser leurs sites internet où ils ont besoin d’informer les populations et obtenir d’aides… via @DFisman ‘)
whc .ca/en (‘ Web Hosting Canada , Security& SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools. ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1610708774192566273 (‘ Dr. David Fisman : Thread. We won’t have democracy if we don’t have independent, non-robber-baron-owned, journalism. Jan 4, 2023 ‘)
theijf .com/IJFMedia/status/1610637357232934918 (‘ Today, we’re launching the Investigative Journalism Foundation. We’re building a new journalism model. Data-driven. Radically transparent. Laser-focused on serving the public and speaking truth to power. Here’s what you need to know🧵: theijf, Jan 4, 2023,👇 🆘, Help to Share, THANK YOU ‘)
theijf .org/join-us-and-help-rebuild-canadian-journalism-and-democracy (‘ Join us and help rebuild Canadian journalism and democracy. We’re building a new journalism model. Data-driven. Radically transparent. Laser-focused on serving the public and speaking truth to power. Investigative Journalism Foundation, , via @DFisman ‘)
twitter .com/ChuckWurster/status/1610748654327037952 (‘ Dr. Chuck Wurster : That “sniffle” or “just a cold” could very well be Covid, even with negative rapid tests for the first few days. Test daily and avoid others because your “mild” infection could mean big problems for someone vulnerable. And don’t forget to wear a mask in public, sick or not. I imagine if we all did these simple things, there would be a lot less hospital overcrowding, fewer people suffering from the chronic symptoms Long Covid, and fewer people dying each week. We could decrease Covid, RSV and influenza infections all at the same time! Jan 4, 2023 , via @DFisman, @FourWinns298… ‘)
twitter .com/yaneerbaryam/status/1611902335705391104 (‘ The problem is that letting it spread it is not good for either health or the economy. So we can blame them. ‘)
twitter .com/yaneerbaryam/status/1611893643555770369 (‘ Yaneer Bar-Yam : Report: Australian governments have kept much of their COVID research and modelling secret. Why? “Releasing more data and modelling would help inform the public about what’s coming, and what to expect in future virus waves… “That would have been a powerful, positive message, to help people stay the course.” Note: Yet another example of press distortion of reality that mattered tremendously for the pandemic. HT , , Jan 7, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/JordanMRoberts/status/1612284262375456780 (‘ Jordan Roberts : #CorruptAF🇨🇦@MeetJess : Due to record-high hospitalizations, patients who have COVID-19 are being placed in the same room with double-vaccinated people who do not have the virus, British Columbia health officials said. Totally fine right 🤦🏻♀️, FYI : H/t 1-🇦🇺@KatePri14608408, 2-🇺🇸Gordon G. Chang, 3-🌎🌍🌏🐜🐜🐜🐜, 4-🌎🤒, 🥊 👉 🇧🇷💪 Jan 8, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/nilikm/status/1616159124131037186 (‘ 🇨🇦Private : Investor-owned facilities, profit-driven. Public: Accessible to everyone, without regard to one’s pocketbook. With a finite number of doctors and nurses and staff, every privae, for-profit clinic draws resources away from a public model. Important: it’s taxpayer money first and foremost, and it’s Doug Ford who fed his donor bands to monopolize public health, So what about service? well look, thugs attack Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth everyday, because she fights for us… But, the police refused to intervene, even though it’s the taxpayer who paid their salary. 19-01-2023, #HealthCareCrisis, #CorruptAF, 🕵️📹 -security turned the camera away as they approached … 👮🏻👎👮🏻👎 ‘)
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