LLADRÓ is a global leader in luxury artistic PORCELAIN.
INCLUDED The Lladró Assurance Program (LAP)
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marchehua .com (‘ Mhua : Message to Ontarien… Ford and Legault have nothing to offer you, they won because the population shares the votes and refuses to vote. Normally, you are not asked to vote strategically, but, if you have a gang of thugs in front of you, you must unite to get rid of them. I hope Ontario will do some research to understand “Message à l’Ontario… Ford et Legault n’ont rien à vous offrir, ils ont gagné parce que la population partage les votes et refuse de voter. en temps normal, on ne vous demande pas de voter stratégiquement, mais, vous avez une bande de voyous devant vous, il faut s’unir pour s’en débarrasser. J’espère que l’Ontario fera des recherches pour comprendre“, Gruesomebrat /status/ 1581004500848214016 ; com/ BicycleMayorTO /status/ 1580931486186106881 – 👇 15-10-2022 ‘)
marchehua .com (‘… Yet during this Covid pandemic, the irresponsible government of the CAQ of François Legault paid $ 35,000 a dayto the management consulting firm📕McKinsey👎 for advise. As a result of the advice of this firm, which has no expertise in medical management and which is being sued elsewhere, thousands of seniors have ⚰️died in indignity for lack of care! Children are cold in the classrooms for lack of adequate ventilation and teachers leave their professions for lack of good conditions! Several members of the medical staff change professions. All because Legault and his government only prioritize their image! Despite this, this shit from the CAQ, which only received 40% of the vote, less than the 60% of Quebecers who voted for the opposition, has a free hand for the next 4 years to do more damage! So my friends, be active, go vote. Share the info and encourage your loved ones to do the same to help us… 👇 ‘)
twitter .com/TwitteeBoy/status/1576948450297774080 (‘ Quebec, Prof. Ingénieur Louis Grenier : Legault s’est inspiré de cette déplorable déclaration pour diviser pour gagner sur fond de xénophobie. https://youtube.com/watch?v=c2my8ikBQMY&ab_channel=PetitClin. Allez voter & stoppez la CAQ!, Vous pouvez le faire 1 vote à la fois. Voici des pistes pour faire passer le meilleur 2è en 1er. Gouvernement MINORITAIRE! ‘)
twitter .com/TwitteeBoy/status/1576950410761625601 (‘ Stop the CAQ one vote at a time, please go vote. Nobody wants 4 years of this attitude. Here’s a thread to help you decide if you wish to be strategic about it. Enfilade Élection 3-10-2022 – FINAL ‘)
twitter .com/RougeMatisse/status/1580582065061662720 (‘ Nancy Delagrave : 🧵Who helped the tobacco industry sell more cigarettes since the 1950’s? @ McKinsey , that’s who. Who helped the FDA regulate cigarette? Also, @ Mckinsey. This is the agency that @ f r a n c o i s l e g a u l t& @ f o r d n a t i o n hired. Along with many other states and countries. (And Pfizer too.), Oct 13. 15-10-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1578708388023742464 (‘ David Fisman, Memories, @DFisman : Real leadership from @ S t e v e n D e l D u c a @ A n d r e a H o r w a t h and @ M i k e S c h r e i n e r right now would be : setting aside differences and working together to deny grifters another four years of government. 4-05-2022 👇 ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ Willpower always wins, if a bus driver’s apprentice saved people in the 1994 movie “Speed,” then why not us? Today, Quebec still needs $13.5 billion in equalization from Ottawa. It is therefore not advantageous for Quebec to be a country for the time being. The PLQ and QS have a lot of work to do. While Quebecers live in misery, there is a first outbreak in Quebec of a deadly super-fungus Candida auris at the Pierre-Boucher Hospital in Longueuil. Quebecers are falling one after another, China’s Wuhan virus and its variants are still spreading with this 8th wave which is upon us. My friends, take the initiative to check which candidate from the opposition parties has a better chance of beating the CAQ candidate in your riding and just go VOTE for him. Help your friends and loved ones do the same too. Let’s save democracy by fighting for the opposition to win 3/4 of the seats in parliament. Follow the guide of Prof. Engineer Louis Grenier to know what and how to do. And you, the leaders and the deputies, if you really want to serve the people of Quebec, save them by leaving… ‘)
twitter .com/alxgagnon/status/1576890750507573248 (‘ SOS, Help, share… THANK YOU, Alex Gagnon : Allez voter! Mais de grace, pas pour la CAQ. Votez donc pour le candidat le plus proche de battre la CAQ danc votre circonscription. 🚨Suivez leguide du Prof. Ingénieur Louis Grenier en allant voter pour le candidat du parti de l’opposition qui a de bonne chance de gagner votre comté. ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ Message à l’Ungava : Selon le principe, le parti PLQ devrait céderau parti PQ, alors, s’il vous plaît, Legault a utilisé la tactique de nous diviser pour diviser les votes, mes amis de l’Ungava, votez pour la candidate du PQchristine moore. Pour les gens de Viau, votez pour le candidat du parti PLQ Frantz Benjamin. De toute les façons les oppositions doivent gagner les 3/4 des sièges du parlementpour réduire les pouvoir de la CAQ qui serait minoritaire et sauver les Québécois… “Message to Ungava: According to the principle, the Plq party should give in to the Pq party, so please Legault used the tactic of dividing us to divide the votes, my friends from Ungava, vote for the PQ candidate christine moore. For the people of Viau, vote for the candidate of the plq party Frantz Benjamin. In any case, the oppositions must win 3/4 of the seats in parliament to reduce the power of the CAQ, which would be a minority and save Quebecers... 2-10-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/TwitteeBoy/status/1576003483807150080 (‘ 🆘30-09-2022, Ça prend les deux. Option #1 (voter stratégiquement) et Option #2 (faire sortir le vote). Pis y’a la #3 et la #4, les TdS et TdÉ qui vont voter et l’effet PCQ. via @onmeritemieux ‘)
twitter .com/TwitteeBoy/status/1565861433241440258 (‘ 🧵Enfilade ‘Le 3 Oct, on bloque la CAQ’. Vous pouvez maintenant télécharger la v4.2 : voter stratégiquement , What’s new?: L’option #2 est détaillée comme l’option #1. Les candidats sont à jour en date d’aujourd’hui, Image1: Instructions comment télécharger Image2-3: Mêmes cartes ‘)
twitter .com/TwitteeBoy/status/1570405638596960263 (‘ Louis Grenier : J’le savais Jean-Marc! J’avais dit ”Un p’tit $2 à 35%” pis tu nous annonce 32%. Il faut donc que les partis travaillent sur les indécis. Votons pour une OPPOSITION FORTE! Merci Jean-Marc! ‘)
twitter .com/TwitteeBoy/status/1568217850438991879 (‘ Prof Engineer, Louis Grenier : On m’a demandé un aide-mémoire, sur une page, qui montre le chemin pour conduire la CAQ vers un gouvernement minoritaire. C’est un résumé des stratégies/options #1 & #2 de mon app ‘Votons Stratégique’. Pour les autres comtés non-listés il suffit de voter selon vos convictions; ” I was asked for a one-page memorandum that shows the way to lead the CAQ towards a minority government. This is a summary of strategies/options #1 & #2 from my ‘Votons Stratégique‘ app. For the other counties not listed, just vote according to your convictions. “, ‘Le 3 Oct, on bloque la CAQ’. Vous pouvez maintenant télécharger la v4.2 : https://t.co/LkxO5I2Gyy. 9-09-2022 ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ Elections in Quebec: Most Quebecers are disenchanted with all political parties. Consequently, many plan not to vote at all. The problem with this way of doing things is that the CAQ has a very good chance of keeping poweré Because even if voters stay at home and don’t vote, they still vote indirectly for the CAQ. The best way for Quebecers to express their state of mind is to vote for at least one of the opposition parties, even if they don’t like their leaders. This would weaken the CAQ and therefore make it a minority and force it to work with the other parties for the interest of the population. Because if people refuse to vote and the CAQ still wins the majority, well, Quebecers will still suffer from the irresponsible and even criminal decisions of the Legault gang. Worse, the latter can downright do the same stupid things that Doug Ford is currently doing in Ontario by pushing through a law allowing chronically ill &/or elderly patients to be moved to long-term care homes without their input. Anyone refusing a transfer may be on the hook for exorbitant hospital bills. So the watchword is this: Put your disgust aside and Go vote strategically!… 30-08-2022 `)
marchehua .com (‘” Médicaux privés : Autrement dit, employer les mêmes infirmières et les médecins mais leur 100 fois plus pour le même travail, et la population se fera arnaquer davantage! N’oubliez jamais, la santé universelle n’a jamais été gratuite, tout le monde a payé pour soutenir ce système en marche…”; private medical: In other words, employ the same nurses and doctors, but pay them 100 times more for the same job, and the population will be ripped off more! Never forget, Universal Health was never free, everyone paid to support this system working... via @AlainLepine, @onmeritemieux, … 4-09-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1565067180395339784 (‘ Dr. David Fisman : Honestly, my only constructive suggestion for people in Ontario: next time, vote. ‘)
twitter .com/CarymaRules/status/1563942320143220737 (‘ Caryma Sa’d – Lawyer + Political Satirist : The majority-PC Party government is pushing through a law allowing chronically ill &/or elderly patients to be moved to long-term care homes without their input. Anyone refusing a transfer may be on the hook for exorbitant hospital bills. This is structural coercion. <a ” href=”https://twitter.com/hashtag/onpoli”>#onpoli , https://t.co/yNOsV0dut9, https://t.co/ZXD96kmFqu ‘)
marchehua .com/product/new-friend-dog-figurine-porcelain-puppy-lladro (‘ 🚨🚨 Regardez l’exemple de Toronto : les votes sont partagés entre le NPD et le Parti libéral de Toronto, donc DOUG Ford a gagné, alors votez pour le parti qui a une chance de battre Legault. ” Watch Toronto Example: Votes split between NDP and Toronto Liberal Party, so DOUG Ford won, so do you vote to leave has a chance to beat Legault “🚨🚨, 25-08-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1526709288214876160 (‘ The zero sun stuff with the Liberals and NDP is nuts. Please: work together. End our current dysfunction. Figure out the power sharing after…ending Ford/developerocracy is job 1. ‘)
twitter .com/TriciaLarabie/status/1526166977441669121 (‘ @OntLiberal @OntarioNDP please work together. Another 4 years of these crap isn’t something to look forward too. Don’t split the vote! #VoteFordOut2022 ‘)
thebeaverton .com/2021/10/over-4-million-albertans-diagnosed-with-long-haul-kenney ( ‘ Jason Kenney , Long COVID ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1526165582499946496 (‘ David Fisman : Our current government is NOT supported by 65-70% of people in Ontario. But they’re going to get another “majority” because @OntLiberal and @OntarioNDP can’t or won’t work together to show them the door. How depressing. ‘)
twitter .com/cathmckenna/status/1526000968558682114 (‘ Catherine McKenna : Elections matter. video, Mohamad Fakih : I keep being asked what I’m thinking about this Ontario election. I firmly believe we can choose to do better. Here’s why: #onpoli🗳️ ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ Les citoyens bien informés ont plus de chances de ne pas se faire arnaquer par les méchants en temps de pandémie. Au Québec, Legault et sa bande ont empêché une enquête independante sur la perte de plus 5 000 personnes âgées infectées avec Covid dans le CHSLD au cours de l’année 2020-2021. Legault refuse aussi de révéler comment les 432 millions de dollars du gouvernement fédéral auront été dépensés pour rendre les écoles plus sécuritaires. La raison invoquée : “cette information pourrait nuire aux relations entre Québec et Ottawa “. Pire, maintenant, il empêche les parents d’installer de purificateurs d’air portables HEPA dans les écoles pour réduire la dose d’inhalation de particules d’aérosols respiratoires chargées de virus qui rendent les gens malades. Mes amis, ne perdez plus nos temps. Nous avons 2 choses à faire: 1- aider les gens autour de nous à bien se protéger en portant le masque pour éviter le cas 30% de la Covid longue. 2- suivre le guide du Prof. Ingénieur Louis Grenier en allant Voter stratégiquement pour faire de la CAQ de Legault une minorité et la forcer à arrêter de prendre des décisions criminelles qui risquent nos vies. 12-09-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/TwitteeBoy/status/1576629456742932480 (‘ 9 Comtés PCQ où l’écart avec la CAQ est 16% ou moins: Beauce-Nord 2% Beauce-Sud 4% Chauveau 7% Charlesbourg 10% Vanier-les-Rivières 14% Lotbinière-Frontenac 14% Montmorency 16% Lévis 16% Côte-du-Sud 16% , 2-10-2022‘)
twitter .com/TwitteeBoy/status/1576629461428056065(‘ 9 Comtés PLQ où l’écart avec la CAQ est 16% ou moins: Anjou-Louis-Riel2%, Laporte 3%, Vaudreuil6%, Mille-Îles 8%, Vimont11%, Laval-des-Rapides11%, Fabre13%, Chapleau 15%, Huntingdon 16%
twitter .com/TwitteeBoy/status/1576629467929534464(‘ 11 Comtés PQoù l’écart avec la CAQ est 16% ou – : Îles-de-la-Mad. 0%, Camille-Laurin 0%, Marie-Victorin3%, Gaspé3%, Joliette4%, Rimouski7%, René-Lévesque 7%,Duplessis 8%, Labelle13%, Jonquière 13%, Ungava 15% ‘)
twitter .com/TwitteeBoy/status/1576629473927389185(‘ 3 Comtés QS où l’écart avec la CAQ est 16% ou moins: Sherbrooke 1%, Saint-François 4% Rouyn-Noranda Témiscamingue 6% ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ Things are so simple : can someone explain to grandparents that they have a bunch of hoodlums ripping them off in broad daylight? Paying $35,000 a day to ignore recommendations to install air purifiers in our schools? And block a public inquiry into the handling of the pandemic? Quebecers are dying. Children are sick. The virus is spreading. And if you have 3 other partiesthat are going to fight for you in parliament in the meantime, why don’t you do what is necessary to get rid of these criminal bandits? Finally, help them understand, look for all the ways to reach them, especially in the regions, my friends, don’t give up…”, via @MtreOrtona, @onmeritemieux, @CovidEcoles, @coachRankine, @TwitteeBoy, @RougeMatisse, Dr. Lisa Iannattone, @BigMedicine, @encoreunpeuplus, etc… 1-10-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/RougeMatisse/status/1574844318388523016 (‘ Quebec, Le 💊Paxlovid a été refusé à mon oncle en juillet alors qu’il souffre d’un cancer de stade 4 parce qu’il est vacciné et boosté. Depuis, il a demandé l’aide médicale à mourir. Je me demande ce qu’il faut pour recevoir le Paxlovid au Québec?@CBCQueensPark : Hundreds of thousands of COVID-19 antivirals are sitting on shelves across Canada, @CBCNews has learned. ‘)
twitter .com/2022OUTLACAQ/status/1577011904156868608 (‘ Le Film d’Horreur de 2022: Duplessis Revient Dans Legault #polqc #polqc2022 #ledevoir, @monsefderraji ‘)
twitter .com/gaetanpouliot/status/1598762382574092298 (‘ Gaétan Pouliot : Dilemme à l’Assemblée nationale, @DucCNguyen : Les élèves mourront de froid à l’école et à la maison! 2-12-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/ThomasGerbet/status/1598683382808023047 (‘ Thomas Gerbet : Qualité de l’air dans les écoles : Comme son prédécesseur, le ministre de l’Éducation Bernard Drainville utilise le seuil de 1500 ppm comme plancher acceptable, alors que la cible du Québec est 1000 ppm, car un taux de CO2 supérieur nuit à « la réussite éducative » #polqc #assnat Dec 2 , via @monsefderraji ‘)
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