No City for Slow Men : Hong Kong’s Quirks and Quandaries Laid Bare by Jason Y. Ng


Blogger Jason Y. Ng has a knack for making the familiar both fascinating and funny. This collection of 36 essays examines some of the pressing social issues facing Hong Kong. It takes us from the gravity-defying property market to the plunging depths of old age poverty, from urban streets to beckoning islands, from the culture-shocked expat to the misunderstood Mainland Chinese and the disenfranchised domestic worker. The result is thought-provoking, touching and immensely entertaining.

  • FYI –>
    • jasonyng .com/page/writing-overview (‘ 關於寫作 : Jason Y. Ng is the bestselling author of five books and a popular columnist who raves and rants about Hong Kong and the quirky, endearing people with whom he shares the tiny island…’)
    • asia.nikkei .com/Opinion/Police-report-on-Hong-Kong-protests-is-a-shameful-whitewash (‘ 19-05-2020, Jason Y. Ng is a convener of the Progressive Lawyers Group, an advocacy group that promotes and defends Hong Kong’s rule of law and civil liberties.   ‘)
    • jasonyng .com/as-i-see-it/letter-from-hong-kong (‘ 30-06-2020, With today’s new technologies, things are changing. Just think about reorganizing and having people with us. This is the key since major newspapers are more and more abandoned by the population. People don’t no longer need for large publishers, etc … to publish one’s book. For example: there is a certain film, he managed to do so, thanks to a certain studio. So with a computer and your head, just let’s go. Above all, there are a lot of people who are interested in delivering the right books. Courage and don’t give up,  Jason Y. Ng ‘)



Product Dimensions : 5.3 x 0.8 x 8.2 inches
Shipping Weight : 10.6 ounces

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