Paintable Blank Banner White Banner Flag with 6m Hanging Rope
Package Content: Each package contains 1 piece blank banner in the measurement of 0.6 x 1.8m/2 x 6ft and 1 piece 6m hanging rope, appropriate size for most places.
Premium Material: Made from premium polyester, durable and not easy to fade or break, 4 pieces metal grommets can serve for long time.
More details on Amazon
FYI –>
twitter .com/DavidHamer_1951/status/1607689161443516417 (‘ David Hamer : The @globeandmail continues to expose Doug Ford’s Greenbelt ‘swap’ for the fraud it is. Nothing to do with affordable housing. Everything to do with rewarding his developer cronies. @ f o r d n a t i o n @ O n t a r i o P C P a r t y #onpoli via Dr. David Fisman ‘)
twitter .com/MikeSchreiner/status/1608848890320535554 (‘ Mike Schreiner : Ford had a choice – accept that Bill 124 is unconstitutional – or make it loud and clear that he doesn’t respect healthcare workers. I wish I was surprised by the choice he made. Ford would rather waste taxpayer $ on lawyers, instead of pay healthcare workers fairly. #onpoli .@KateDeClerq : A spokesperson for the Ontario Attorney General confirmed the appeal of Bill 124 was formally submitted today… via @DFisman, Dec 30, 2022 ‘)
twitter .com/lindaschown/status/1607762935765471232 (` Pic. Dec 27, 2022 `)
twitter .com/GreenbeltAllies/status/1607483778636578818 (‘ It is easy to target @ f o r d n a t i o n but we also need to look to our elected MPs, MPPs, Mayors + Councils. Direct call, email and ask: How serious are you about #HandsOffTheGreenbelt ? Will you speak up ? Dec 26, 2022 ‘)
twitter .com/Troutinplaid/status/1607503873098276869 (‘ How about it @ D a v e S m i t h P t b o? Seventy-eight organizations including businesses, first nations, county and municipal governments, environmental groups, National Farmers’ Union in Ontario and many individual constituents vehemently oppose this attack on the Greenbelt. ‘)
twitter .com/CanadaGray/status/1606841400234053635 (‘ Timothy Gray : Merry Christmas to Ontario from @ f o r d n a t i o n . Virtually all of our remaining wetlands will be opened to development. Have a good break folks because in 2023 we need to fight for our province. #greenbeltgate #0npoli, @Gasp4Change,,, Dec 24 ‘)
twitter .com/CanadaGray/status/1605916016357392384 (`Timothy Gray : The Chair of Ontario’s Species Conservation Agency resigns in protest over @fordnation attacks on Ontario farms, forests, wetlands and livability. Thanks to @dougrvarty for standing up for our future. #HandsOffTheGreenbelt #repealbill23, Dec 22, 2022 `)
twitter .com/RahRahRaina/status/1457814465358016523 (` Raina douris : guess who’s going to pay for @ f o r d n a t i o n ‘s environment-destroying gift to his rich buddies! YOU! Nov 8, 2021 `)
twitter .com/rahrahraina/status/1358135999218524161 (` … and, back to my original point – these developers? they’re longtime pals of a certain special family! back in 2014, rob and doug held a campaign fundraiser at a place called riviera parque banqet & convention centre… `)
twitter .com/RahRahRaina/status/1588553884594671616 (` fascinated by this man, mario cortellucci, and his outsized influence on ontario and GTA politics. cortellucci, who lives in vaughan and ran as a far-right candidate for the italian senate back in 2018 – is a major ford donor… Nov 4, 2022 )
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1607117067257352193 (` Gil Penalosa : Do on housing as doing with health: “We won’t put money into broken systems” @JustinTrudeau. Do not give ONE cent if not on existing footprint, end sprawl, densify. Also, fund renovations, everywhere, do as-of-right. Faster than any plan. Great 4 owners, sm contractors,& renters. @RE_MarketWatch. “We won’t put money into broken systems” -Trudeau on helping provinces with their health care systems. He said he wants to see results first. Dec 25, 2022 `)
twitter .com/CheriDiNovo/status/1607732638151999490 (` Cheri DiNovo : So my annual gas bill went up a third over night yet the co is making record profits. Who thinks all energy companies should be owned by the public and not by profiteers? Dec 27, 2022 `)
twitter .com/CheriDiNovo/status/1607732638151999490 (‘ Empire (Sobey’s) CEO Michael Medline refused to speak to the Star about grocery chains increasing their profit margins during an inflation crisis. However, internally, he told executives that he really doesn’t like all this increased scrutiny on profits. ‘)
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