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twitter .com/drzarni/status/1375099812295684100 (‘ maung zarni : I will NOT celebrate #myanmar New Year. Instead I will observe 3-Days of Silence – in memory and honour of our Nwe Oo Taw Hlan Yay martyrs. Here is one. I hope you will too. ‘)
twitter .com/EithinzarMM/status/1374027275482492929 (‘ Ei Thinzar Maung : We Stand with our Friends in Thailand and Hong Kong. Dictatorship will end in this Generation. This is the Revolution of Our Time ‘)
twitter .com/randallbreanna/status/1375194365052690433 (‘ Myanmar workers from the All Burma Federation of Trade Unions standing in solidarity with Amazon workers, while risking their lives marching against the military coup. This is solidarity. @RWDSU @BAmazonUnion @GrimKim #BAmazonUnion ‘)
twitter .com/Auhongkonglink/status/1375024728566423555 (‘ Australia-Hong Kong Link : Let’s stand with Myanmar 27/03/2021 5pm – 7 pm Sydney Town Hall Square , #SaveMyanmar #Sydney ‘)
twitter .com/vanranstmarc/status/1374842856431624193 (‘ “Marc Van Ranst : Wij zijn de cijfers. Wij bepalen allemaal samen onze toekomst. Deze weken zijn heel belangrijk om de epidemische curve nu snel weer naar beneden te krijgen. Samen”. Marc Van Ranst: We are the numbers. We all determine our future together. These weeks are very important to get the epidemic curve back down quickly now. Together. ‘)
twitter .com/ZweLwinMyanmar/status/1373083573000024065 (‘ zwe: 1/3 a young girl under 18 shared her experience of getting arrested while protesting & the reason she fought for democracy & how a young man took the beating by soldiers to save the whole group Video credit to #NOKAGenerationXYZ FB page. #TrByZL, #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar .@Zuzue96129985: China provides the world nothing but trouble ‘)
twitter .com/benedictrogers/status/1375856088558546949 (‘ Benedict Rogers 羅傑斯 : On this terrible day, as #Myanmar/#Burma‘s soldiers killed at least 90 – but likely many more – people in the cities, they also launched air strikes against civilians in Karen State for the first time in many years. @poppymcp ‘)
aljazeera .com/news/2021/3/28/12-defence-chiefs-condemn-myanmar-army-after-day-of-mass-murder (‘ Myanmar security forces have opened fire on people gathered for the funeral of one of the 114 people killed on Saturday in the bloodiest day since the February 1 coup, as the defence chiefs of 12 countries condemned the military for its crackdown on demonstrators. via @DrSasa22222 ‘)
twitter .com/maytoekhine/status/1376239508430192642 (‘ May Toe Khine : Just a video of military terrorists eagerly destroying civilians’ properties. They just mark a new level of low… #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar#Mar28Coup , R2P for Myanmar, PLEASE ‘)
twitter .com/MHLAPEX/status/1376147497500897289 (‘ Launching airstrikes on our brothers and sisters in Karen state is the same as launching airstrikes in Yangon, Naypyitaw, Mandalay etc. This must not slide under the radar and we need international help to develop a restricted airspace in Myanmar. via @randallbreanna ‘)
twitter .com/DrSasa22222/status/1376224140496080901 (‘ ”As the largest democracy in the world, India must show its leadership in Myanmar crisis. India shouldn’t betray the people of Myanmar. It is a very critical time. India has the power to stop the coup in Myanmar”: Dr Sasa, Myanmar Special Envoy UN, https://t.co/amZ6ciz5xq?amp=1 ‘)
twitter .com/benedictrogers/status/1376513285793669126 (‘ 羅傑斯 : Hearing reports that #Myanmar/#Burma soldiers are now using RPGs in #Yangon & other cities. What kind of army uses RPGs against unarmed protesters? Unbelievably outrageous. This is not an army, it’s a criminal gang unleashing terror. The day will come when they will face justice, @MayWongCNA ‘)
twitter .com/DrSasa22222/status/1376755701578493955 (‘ To prevent coming all out civil war, bloody days, weeks, months ahead, the UN Security Council meeting on Wednesday must activate R2P, designate military junta terrorist organisation, cut all military junta access to finance and weapons ,and refer military generals to ICC ; The coup d’état has been described by terrorist groups as worse than ISIS : https://t.co/E4iHX3tNEE?amp=1 ‘)
twitter .com/s_sarahlin/status/1376490499549368322 (‘ Please help to announce no fly zone. Military terrorist did air strike to civilians at Karen as previously they did to other states. ‘)
twitter .com/cvdom2021/status/1376597974680182784 (‘ ⚠️#SouthDagonMassacre is happening! According to Mizzima news, at least 12 persons have been shot dead by the soldiers in South Dagon. Soldiers have also occupied hospitals and do not allow medics to help the patients. Shooting is still happening. ‘)
marchehua.com (‘ My friends from Hong Kong, pro-democracy are arrested by the encroachment of beijing in hong kong on 23-11-2020, they are in prison, So I share their story to help them, Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 , ?v=A0Zze86kO-U, 周庭アグネスの刑務所でのクリスマスと近況 , Ivan Lam, @benedictrogers, @lukedepulford, @nathanlawkc, @HillelNeuer, @XinqiSu, @hongkongersin, #save12hkyouths, THANK YOU, #StandwithHongKong ‘)
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