Plastic Lawn Sign Double Sided , 17 x 12 In, Custom, 5 Packs
Blank Custom Yard Signs: 5-Pack includes 5 blank 17 x 12 inchs corrugated plastic yard signs with 5 metal H-Frame sign holder/ground stake
Weatherproof Material: 4mm corrugated plastic yard sign, made of corrugated plastic tubes with a hardness of 850 grams per square
MiMore details on Amazon
FYI –>
twitter .com/TwitteeBoy/status/1569309175385133057 (‘ Prof. Ingénieur, Louis Grenier : 1- Hip Hip Hip Hooray: On October 3 you have the opportunity to turn the page by choosing a strong opposition. “Louis Grenier: Hip Hip Hip Hooray: On October 3 you have the opportunity to turn the page by choosing a strong opposition.”, 2-@TwitteeBoy: On m’a demandé un aide-mémoire, sur une page, qui montre le chemin pour conduire la CAQ vers un gouvernement minoritaire. C’est un résumé des stratégies/options #1 & #2 de mon app ‘Votons Stratégique’. Pour les autres comtés non-listés il suffit de voter selon vos convictions. 11-09-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/TwitteeBoy/status/1568217850438991879 (‘ Prof Engineer, Louis Grenier : On m’a demandé un aide-mémoire, sur une page, qui montre le chemin pour conduire la CAQ vers un gouvernement minoritaire. C’est un résumé des stratégies/options #1 & #2 de mon app ‘Votons Stratégique’. Pour les autres comtés non-listés il suffit de voter selon vos convictions; ” I was asked for a one-page memorandum that shows the way to lead the CAQ towards a minority government. This is a summary of strategies/options #1 & #2 from my ‘Votons Stratégique‘ app. For the other counties not listed, just vote according to your convictions. “, 9-09-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/JakeKaneMD/status/1567168163279781890 (‘ Dr. Jake Kane : Required to be out of #school when infectious with: Conjunctivitis, Strep throat, Mono, Impetigo, Lice, Fever… But for #COVID, which has #LongCovidKids risk, the “Urgency of Normal” wants kids in school regardless of infectious status. #tweetiatrician , #urgencyofequity #pediatrics ‘)
twitter .com/rpelc/status/1566505053661237249 (‘ 🇺🇸 🏫🆘Robin Pelc, PhD Please help review & share this resource for IAQ improvements in schools. I’ve compiled a bit of the science, how to pick or make air filters, but also tips on school board advocacy & understanding the federal funding available. It’s a work in progress! Sep 4,,, via @danaparish ‘)
twitter .com/ChristyCeeCK/status/1566427062298189827 (‘ Chris is : Atwal said the quiet part out loud. “A suggestion by Manitoba’s deputy chief provincial public health officer that “it’s OK to get infected” with COVID-19 is raising eyebrows.. “, …it’s OK to get infected. You’re building your natural immunity..”,, Dr. Jillian Horton, a hospital-based specialist in internal medicine in Winnipeg, says there’s a risk that comes when health leaders minimize COVID-19 infections. ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ ☝️👉⚖️👉… Jazz Atwal👎👉⛓️ ‘)
twitter .com/wsbgnl/status/1566685537548742656 (‘ F a u c i has had every opportunity to call for stronger workplace safety standards, more food assistance, more housing assistance, free healthcare. He could call for continued covid mitigation as we address inequities. Instead he endorses moving on. via @WalkerBragman ‘)
twitter .com/DoorenspleetR/status/1561795031987625985 (‘ Sadly in actual fact the damage done appears cumulative and our chances íncrease with every infection. @ K a r l _ L a u t e r b ac h shared some insights and studies this summer also to this effect. ‘)
twitter .com/TRyanGregory/status/1564945194763550722 (‘ ⚰️Normalize people dying younger. Silver lining, corporations save on 🚨pensions!🚨 Jesus Christ this is a horrific timeline. “Normaliser les gens qui meurent plus jeunes. Doublure argentée, les entreprises économisent sur les 🚨pensions ! 🚨 Jésus-Christ, c’est une chronologie horrible.”, ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ “Il est temps que nous nous mobilisions pour faire pression afin que nous ayons ce qu’il faut pour contenir ce méchant virus wuhan venu de chine. Nous devons refuser d’être infectés en masse. Mes amis, arrêtez tout, n’envoyez plus d’enfants à l’école sans sécurité, achetez des produits locaux, dépensez le minimum, exigez une enquête indépendante pour la gestion du COVID-19“, It’s time we mobilized to put pressure so that we have what it takes to contain this nasty wuhan virus from china, We have to refuse to get infected en masse. My friends, stop everything, stop send your children to school without safety, buy local products, spend the minimum, via @TRyanGregory, @DFisman, @WalkerBragman, 2-09-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/WalkerBragman/status/1565706467369308160 (‘ September kicks off with 713 reported U.S. COVID deaths… ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ “Message à tous ceux qui veulent entendre… Québécois de tout bord, réfléchissez, pensez à vos enfants et petits-enfants, et soyez patriotes. Votre carrière vaut-elle tant la peine pour aider ce voyou caquiste à prendre à nouveau des décisions criminelles? … Surtout vous les medias, n’oubliez pas que ce sont les petites personnes qui vous ont aidé quand vous aviez de sérieuses difficultés financières… Donc, Sauvez la démocratie afin que la paix soit rétablie au Québec pour les Québécois… “; … Quebecers of all stripes, reflect, think of your children and grandchildren, and be patriotic. Is your career worth so much to help this CAQ thug to continue making criminal decisions again? Especially you the media, don’t forget that it was the little people who helped you when you had serious financial troubles… So save democracy so that peace is restored in Quebec for Quebecers… ‘)
twitter .com/1goodtern/status/1565772282315870208 (‘ Pilot friend has just admitted to himself, his family, and his employer that he has long covid and is no longer safe to fly. via @DrEricDing ‘)
twitter .com/JReinerMD/status/1565813899928150017 (‘ The US COVID death rate is ticking up with over 700 reported yesterday and 7-day average almost 550/day. I’d like to see some sense of urgency to get the new booster in arms and some masks in crowded venues. As the weather gets colder this number will rise. ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1566028654374789120 (‘ 🇨🇦The smartest leader in Canada on preventing airborne infection. I hope BC is lucky enough to have her as its next Premier. @SoniaFurstenau ‘)
twitter .com/SoniaFurstenau/status/1565737012862550016 (‘🇨🇦 We need a public education campaign on airborne transmission and how to reduce our risk of #COVID infections. Families and staff should have clear direction from public health and govt about how to reduce risk of illness., #COVIDisAirborne, #MaskUp via @DFisman ‘)
twitter .com/SoniaFurstenau/status/1565737003878125568 (‘🇨🇦 The role of the provincial govt and public health is to reduce illness and protect people’s wellbeing. The @PHSAofBC recently published updated guidance for health-care providers that emphasizes risk from aerosol transmission that lingers in the air. ‘)
twitter .com/MamaToronto/status/1566029685611438082 (‘ 🇨🇦 This article does a nice job of connecting the dots., @MeetJess : One word for a headline like this : Eugenics, via @DFisman ‘)
twitter .com/JReinerMD/status/1566095530668789760 (‘ It’s important to understand that it’s actually harmful to promote a medication that doesn’t have efficacy when a proven effective alternative is available. Ivermectin is useless for COVID, and the Rep’s malignantly ignorant advocacy of the drug can cost people their lives. ‘)
twitter .com/JReinerMD/status/1566092490079346690 (‘ If ivermectin was effective for COVID we would prescribe it for this indication. Unfortunately it doesn’t work. Paxlovid works. Monoclonal antibodies work. Use something that works.‘)
twitter .com/JReinerMD/status/1566055948736729089 (‘ The new boosters have the potential to decrease transmission this fall but only if people get them. Only 42% of adults have gotten at least 1 booster. Not good enough. ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1566589952690987008 (‘ Really interesting. Brazilian Federal Police are investigating a physician associated with fraudulent research on ivermectin. I wonder how many of these charlatans and grifters will get taken down in the months ahead. ‘)
twitter .com/CMShahanaHanif/status/1567575951956910081 (‘ Council Member Shahana Hanif : Maybe instead of wasting money on a misinformation marketing campaign, the @ M T A could have put some funding into making the trains run on time. 7-09-2022👇 ‘)
twitter .com/LATenantsUnion/status/1567267228311261185 (‘ 🗽NYC, You do you” is the natural next stage of neoliberal health policy👉Kathy Hochul👎🚨: My friends, don’t lose the north, mobilize to mass vote on 8-11-2022 to save democracy, and continue our fight to get rid of the traitors…; “mes amis, ne perdez pas le nord, mobilisez-vous pour voter en masse le 8-11-2022 pour sauver la démocratie, et continuons notre combat pour se débarrasser des traîtres…”“🚨 via @JoshuaPotash ‘)
twitter .com/donwinslow/status/1567337038747410433 (‘ 🇺🇸 Don Winslow : Everything Trump is doing is designed to delay and get past the mid-terms and have the Republicans take control of the House and unleash absolute hell. That is 90% of his plan. ‘)
twitter .com/donwinslow/status/1570186560456503298 (‘ Every woman is under siege in Texas because of Governor Abbott’s #Texaswaronwomen. Please take a moment to retweet this video and support for governor of Texas. , THANK YOU, Stay Safe! Wear mask to avoid breathing powerful virus particles that destroy your internal organ, etc… Don’t forget, the virus is in the air, via Don Winslow, 📙 ‘)
twitter .com/CovidEcoles/status/1570340516411351040 (‘ Imagining COVID is ‘like the flu’ is cutting thousands of lives short. It’s time to wake up , via @coachRankine ‘)
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