Portable Doll Houses Bus Car Toy Ambulance Vehicle, Kids Doctor
Multiple Areas: The doll house has areas such as inpatient area, pharmacy, hospital reception desk, and vision test bench. Equipped with scales, dental molds, stethoscopes, nurse cart, wheelchair, swing and other accessories. And one lovely animal doll is included at random. Through the doctor/patient role play, children can learn and recognize some medical tools, ease their fear of seeing a doctor, and teach them healthy practices.
Portable Toy Ambulance Doll House: Featuring a critter, furniture, medical equipment and accessories. The design is realistic and beautiful. All items can be neatly placed in the car without worrying about the mess…
More details on Amazon
FYI –>
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1610091373281132544 (` Dr. David Fisman : This petition has gained 10,000 signatures since yesterday! Let’s keep it going…signatures close at noon tomorrow. Please sign and retweet. Cảm ơn, THANK YOU, Merci Beaucoup, 謝謝… Stay safe!, Jan 2, 2023 `)
twitter .com/ajs4t/status/1609723112324579337 (‘ Adrienne Stevenson : Calling 🇨🇦all Canadians🇨🇦–Important petition! Please sign, retweet and pass it along on other social media platforms. We need to reach as many people as possible with this.👇 ‘)
petitions .ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4113 (‘ Our universal public health care needs to be protected under the Canada Health Act and remain publicly administered; Some provincial governments have thrown the door wide open to private, for-profit health services after intentionally underfunding and misusing federal transfers;… Open for signature: October 5, 2022, at 12:21 p.m. (EDT), Closed for signature : January 3, 2023, at 12:21 p.m. (EDT), Lindsay Mathyssen, London—Fanshawe, New Democratic Party Caucus, Ontario via @DFisman : Petition calling on @jyduclos to do more to protect public healthcare in Canada. Please sign and retweet , Jan 1, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/KateLaterally/status/1604634613774696450 (‘ Here is another family health unit org & this one doesn’t pretend to be about healthcare. It’s a U.S. business. Also look at the two key elements of the 2022 OMA agreement: province wide virtual framework & family health units👉aligned to the Ford health restructuring policy. via @JordanMRoberts ‘)
twitter .com/JordanMRoberts/status/1604635686421815297 (‘ So, are you aware the incoming president of the Ontario Medical Association is a family doc who works for TELUS? via @DFisman ‘)
twitter .com/JordanMRoberts/status/1609624346946846730 (‘ OMA wants to make doctors the rich winners of private healthcare. They have Trudeau’s ear. Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth : Replying to @JordanMRoberts. There is a reason I stepped away from @ O n t a r i o s D o c t o r s – the push for privatization is unacceptable. via @DFisman, Jan 1, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/alandrummond2/status/1609593301652455425 (‘ Dr. Alan Drummond “all hands-on deck”: It was six months ago when Ontario’s emergency health system started collapsing into crisis, chaos and concern; six months ago, when you became Minister of Health. The worst Ontario Health Minister in decades and I’ve been here since 1979. via Dr. David Fisman ‘)
mastodon .social/@nilikm/109365333298718296 (‘ Dear parents saying, “Haven’t our children been through enough?” Yes, and we haven’t done what we should to prevent them from spreading respiratory illnesses, ending up in hospital. We will 😷#BringBackMasks to take care of students, families, educators♟️🦁👇 ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ Message to parents: The bad guys have worked day and night to make school and society precarious. Sick people die and there is no solution if they get sick. the bad guys are everywhere to create chaos, they said “if the mask is compulsory, they don’t send the children to school”. So what about us? instead of sacrificing our children to help them enrich their pockets , let’s raise our voices, let’s not send the children to school. let’s mobilize to protect ourselves by wearing the mask, etc… Call for the resignation of the fools who cause the damage caused to public health. it’s simple, why will do you have to agree to work in dangerous conditions? 🚨#COVIDisAirborne🚨… 👉#CorsiRosenthalBox via @binaryanalogue, @DFisman ‘)
whc .ca/en (‘ Web Hosting Canada , Security& SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools. ‘)
twitter .com/Billius27/status/1608916493257048064 (‘ Bill Comeau! : 1/16 🧵Last day reporting on covid here. Some final notes: 1. Don’t accept the takeover of social media by those who encourage covid disinformation and pay-for-influence. 2. Don’t allow public health and govs to escape scrutiny for their 2022 abdication of responsibilities. via @nilikm ‘)
apuffofabsurdity .blogspot.com/2023/01/the-kraken-wakes-we-need-to-stop.html (‘ And Kraken is the perfect label for the newest Omicron sub-variant, XBB.1.5. It’s still officially a type of Omicron here, so it’s not a whole new variant, so it just gets a nickname. There’s tons of variability within Omicron – like there’s lots of variation within mammals – and we’re at a point of trying to work with clouds of variants. XBB.1.5 is a descendent from XBB, or Gryphon, a lion-eagle mix. Instead of a B… version, the X initial letter means it’s a mixture, aka a recombinant lineage. [NOTE: Everything I know about this is from T. Ryan Gregory (starts about the 60 minute mark), which I summarized here; apologies for anything I’ve misunderstood. Also note, he explains “endemic” at about 1:24:00 at that link. Lots of people still think that endemic means mild, and it’s just not the case… ‘)
apuffofabsurdity .blogspot.com/2023/01/the-kraken-wakes-we-need-to-stop.html (‘ … The viruses that survive best are those that spread the best or do the most damage to the host — so 🙏we really, really have to stop being host to these monsters🙏!! Wear a mask whenever you go out and try to get your employer and every business you frequent to post and actively improve their ventilation as needed. (Aim for minimum 6 air changes/hour and a maximum CO2 measure of 700ppm.) It’s on us, with the help of all the professors, engineers, and doctors out there keeping us well-informed, to actively make our world inhospitable to these viruses. ‘)
ohcow .on.ca/posts/lets-hear-from-the-engineers-stop-the-spread-occ-covid-webinar-2 (‘ 📹 via Marie Snyder ‘)
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