twitter .com/Emmanuel_microb/status/1349739621316521984 (‘ 14-01-2021, Emmanuel André : Si grâce à nous tous, la troisième vague de l’épidémie ne démarre pas avant la mi-février, les résidents des maisons de repos de Bruxelles et de Wallonie seront protégés car vaccinés. Si on tient encore 30 jours, on sauvera des milliers de vies! Chacun compte! Chaque geste compte… via 7sur7 .be ‘)
twitter .com/Emmanuel_microb/status/1347865046433591297 (‘ 9-01-2021, Emmanuel André : Si vous avez été skié dans les Alpes, vous avez certainement eu des contacts rapprochés avec des touristes venus de nombreux pays, dont ceux où le nouveau variant plus contagieux du virus circule. N’oubliez pas de vous faire tester et de respecter la quarantaine… ‘)
twitter .com/Emmanuel_microb/status/1348671415818530817 (‘ 11-01-2021, Emmanuel André : 1-A new variant –B.1.1.248– which shows disturbing similarities with the two other more contagious variants appears to be circulating widely in Brazil. It has been identified in several travelers arriving in Japan. 2-Those returning from Ireland should definitely get tested and strictly adhere to their quarantine; Be well informed : France : @Ecole_Oubliee, USA : @DrEricDing, @AliNouriPhD, Belgique : Erika Vlieghe, @ProfHGoossens, @vanranstmarc, @YvesCoppieters, @drphildevos, @mariusgilbert, Piet Maes , Yves Van Laethem, Gazet van Antwerpen, etc… ‘)
twitter .com/Emmanuel_microb/status/1347844102566670336 (‘ 9-01-2021, Emmanuel André : Dear travellers coming back from the UK, please do not forget to get tested and strictly respect the quanrantine upon arrival. Thank you for your collaboration ‘)
7sur7 .be/dossier-coronavirus-en-belgique/philippe-devos-chef-en-soins-intensifs-critique-envers-la-campagne-de-vaccination-chaque-mois-perdu-est-une-faute-politique~aaec6e1c (‘ 5-01-2021, Philippe Devos, chef en soins intensifs au CHC de Liège, est revenu sur la campagne de vaccination qui débute à grande échelle ce mardi. Selon lui, la Belgique doit vacciner sa population le plus rapidement possible, RTBF ‘)
7sur7 .be/belgique/noel-aux-soins-intensifs-on-n-en-peut-plus-on-est-epuise~aa98e299 (’26-12-2020, CHU Tivoli à La Louvière, Yves Bouckaert, médecin-chef, Arnaud Bruyneel, l’infectiologue, Erika Vlieghe , le Virologie Marc Van Ranst , Nathan Law 羅冠聰 @nathanlawkc ‘)
jamesclear .com/great-speeches/make-your-bed-by-admiral-william-h-mcraven (‘ Mhua : you Belgians, instead of attacking your healthcare workers, you should instead make the necessary efforts to contain this virus and encourage the Chinese not to eat wild animals. Imagine: you do not want to lock yourself in your home, but the nursing staff and the people who fight on the front line against this Covid, have to wear, for at least 8 hours, warm protective clothing essential to treat infected patients. So don’t be selfish and ungrateful to them. Help them instead by respecting the health safety measures. Please read the “Make Your Bed” speech delivered by Admiral William H. McRaven to the graduating class of 2014 at the University of Texas. It will encourage you to help your country and democracy. Thank you very much, Happy New Year 2021. ‘) (‘ My friends from Hong Kong, pro-democracy are arrested by the encroachment of beijing in hong kong on 23-11-2020, they are in prison, So I share their story to help them, Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 , Agnes Chow 周庭,, Ivan Lam, #save12hkyouths, THANK YOU; Luke de Pulford 裴倫德 @lukedepulford : #HK12, #FreeAndyLi via @nathanlawkc ‘)
twitter .com/Aaron_Derfel/status/1343017109509574656 (‘ 26-12-2020, Aaron Derfel : What’s also noteworthy is that every workplace sector in Quebec has been hit by the #coronavirus, despite all the precautions that have been taken… ‘) (‘ 25-12-2020, Recevoir les nouvelles aujourd’hui, plus d’une semaine après la fermeture de l’école, peut vous surprendre. Il faut savoir que le service de santé publique a établi que l’élève était présent à l’école pendant une période de contagion , Un cas de rajoute aujourd’hui à l’École Préville; @Ecole_Oubliee, covidecolesquebec .org ‘)
twitter .com/Aaron_Derfel/status/1343367063713275906 (‘ 27-12-2020, Aaron Derfel, Question: is the doubling in #COVID19 cases in Quebec in a month despite public-health restrictions a reflection of the contagiousness of preexisting strains, or a sign the more contagious variant identified in four cases in Ontario and British Columbia may also be here? If the answer is the former, authorities need to ask whether the current lockdown, ending on Jan. 11 in Quebec, is effective enough to curb community transmission. If the answer is the latter, authorities need to ask the same question. @MatthewOughton ‘)
twitter .com/Cleavon_MD/status/1342653835509022720 (‘ Dr. Cleavon Gilman : On the night before Christmas there were 203,000 new cases of COVID, 2,938 deaths and a record setting 120,000 patients hospitalized setting the stage for… “The night before Christmas” by @DocScribbles. #StayHome ‘)
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