Protection Against Bird collisions, Window Bird Stickers

  • Window alert – Because the birds can’t see glass!
  • Effective protection against bird collisions. Protects birds from injury and prevents breakage.
  • Doing a good job of keeping your furry flying friends from crashing into the picture windows!
  • Simple and quick installation. Peel it off, stick it on, done!
  • It is a long-lasting self-adhesive vinyl film stickers that fit for patio sliding glass doors and windows. It will not adhesive residue on your windows.
  • FYI –>
    • marchehua .com (‘  Ukraine – Alina Beskrovna et sa mère n’ont eu aucune nouvelle de l’extérieur sauf lorsqu’un brave individu s’est aventuré à l’extérieur et a allumé un autoradio, @titocurtis, @boisclairameli1, @trudyrubin, @BigMedicine, @jeanbottari , @DreDFrancoeur,  @DFisman, @frozen, @lisa_iannattone, @nilikm, @JillianHortonMD, @lenapatsa, @jvipondmd, @PhillyInquirer, @DrEricDing, @Cleavon_MD, 17-04-2022 ‘)
    • twitter .com/danaparish/status/1515010703794466816 (‘ 🇺🇸 Just a teeny little “uptick.” Not to worry. COVID-19 levels in wastewater up nearly 700% over two weeks, CDC reports,  ‘)
    • twitter .com/edyong209/status/1514635242962829312 (`  🇺🇸Ed Yong : 🚨I wrote about the millions of people who lost loved ones to COVID, what they’ve gone through, and the many factors that have intensified and prolonged their grief. This piece is my attempt to honor those we lost, and the many more who love them. 1/ `)
    • twitter .com/edyong209/status/1514635242962829312 (‘ 🇺🇸Thanks to everyone who read this piece. I’ve tried to find and acknowledge anyone who replied to this thread with their own story of loss, but there are many. For anyone I missed, I’m sorry for your loss. ‘)
    • twitter .com/jenelaina/status/1514241910742913026 (‘ 🇺🇸Happened to be in DC, first and only trip out of state since pandemic, when this was up. Finally felt like the scale of the ongoing loss was acknowledged… and it was temporary. Came down the day we left. Got flags for lives being mourned in MI in the last hours. TY for writing. ‘)
    • twitter .com/segacs/status/1514986477314269188 (‘ 🇨🇦  segacs : Remember this when @francoislegault and his cronies claim that “vulnerable people have access to #COVID19 treatment” as an excuse to lift measures. No, for the most part, they don’t. #Quebec is well over 2000 hospitalizations and people are dying at a rate of dozens per day. ‘)
    • twitter .com/EpochTimesCan/status/1515126078360231937 (‘ Among the Canadian provinces and territories, #Quebec has been the worst violator of the #CharterofRightsandFreedoms during the pandemic, says a report released by the #JusticeCentreforConstitutionalFreedoms on April 14. ‘)
    • twitter .com/BigMedicine/status/1515033546209046533  ( ‘🇨🇦 Hal Newman :#casqueart genius from artist Meghan McKnight #sheffire / Vernissage at the Shefford Fire Station on Friday, April 29th at 19H.#TheLastAmbulance   , Meet #RivièreRouge,#HydroQuebec,#windstorm ‘  )
    • marchehua .com/product/lap-pad-for-kids-blanket-5-lbs-bundled-with-fidget-marble-maze (‘   “Quebec 1940 et 1950 : Les Enfants de Duplessis, Quebec 2019 – 202- : Les Enfants Covid-19 de François Legault. Alors, il est temps de protéger vos enfants, et👴🏻👵🏻 …”‘ )
    • marchehua .com/product/frame-math-manipulatives-number-montessori-toy (‘  @titocurtis , @novaaa, @JeanBottari, @Aaron_Derfel, @ThomasGerbet, Limoilou QC , Port of Quebec, nickel particles, Glencore , carcinogenic air  , @BigMedicine, #LaVieDesAinesCompte,  ‘)
    • twitter .com/JeanBottari/status/1514637326407897088  (‘ …il se sont levés pour applaudir Mmes. McCann et Blais lorsqu’elles ont votés contre. C’est honteux! 5060 morts! #polqc #AssNat ‘)
    • twitter .com/BigMedicine/status/1515108693804818432  (` Hal Newman : 8 months 2 days 1 hour 20 minutes My friend’s countdown clock to the moment he can retire. He always loved being a paramedic. Until now. He can’t figure out why the govt would say in the course of contract negotiations that paramedics are not a priority. Frankly, neither can I   `)
    • marchehua .com/product/chronic-the-hidden-cause-of-the-autoimmune-epidemic-and-how-to-get-healthy-again (`  Mhua : … les citoyens n’ont pas peur de travailler, il en profitera pour démarrer les entreprises au lieu de laisser les étrangers venir en riche chez nous. Allez les gens, un peu de courage… faites choses corectement. `)
    • marchehua .com (‘  Quebec : Just work harder, every day, fight back, help people around you understand the situation, and ask them to do the same. You have to do everything to get rid of this band of thugs. Yes, we are the majority, stop dividing us, we will win. 15-04-2022   ‘)
    • montrealgazette .com/news/local-news/regulations-have-ended-but-many-montreal-students-still-wear-masks-in-class (‘ We’ve observed that 👍approximately 90 per cent of our students continue to wear masks in their classrooms,” Lester B. Pearson School Board says.  -Students have been drilled for two years on the importance of wearing masks for their own safety and that of their friends and family, and many are 🦒hesitant to remove them. Heidi Yetman  `)
    • twitter .com/EnricoCiccone/status/1497344728202985472 (‘  Visite de la halte-chaleur de Lachine et rencontre avec la DG des organismes @informationajoi et Ricochet, Tania Charron. Cette halte offre lit, vêtements d’hiver, douche et plus encore à des concitoyens vivant en situation de précarité.🙏🏼 Ouvert👉mars 2022, au 800, rue Provost. ‘)
    • twitter .com/NaheedD/status/1514613990885711877 (‘  Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD)  ‘)
    • beaucemedia .ca/nouvelles-nationales/la-pandemie-de-covid-19-a-contribue-a-lessor-des-cabanes-a-sucre (‘  👍Camélie Gingras, la cabane à sucre La Goudrelle à Mont-Saint-Grégoire, en Montérégie, hybride, des repas à emporter. 13-04-2022 ‘)
    • twitter .com/Monique_Sauve/status/1516031291539566595 (‘ video, Monique Sauvé : Il y a 2 ans aujourd’hui, mon collègue @monsefderraji faisait son entrée au #CHSLD Herron pour prêter main-forte au personnel sur place. Une expérience qui le marquera à jamais! Une #enquetepublique est nécessaire pour expliquer aux familles ce qui est arrivé. #polqc, #assnat ‘)
    • twitter .com/monsefderraji/status/1575209407511949312 ( ‘ Monsef Derraji : Depuis le début, François Legault tiens un discours basé sur le mépris des immigrants. Sa politique flirte avec la division. Le r é é l i r e   c ‘ e s t   l ‘ e n c o u r a g e r   d a n s   s a   d é r i v e. Le 3 octobre il faut lui dire un NON claire et net. #qc2022 #polqc  ‘)


Product Dimensions : 1 x 1 x 1 inches
Item Weight : 1.58 ounces
A SIN : B07K1S22KZ

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