Railway Scenery Convenience Store & Accessories, Models
This product is created by a 3D printer, it is unpainted in its original color as pictured, some parts may require assembly by using glue.
This kit includes: Convenience store building, all details accessories as pictured, a decal sheet(cutting required), a clear plastic sheet(used as ‘glass’, cutting required)
More details on Amazon
FYI –>
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1666484709986033683 (‘ So polarizing TO politics that some miss-read my mail. I did not say that I agree with F u r e y ’s ideas, clearly I do NOT. He’s x-right. As are S a u n d e r s & B r a d f o r d . What I said is that, whether we like it or not, he’ll be right wing leader… #ChowRightNow! Jun 7, 2023′)
marchehua .com (` Gil Penalosa…Mhua : We have to work harder on the ground to elect Olivia Chow. imagine, D o ug F o r d c u t Ontario’s emergencywildfire budget by 67%, closed rural hospitals while proposing new hospitals on farmland owned by well-connected developers… He also wants to build a 80+ story building in suburban Greenbelt with the help of @ B o n n i e C r o m b i e & the Council… So where’s the safety for citizens? If there is a fire, the electricity is cut off. Worse, if right now a member of a family living on the 80th floor needs an ambulance, the risk of delays in getting there in time is very high. it’s sad, but we have to fight to elect the person who can help us, My Friends, it’s urgent. if you can, get involved in the field outreach campaign to help others understand their VOTE value, and go vote. Jun 7, 2023. FYI : Fred NgoTO`)
theline .substack.com/p/andrew-tumilty-toronto-needs-to-take (‘ Andrew Tumilty : Toronto needs to take its own democracy a lot more seriously. A $200 fee to run for mayor? You don’t even have to live in the city? Come on. via @AdamCF ‘)
twitter .com/AdamCF/status/1664777430639206400 (‘ Adam Chaleff, Two things: 1) 102 candidates registered, 6 are being taken very seriously and maybe 12 are getting any media coverage. Debate the ethics of it but we’ve found a way to sort wheat from chaff. 2) It isn’t up to Toronto to change these things. They’re dictated by the province. @spaikin, Jun 2 ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ My Friends, Fight harder to elect someone who really helps you. so, 1- help your loved ones to be well informed, 2- check the candidate program more thoroughly, 3- don’t be partisan, the vote is yours, that is, if the city is working properly, you suffer less, 4-participate to help your candidates win, 5-go vote: imagine, in Alberta, the number of rejected votes (8,138) has more than tripled affecting the margin of victory. so in Toronto, the imbeciles do everything to rip you off… ;” Mes Amis, Battez-vous plus fort pour élire quelqu’un qui vous aide vraiment. alors, 1- aidez vos proches à être bien informés, 2- vérifiez plus en profondeur le programme des candidats, 3- ne soyez pas partisans, le vote vous appartient, c’est-à-dire que si la ville fonctionne correctement, vous souffrez moins, 4-participez pour aider vos candidats à gagner, 5-allez voter: imaginez, en Alberta, le nombre de votes rejetés ( 8 138) a plus que triplé affectant la marge de victoire. donc a Toronto, les imbéciles font tout pour vous arnaquer…” ‘)
youtube .com/watch?v=yEtIwQGwyec (‘ How to make Vietnamese Sandwich – Bánh mì thịt nguội | Helen’s Recipes ‘)
whc .ca/en (‘ Web Hosting Canada , Security& SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools. ‘)
twitter .com/TeamOliviaChow/status/1666559065181265922 (‘ Team Olivia : Can you join us this weekend to help during the advance polls? Sign up here. @TeamOliviaChow : Willowdale Cabbagetown Parkdale Danforth. This team is on , Jun 7, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/AvreetJ/status/1666463071529836546 (‘ avreet jagdev : Toronto will be more affordable, caring, kind, inclusive, and livable with @oliviachow as our mayor. We need to make it happen on June 26. #ToPoli ‘)
twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1666953915084972033 (‘ What a wonderful event tonight – thank you for having me @YWCAToronto! The Women of Distinction Awards hold a special place in my heart. Congratulations to @Charliewandrews and all the award winners! ‘)
twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1666888934800883714 (‘ Olivia Chow : Earlier today I met Theo, owner of Supreme Clientele Barbers in Kensington Market. Theo’s business rents their space from the Kensington Market Community Land Trust—enabling him and his barbers to thrive. Strong community land trusts build strong local communities. ‘)
twitter .com/oliviachow/status/1666888936944197641 (‘ Olivia Chow : Together, we can win strong local economies and build a city with more opportunities for everyone. Read my plan ‘)
twitter .com/CheriDiNovo/status/1661436895992184832 (‘ Cheri DiNovo : DON’T BE COMPLACENT: If you support her, turn up to vote in advance polls –June 8 to 13 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.-… This can be a poison, mainstream media, pill… May 24 ‘)
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