The Rocky Ridge by Woodland Scenics is durable and realistically landscaped;
Ready to set in place, it blends with any layout and works for any number of projects;
The Rocky Ridge stacks for space-saving storage and portability, and is ideal for model railroads, war gaming and traveling layouts;
Suitable for art and craft projects;
Model making product. Not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years.
FYI –>
twitter .com/samantabasin/status/1668652747242045445 (‘ Saman Tabasinejad : Just watched the clip – M a t l o w gives an in-depth interview, takes a dig at Olivia (and only her) while they show an image of her at a Pride event. I get we’re in an election and folks want to win but why is M a t l o w giving air to a dangerous right wing outlet? It’s irresponsible. 👂👉@AdamCF , Jun 13, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/AdamCF/status/1668613070011203586 (‘ Adam Chaleff : It’s a beautiful day to vote for @OliviaChow. Don’t miss the final day of advance polls! #topoli ‘)
twitter .com/JoelHardenONDP/status/1666509788463656960 (‘ Mhua: Example to Follow👉 👍Joel Harden : Last week our team was hard at work fixing up the garden outside our office. When the air is cleaner, and our vegetables are more ripe, neighbours are welcome to come and pick a few veggies for themselves! #ONpoli, Jun 7, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1665133321221820416 (‘ Gil Penalosa, 8 80 Cities : Toronto mayoral candidates, if you want any of these: Housing in the Greenbelt. 9 floor SPA in PUBLIC waterfront. Re-build elevated Gardiner highway. Move Science Center to waterfront. Eliminate some bikelanes/not build more. Low density. You do NOT give a damn about # ClimateChange! Jun 9, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1665133321221820416 (‘ Gil Penalosa, : #Cities4Everyone #NatureEquity. Let’s make it a priority, not just because it looks nice, but because it help us live healthier & happier. I’ve worked in over 350 cities, all continents. In most cities, wealthy areas abundant in trees, parks; low income, very little. Not a tech issue; political! ‘)
twitter .com/CarlosMorenoFr/status/1666552273013555201 (‘ “Voici à quoi ressemble New York à cause de la fumée des incendies au Canada. Les événements en plein air sont annulés. Il est recommandé de rester à l’intérieur et de fermer les fenêtres”. @bryantparknyc. Jun 7, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/TeamOliviaChow/status/1664032358092210176 (‘ T-minus 6 hours until signs go up! Team Olivia has been collecting thousands of lawn sign placements. It’s not too late to get yours! Sign up here: Sign up here ‘)
twitter .com/ATUlocal113/status/1664660946281701378 (‘ ATU Local 113 : Advanced polls open next week on June 8th. If you are eligible, we encourage you to get out and vote early! You can find your local polling station here ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1664614033595551744 (‘ Learn how to create cities for 8 y/o and 80 y/o and all. 5 master classes, just 20 participants each, 1 & 2 sessions, online, live with Gil #Cities4Everyone: affordable, equitable, sustainable, fun. More info & register before they sell out, Jun 2, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1664379723449810948 (‘ From great former Toronto Mayor David Crombie, to Ford: – Ignorance, arrogance, dishonesty. – Tell the truth about the housing crisis; it’s NOT about the land, it’s about housing. – Keep your hands off the Greenbelt. – Environment, land use, economy, interwoven. Thanks, David, Jun 2, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1666556442655031297 (‘ Your city does not have to be Paris or Barcelona, but if your leaders talk 15-minute City and/or 3 30 300 urban plan, I hope they are doing: Proximity • Equity • Sustainability. #ClimateChange. It’s #cities4everyone, @880Cities. @AnUrbanForester@CarlosMorenoFr ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1665331369159929861 (‘ Immigration can/should be win-win. New Canada program specifies 5 sectors: Health care; Science, tech, engineering; Trades; Transport; Agriculture / agri-food. Urgency for Fed & provinces to have clear path to work. NO more needed nurses, carpenters… years 💣cleaning💣 buildings. 👇’)
marchehua .com (‘ Right, my overseas friends, be well informed and make sure there is a program that helps you fit in and above all does not harm your health. The fools refused to handle the pandemic, they let the virus destroy their peoples and they are now looking for new immigrants to fill “in demand” jobs, and what is your chance of getting infected and becoming disabled? ‘)
amazon .com/s?k=Toronto+Streetcar+Toronto+Downtown (‘ 🛒Products : Toronto Canada, Bombardier Made 🚍TTC streetcars on Wallpaper Stick 3d ; ‘)
whc .ca/en (‘ Web Hosting Canada , Security& SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools. ‘)
theline (‘ Andrew Tumilty: Toronto needs to take its own democracy a lot more seriously; Andrew Tumilty: Toronto doit prendre sa propre démocratie beaucoup plus au sérieux” via Adam Chaleff” ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ My Friends, Fight harder to elect someone who really helps you. so, 1- help your loved ones to be well informed, 2- check the candidate program more thoroughly, 3- don’t be partisan, the vote is yours, that is, if the city is working properly, you suffer less, 4-participate to help your candidates win, 5-go vote: imagine, in Alberta, the number of rejected votes (8,138) has more than tripled affecting the margin of victory. so in Toronto, the imbeciles do everything to rip you off… ;” Mes Amis, Battez-vous plus fort pour élire quelqu’un qui vous aide vraiment. alors, 1- aidez vos proches à être bien informés, 2- vérifiez plus en profondeur le programme des candidats, 3- ne soyez pas partisans, le vote vous appartient, c’est-à-dire que si la ville fonctionne correctement, vous souffrez moins, 4-participez pour aider vos candidats à gagner, 5-allez voter: imaginez, en Alberta, le nombre de votes rejetés ( 8 138) a plus que triplé affectant la marge de victoire. donc a Toronto, les imbéciles font tout pour vous arnaquer…”, FYI : 🌻Adam Chaleff”; 🌻Adam Chaleff -@anotherglassbox”; 🌻Adam Chaleff- @MDNOShaughnessy; 🌻Adam Chaleff -🚨@AhmarSKhan🚨”; 🌻…visitors will have access to professional library staff; 🌻@mbeckrubin; 🌻Gil Meslin; 🌻terra loire; 🌻terra loire; 🌻Gil Penalosa, -update👇- ; 🕵🏽Fred Ngo👉💣📰TO⭐💣, etc… ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1666484709986033683 (‘ So polarizing TO politics that some miss-read my mail. I did not say that I agree with F u r e y ’s ideas, clearly I do NOT. He’s 💣x-right💣. As are S a u n d e r s & B r a d f o r d . What I said is that, whether we like it or not, he’ll be right wing leader… #ChowRightNow! Jun 7, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1666823441557901312 (‘ Gil Penalosa, #Cities4Everyone : A fossil-fueled planet. ‘My eyes are stinging a bit from the smoke, but I’ve never seen more clearly.’ Action! Now! Everywhere! No more car subsidy, e or not. Stop sprawl. Proximity. Walk & bike for life. Trees, + trees. Dramatic graph cumulative area burned in Canada each year. Jun 8, 2023 ‘)
marchehua .com (` 🌻Gil Penalosa…👉 Mhua : We have to work harder on the ground to elect Olivia Chow. imagine, D o ug F o r d c u t Ontario’s emergency🧯🚒👨🚒👩🚒🔥wildfire budget by 67%, closed rural 🏥hospitals while proposing new hospitals on farmland owned by well-connected developers… He also wants to build a 80+ story building in suburban Greenbelt with the help of @ B o n n i e C r o m b i e & the Council… So where’s the safety for citizens? If there is a fire, the electricity is cut off. Worse, if right now a member of a family living on the 80th floor needs an ambulance, the risk of delays in getting there in time is very high. it’s sad, but we have to fight to elect the person who can help us, My Friends, it’s urgent. if you can, get involved in the field outreach campaign to help others understand their VOTE value, and go 🗳️vote. Jun 7, 2023. FYI : 🕵🏽Fred Ngo👉💣📰TO⭐💣`)
twitter .com/SNagakumaran/status/1667688995088748547 (‘ Shivabalan Nagakumaran : You definitely need to look at this because the Ontario P C P a r t y are planning to have an event on a park on June 23rd. This has to be considered a violation of the rules as well. ‘)
twitter .com/davescrivener/status/1664754786896433154 (‘ I sometimes wonder what the impacts of having transit riders need to enter the street to get on a streetcar have been in Toronto? Does it discourage transit use? Driving? Blur the false line between “sidewalk” and “street”? Generally no idea, but curious. Jun 2, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/bowker_john/status/1667152325943734272 (‘ John Bowker : Folks can follow the Ontario Securities Commission’s latest enforcement proceedings against Mr. G o n g. @DrKateTO ‘)
twitter .com/AhmarSKhan/status/1667662831968309248 (‘ Ahmar Khan : A n a B a i l a o and her team violated two campaigning rules, according to the city of Toronto. Wearing ‘Vote Bailão’ shirts, they also put campaign signs down when she was speaking to the media at Trinity Bellwoods Community Centre, which is against the rules. #topoli via @AdamCF ‘)
twitter .com/SNagakumaran/status/1667691156568670210 (‘ This is the document from the City of Toronto website. And an event like this one would certainly go against the rules especially during the By-election campaign as this event was authorized by the P C P a r t y. toronto .ca/… And even there are rules on Page 2 of this document which needs to be looked at by Toronto City Council again regardless of how the permit for this event was given. ‘)
twitter .com/TomPark1n/status/1664657788444786689 (‘ Tom Parkin : The city budget is decided by council, not dictated by the mayor…, Jun 2, 2023 ‘)
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