foodpoisonjournal .com/food-poisoning-information/hepatitis-a-positive-cracker-barrel-employee-prompts-warnings (‘ 🇺🇸Hepatitis A positive Cracker Barrel employee prompts warnings By Ilana Korchia on February 24, 2024 The contagious liver disease spreads through person-to-person contact or by eating contaminated food or drinks. Anyone with questions can call the Erie County Health Department at 814-451-6707 or, if outside the county, PennsylvaniaDepartment of Health at 1-877-724-3258. Restaurant staff is asked to contact management for guidance. ‘)
foodpoisonjournal .com/food-poisoning-information/whats-the-latest-on-the-cantaloupe-salmonella-outbreak (‘ In the United States, the Salmonella Sundsvall outbreak linked to 🍈cantaloupe🍈 from Mexico has been declared over… The patients ranged from less than 1 year old to 100 years, with a median age of 60. An unusually high percentage of the patients were five years or younger, with 26 percent of patients reported in that age group. Forty-seven percent of the patients were 65 years old or older 👉 🔎👴🏻👵🔍🇨🇦adding two deaths to the toll. Sixty-eight patients were hospitalized, and 9️⃣⚰️died⚰️. By Bill Marler on Feb. 25, 2024 *If you or a family member became ill with a Salmonella infection, including Reactive Arthritis or Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), after consuming food and you’re interested in pursuing a legal claim, contact the Marler Clark Salmonella attorneys for a free case evaluation. * ‘)
foodpoisonjournal .com/food-poisoning-information/norovirus-spiking-in-us (‘ Norovirus illness usually develops 24 to 48 hours after ingestion of contaminated food or water… By Patti Waller on Feb. 24, 2024 ‘)
ms-my.facebook .com/bisoutendresse/photos/a.140629562777552/946010418906125 (‘ CHSLD, 🇨🇦QC, April, 28 ,2018 ‘)
twitter .com/JeanBottari/status/1242853708536446983 (‘ 🕯️Jean Bottari🕯️ : According to two people who spoke to me privately, La Résidence Soleil de Laval charges $5 per meal delivered to the room… Mar 25, 2020 ‘)
twitter .com/JeanBottari/status/873756174591700992 (‘ #CHSLD: Sometimes it’s not better in private… Meal served at the residence of the builders of Sept-Îles. Grilled cheese and macaroni?! “Parfois ce n’est pas mieux au privé… Repas servi à la résidence des bâtisseurs de Sept-Îles. Grilled cheese et macaroni?! 😬” Jun 11, 2017 ‘)
twitter .com/JeanBottari/status/1548393973261090818 (‘ 🇨🇦,QC🕯️Jean Bottari🕊️ : My father died in the emergency room. We rang the bell. Nobody came. 45 minutes later I notified a staff member of the death. We left 2 hours later. Believe it or not, no one entered the cubicle, not even the MD, to check if we were telling the truth. ‘)
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