Selma is a 2014 historical drama film directed by Ava DuVernay and written by Paul Webb. It is based on the 1965 Selma to Montgomery voting rights marches initiated and directed by James Bevel and led by Martin Luther King Jr., Hosea Williams, and John Lewis. via en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Selma_(film) FYI –>
mstdn .ca/@jvipondmd (‘ 🇨🇦🧑🏻🏫👨🏻⚕️ Joe Vipond : MD trying desperately to save his kids’ future, 🌎 ‘)
mstdn .ca/@rakhipancholi (‘ Rakhi Pancholi : Parent, partner, lawyer, dog rescuer, and proud Edmontonian. She/her. MLA for Edmonton-Whitemud. Official Opposition Critic for Children’s Services. ‘)
mstdn .ca/@RachelNotley (‘ Albertan. Mom to children & dogs. Wife. Friend. Leader of the Alberta NDP. Account run by Rachel Notley and staff. ‘)
youtube .com/@RachelNotleyAB/videos (‘ The official YouTube channel of Rachel Notley. ‘)
mstdn .ca/@thenaijalorian (‘ Law Professor. Posting about health, law, bioethics, politics, policing, antiracism, sports, fashion, humour & culture. #BlackLivesMatter. he/him 🧡 ‘)
cbc .ca/news/canada/toronto/author/mike-crawley-1.3065736 (‘ Mike Crawley, Senior reporter ‘)
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